View Full Version : Flight school help - SPAIN

19th Aug 2023, 11:21
Hi Pilots! I am looking for a good flight school in Spain to do my PPL. I am from Italy so I need to be well prepared with travel/hotel/food etc etc.

I recently got in touch with Fly In Spain - Jerez. They shows in their website a "PPL fast training" which would it take around 4/6 week. Is this real? Does anyone of you have done the training with them?
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance and wishing you many happy landings!


1st Sep 2023, 15:09
I have just come back from there and I saw one student from UK who completed a PPL in less time than that. I went for an instructors course and I came back very impressed. I was a student there 20 years ago when it wasn't so good, but it has changed a lot under new management. It is well run and the training of a high standard. That said, if you want to do an intensive PPL you will need to do quite a bit of the work before you go. You will need to be ready to take the written exams in the first week ideally and of course your medical already done and in your hand. There is a ViP PPL course which lets you schedule 3 flights a day I believe, but that does rely on them being able to schedule the same instructor for you for that period. Best thing is to call them and ask to speak to Claudio.

13th Mar 2024, 07:46
Hello, I hope everyones okay, can someone recommend me a few flight school in spain that provides integrated atpl

22nd Apr 2024, 14:14
Hi there

I am looking in to joining a flight school in Q4 of this year or Q1 of next year at the latest.

So far I have wisited QualityFly only.

In my head I have shortlisted Qualityfly, Oneair and Airpull/Flybyschool in Burgos.
I liked Qualityfly, it was good, I'm thinking Oneair is taking the lead for me at the momen though I am yet to visit!

Can anyone give any legit reviews of any of the schools that I have mentioned?

It would be good to hear real reviews.

Thank you in advance!

22nd Apr 2024, 17:52
I think you are doing the right thing by visiting the schools.
Don't just listen to the marketing people though. You need to speak to ordinary students out of the earshot of staff. Ask them about the pros and cons of the school. Ask about anything they wish they'd known before they started. Also, try to get plane/ FI availability info - do people finish on time.

I don't really know the schools well so can't give personal advice about them.

However, one thing about OneAir is that LEAX airport is very very busy and Spanish is the language of communication at the airport. Fine if you speak Spanish, but not ideal for commercial training if you don't. The other school based at LEAX is about to take in a lot of easyjet MPL students from CAE so it's only going to get busier. That's going to make training a bit more challenging.

25th Apr 2024, 04:55
Hi everyone!

I’d like to share my current situation and see if anyone has any references from this school. I’m 27, got a stable job with a flexible timetable, and I live in BCN. I’ve been searching several schools, and found MFS Mediterranean flight school in Reus (Spain), it’s basically the airport’s aeroclub. I see it’s got some good reviews on google but don’t know how the job outcome situation for graduates is. I’ve been in contact, seem professional and good fleet. Theory is flexible and online - they also have facilities you can use and seem to be supportive. It seems to flit my needs perfectly as I’d be able to adapt my shift to flying etc, and fully dedicate to it.

the price is 64.000 euros and no hidden costs apart from usual uniform etc. 200 flight hours + 40 hours in simulator.

anyway, after this whole story, I’d like to ask if anyone has any references!

hope someone can help,

hope you’re all keeping well 💪🏻✈️

10th May 2024, 22:16
Hi, did you end up visiting One air? I'm hearing lots of mixed reviews about them altough they seem quite attractive to me. What did you end up doing?

11th May 2024, 06:10
I speak as an ex One air student.

Every school will screw you one way or the other.

FTE should be your N1 choice, not even an argument, even if you have to wait 10 months to start.

One Air is not bad, new CFI super sweet dude, they had issues in the past as they were new and unorganized. Now they are slightly better.

they have almost a brand new fleet, flying from Leax is super fun, one hour from Granada,Cordoba, almeria, best Time building ever.

living in Malaga is priceless

MEIR out of LEMG, super fun, can’t buy that expirience.

their MCC is weak, go to a ‘mentored one’

again I repeat, every school will screw you, if you can go FTE.

with regards

11th May 2024, 13:07
I speak as an ex One air student.

Every school will screw you one way or the other.

FTE should be your N1 choice, not even an argument, even if you have to wait 10 months to start.

One Air is not bad, new CFI super sweet dude, they had issues in the past as they were new and unorganized. Now they are slightly better.

they have almost a brand new fleet, flying from Leax is super fun, one hour from Granada,Cordoba, almeria, best Time building ever.

living in Malaga is priceless

MEIR out of LEMG, super fun, can’t buy that expirience.

their MCC is weak, go to a ‘mentored one’

again I repeat, every school will screw you, if you can go FTE.

with regards

Hiya, do you mind answering a couple of questions I have about OneAir?

The problem i’ve heard is that at their base airport apparently only Spanish is spoken. As a non-Spanish speaker this is a bit worrying - Is this true? Do you yourself speak Spanish?

How big are the classes on average? How many internationals are in the classes?

I also have heard stories of how students only fly like once per week. You say that the situation has improved, but what do you consider to be ‘improved?’

I’ve heard great things about FTE however the price is quite hefty, and the location isn’t the best for my situation. With OneAir in Malaga I have a direct flight there and to be honest, i’d much rather study in Malaga than Jerez.

Appreciate your insight mate.

12th May 2024, 09:23
Why would you pick a flight school that you know has problems? And, yes, Spanish is the spoken language at LEAX.

As always, go and visit the school. Ask to sit in on a theory class. Speak to students on the ground to find out the current situation.

As for location, that would be the least of my worries. Spain does have public transport and you can get from Malaga to Jerez Airport fairly easily and from Seville Airport to Jerez very easily. Though you're right the price is hefty.

12th May 2024, 12:49
Why would you pick a flight school that you know has problems? And, yes, Spanish is the spoken language at LEAX.

As always, go and visit the school. Ask to sit in on a theory class. Speak to students on the ground to find out the current situation.

As for location, that would be the least of my worries. Spain does have public transport and you can get from Malaga to Jerez Airport fairly easily and from Seville Airport to Jerez very easily. Though you're right the price is hefty.

Just researching online for now, exploring options. Haven't picked a school yet. The problems with OneAir which I've listed/heard about are from pre-covid times so I'm just wondering if things have improved or not today as I can't find any concrete insight. But good idea, I might go there myself this summer and see how things are. I might as well visit some others like FTE and QualityFly while I'm in the area.

I'm open to any flight school suggestions... it's been quite difficult to make a decision on which ones I should visit.