View Full Version : Harry Jones

3rd May 2024, 08:04
Hello. I'm sorry to have to tell you that my husband Harry Jones Sqn Ldr RAF, late of Saudi, 64 OCU, 19 and 43, died unexpectedly after a short spell in hospital. They had found multiple cancers he was not aware of.
His funeral is at 10.30am on 9th May at Stafford Crematorium, and afterwards at Aston Marina. All his friends and colleagues are welcome. No flowers, but donations may be made to Cancer Research.
If you are coming, please leave M6 at Junction 14 to avoid awful traffic snarl ups in the town centre. Adrienne Jones

3rd May 2024, 13:45
My sincere and heartfelt condolences to you on what is a trying time.

Lima Juliet
3rd May 2024, 18:29

So sorry for your loss. I never had the pleasure to meet Harry. RIP :(

4th May 2024, 09:09
Worked with Harry on 29th Sqn in Dhahran. He was a fine, witty and totally professional operator. My sincere condolences to you.

Minnie Burner
6th May 2024, 10:55
Harry improved the proficiency and professionalism of a vast number of pilots (and navs) and brightened many a crewroom. One of a kind.

7th May 2024, 03:11
I know neither Harry nor yourself, but I want to thank you for telling this forum of your loss.
It's very thoughtful of you at a difficult time.
Condolences and thanks.

7th May 2024, 11:35
Sorry to hear about Harry - he was a lovely man, a great instructor, and always fun to be with. Condolences to the family.

19th May 2024, 05:47
I seem to remember a certain "Corporal' Harry Jones picking up Guy BW (BP) from Movements in Akrotiri during APC..he picked up Guy's luggage and literally chucked it into the back of the Line Landrover which was full of OX38 oil cans and assorted junk. He then drove a worried BW to the Mess at high speed, the RAF Plods were in on the plot and kept their distance. The day had only just started for BW but that's another story..
Sad to lose someone of great character and another from 19(F)