View Full Version : My Lenovo laptop won't shut down

2nd May 2024, 08:06
I have a six year old Lenovo laptop which won't shut down when I go through the normal shut down procedure or even when I select the 'Force Shutdown' option. If I leave it long enough, sometimes as much as an hour, it eventually does shut down, throughout the message 'closing background programmes' shows. I have done a Google search but to no avail. I am a long time computer user and have only a working knowledge rather than someone who is computer knowledgeable and understands the insides as well! Any help will be much appreciated.

2nd May 2024, 12:12
When you want to shut down use Task Manager to see what is running. Sounds like something does not want to quit.

2nd May 2024, 12:26
Holding the power button in for 20-30 seconds should force it to shut down.

Long shutdown is usually a service or program waiting for something to happen, that never does, hard to find.

Try downloading the free version of CCleaner (ignore all the paid versions and the requests to install Chrome or AVG :) ) and run the registry scan, then "review selected issues", say no to backup, hit fix all selected issues, close it and reboot. I've been using it for 15 years or so and it works really well. Also does all sorts of other good things like cleaning unwanted files, startup items and so on.


2nd May 2024, 15:34
If all else fails, parabellum, perhaps a dose of "percussive maintenance" might prove to be the solution:


- Ed

3rd May 2024, 10:27
Thanks for useful suggestions, I'll follow both, sorry Cavuman1 yours appreciated but not useful, yet!

3rd May 2024, 10:48
Can you remove the battery?

5th May 2024, 08:44
Yes Shy Torque, I can remove the battery.

5th May 2024, 10:11
I had a startup or shut down problem with a Lenovo laptop some years ago which was solved by removing both the main battery pack and the CPU (?) battery (keeps the clock running i think) which involved taking the back off, then leaving it for a few mins to allow any residual current in the system to dissipate. Found info by googling...

5th May 2024, 11:03
Have you kept it up to date with operating system updates, and anti-virus ?

Something is running in the background which is preventing the shut-down process to happen.

As has been suggested, you can use the task manager to see which programmes are running. Or it could be a virus that is running. I would do a virus scan if you haven't already tried that. Assuming it's Windows; it has its own built-in anti-virus, called Windows Defender, I think. This is kept updated by Microsoft.

I would be very wary about removing the small system memory battery as well as the main battery. Taking out the small system memory battery will cause the computer to forget the time and date amongst other things, and you could get yourself into a world of pain, with parts of the operating system not working, unless you know what you're doing.

I would look at the software first.

6th May 2024, 08:20
If it’s been several years it’s probably wise to do a system reinstall anyway.

Back up all your data, to a disk or cloud, then just reinstall a clean copy of the OS and restore.

7th May 2024, 07:52
Thanks again for all useful suggestions. I will work through the ones I have not already tried.

Saab Dastard
7th May 2024, 10:03
I would leave the sledgehammers until last, if I were you. ;)

7th May 2024, 10:40
If it’s been several years it’s probably wise to do a system reinstall anyway.

Back up all your data, to a disk or cloud, then just reinstall a clean copy of the OS and restore.

Be careful with that. I have the install disks for my computer, but it won't matter. Microsoft shut off software updates. I had a SSD partly crap out, went back to a previous bootable drive. Can't update browsers, OS, a whole pile of things. Best is to have a separate drive for data as for OS and keep a rotating full bit-copy. I should have been doing that after every Windows update that was successful. Live and learn.

le Pingouin
9th May 2024, 09:16
Try starting in Safe Mode: https://www.lenovo.com/au/en/glossary/how-to-boot-into-safe-mode/

15th May 2024, 08:45
Everything noted, thanks again.