View Full Version : Emirates Flight Training Academy

3rd May 2024, 12:53
Hi, I'm interested to talk to anyone currently attending or someone that has already graduated from EFTA as I have a couple of questions. I know that a job with EK is not guaranteed however they do mention how they will give all EFTA graduates the oppurtunity to apply and have an interview with EK without the 1500 flight hour requirement (or whatever the requirement was.) I was wondering how true is this? Do they really hire EFTA grads (assuming you pass the interview, of course) and do they also hire internationals or just locals? I've heard mostly locals get hired, is this true? If so, is it worth the investment?


3rd May 2024, 19:50
Not most locals get hired. ONLY locals get hired and even then, the ones who pass the selection for the national sponsored programme.

Not sure who’s trying to sell you this dream, but it’s been a well known fact that Emirates only hire experienced expat pilots with over 2,000hrs jet time. They’re not going to waste their time and give you an interview. Save your time and money and head elsewhere.

4th May 2024, 14:08
Hi allert, thanks for your quick reply. That was my biggest worry - to spend a very large sum of money and end up in the same position I would be in had I spent only a third of that money... In that case I shall look elsewhere. Cheers