View Full Version : LRDG Wacos

3rd May 2024, 14:41

At the start of May 1941 the LRDG were tasked with garrisoning Kufra Oasis, deep in the Libyan Desert. The problem was staying in touch with LRDG HQ in Cairo, 700 miles NE.

Aircraft seemed the solution. The RAF turned them down. So the LRDG bought their own – 2 WACOS (pic).


The WACOs (Weaver Aircraft Company of Ohio) were purchased from wealthy Egyptians for £3,000.
Guy Prendergast, LRDG 2 i/c, had learned to fly before the war, as had Kiwi Trevor Barker. They piloted the WACOs.
Guy, who replaced Ralph Bagnold as LRDG C.O., is pic unloading one.


When the aircraft required new engines in 1942, the RAF refused to ask the Americans on the LRDG behalf. So Prendergast & the LRDG carried out a 'midnight raid' on a warehouse where new Continental engines were stored for Shermans.

Pic: WACOs' Certificate of Airworthiness.


The WACOs were invaluable, not just for bringing essential supplies and important messages, but also evacuating wounded.

This photo, taken in November 1942 at Taiserbo, shows Peter Burke, about to be evacuated with multiple ankle fractures. Pilot Barker wears the peaked cap.





LRDG Air Force - Waco aircraft of the LRDG by John Wynne Hopkins


3rd May 2024, 16:01
Love it! Many thanks for posting.

3rd May 2024, 16:06
Incidentally, serial numbers appear to be AX695 (Waco ZGC-7) and AX697 (Waco YKC).

longer ron
3rd May 2024, 18:19
The other Waco Pilot was Trevor Barker - he was a pre war private pilot and was never awarded either RNZAF or Army 'wings' for his 900 odd hours on the Waco's,initially he was a Private but was commissioned and later promoted captain.
He usually had a navigator - ex merchant marine.