View Full Version : Leeds East Airport

28th Apr 2024, 09:37
Airport owner in the news for assault!


DC3 Dave
28th Apr 2024, 10:46
Well you know the old saying. Two arseholes do not make a plaited turd.

My defence would have been I mistook the guy for a Jimmy Savile tribute act and reacted accordingly.

28th Apr 2024, 11:45
Of interest to the tabloids and reflects badly on the owner but hardly airport news, is it?

28th Apr 2024, 18:48
Of interest to the tabloids and reflects badly on the owner but hardly airport news, is it?

I noticed the fine was based on 250% of his weekly earnings according to this piece.


28th Apr 2024, 19:01
Don't you need to be be on topic at some point before you can drift off it? What a waste of space

29th Apr 2024, 08:28
Don't you need to be be on topic at some point before you can drift off it? What a waste of space

Oh bless, he/she is off on one again.............