View Full Version : ICAO to UK caa atpl

5th May 2024, 02:07

I haven't seen much information on the uk caa atpl.

Are the Study materials and questions similar to the easa atpl?

I have over 3000 hrs and over 500 hrs on a 737 so I dont believe I need to do formal ground school and can just self study. Write the exams, do a medical, and then do a skill test.

If anyone's done this process and can give me any information that would be greatly appreciated.


6th Jun 2024, 14:10
Same here I have same question I have 2000 h on A320 need to convert icao ATPL to UK

willing to get a professional answer with a links or guid line

6th Jun 2024, 16:24
The UK CAA ATPLs are practically the same as EASA as they take their questions from the ECQB. The UK CAA aren't all multi-choice about 10% of questions you will have to either type in an answer or select from drop-down list.

As you both already have over 1500 hours and over 500 on multi-pilot aircraft you will not have to do a formal ground school course but pass the 13 theory exams.
A couple of possible course providers are:-
Bristol Ground School BGS (https://www.bristol.gs/atpla/icao-licence-conversions/)
CATS Aviation CATS (https://www.catsaviation.com/courses/icao-license-conversion.html)
Other conversion course providers are available.

You will not pass the exams without the help of a question bank, the course providers will no doubt have one but
ATPL GS ATPLGS (https://www.atplgs.com) and/or ATPL Questions ATPLQ (https://www.atplquestions.com) are very popular with students.

The biggest thing you need to prepare yourself for is the large amount of high-class rubbish you have to learn along with some dire questions both in terms of technical content & poor grammar. You'll be saying I have been flying for x years and never used any of it, welcome to the world of EASA & UK CAA. Oh yes, dust off your old manual navigational computer as you will be needing it. Best of luck.

RichardH semi-retired ATPL theory instructor.

6th Jun 2024, 16:36
The UK CAA aren't all multi-choice about 10% of questions you will have to either type in an answer or select from drop-down list. ~ You will not pass the exams without the help of a question bank
Fortunately 90% is enough to get you a job.. 🤣

8th Jun 2024, 18:37
Thanks so much for the information! Sounds similar to the canadian atpl with all the horrible wording that make you question your ability to read