View Full Version : DESO, Cadat or quit? Need Advice

9th Apr 2024, 09:42
After conducting extensive research on the forum, including reading over 400 pages of the Cadat Programme thread, I still have some uncertainties and hope to seek advice from current captains, first officers at Cathay Pacific, as well as other airline pilots.
Here's a brief overview of my personal situation:

I am a Chinese citizen, not particularly welcomed by many on these forums. Currently, I work in the financial sector in Hong Kong with a monthly salary ranging from 30,000 to 40,000 HKD. However, I've always yearned for the days of flying and aspire to become a professional pilot. I have approximately 800 flight hours, including over 60 hours of jet SIC experience, holding FAA commercial pilot license with instrument rating, CFI, CFII licenses, and a type rating for Bombardier Challenger 300. Due to well-known reasons, obtaining a work visa in the United States is now challenging.

Here are some significant issues I've encountered, and I sincerely hope to receive advice from everyone.

(1) If I participate in the DESO program, I need go to US and take ATP-CTP and ATPL knowlage exam. My last flight was in 2015, and I have some knowledge gaps in aviation which can be quickly refreshed. The main challenge lies in the requirement stated on the official website, which demands ATPL exam scores. After 2015, FAA requires ATP-CTP training before taking the ATPL exam, costing about $7,000 and lasting for a week. Additionally, to vaild my commercial pilot license and instrument rating, I need to undergo a flight review, which will take approximately two weeks in total. However, it's challenging for me to take that much time off work, possibly requiring me to take leave or resign.

(2) If I participate in the Cadat Programme, would I need to start from scratch, going from solo to PPL, CPL, which takes 15 months to accumulate 250 hours? However, for me, this would be meaningless training. Is there a possibility of exempting some of the training?

(3) For DESO, would it be possible to directly join the simulator training as an SO? Can I obtain a type rating (if I apply to HK EXPRESS), or would DESO still require additional training in Adelaide or Arizona?

(4) Does DESO offer pilot allowances starting from the Day 1? And do I need to commit to a service period with Cathay?I earnestly hope to receive advice from experienced pilots. I yearn to return to flying; the sensation of being in the sky feels like coming home to me.

For me, the working environment in Chian mainland airlines is compete toxic, but it may not be feasible for me to go to North America. Cathay might be my best option.

9th Apr 2024, 19:11
This looks genuine. Let us not eat our young here.

Anyone with relevant info?

9th Apr 2024, 23:12
If you read this forum CX is the worst company in the world, hong kong is only a bit better than living in Gaza right now.... if you read EK, Qatar, QF or any other airline of your choice... same same.

10th Apr 2024, 00:46
- 800hrs is great, But.. If your last flight was 2015, then some recent experience on the full cadet program might not be so meaningless.
- If paying the $7000 and taking leave to validate your license will open up the option for direct entry, it will also dramatically increase your chances of passing the interview for the cadet program. Shows commitment and genuine interest.
- Long story short, I'd go and get your CPL validated, get some recent experience in, aim for direct entry SO, but be ready to accept doing the cadet program.

10th Apr 2024, 01:47
- 800hrs is great, But.. If your last flight was 2015, then some recent experience on the full cadet program might not be so meaningless.
- If paying the $7000 and taking leave to validate your license will open up the option for direct entry, it will also dramatically increase your chances of passing the interview for the cadet program. Shows commitment and genuine interest.
- Long story short, I'd go and get your CPL validated, get some recent experience in, aim for direct entry SO, but be ready to accept doing the cadet program.
You mean If I aplly to DESO but not to their standard, they might give me a offer of the cadat programme?

10th Apr 2024, 04:38
Get CPL revalidated, they used to take into account your previous experience for flight grading, now you just need to pass. So a few hours will help with that. Get a few years at CX RHS then decide if you want to work for a proper airline and join seniority and get command there, or stay in HKG.

Plan on living on base pay, which is all you get most of the time, and you'll do just fine. You get paid when you work, so no work means no pay. Sort of like a door to door guy selling toilet cleaning products.

10th Apr 2024, 05:02
What shall I expect for the base pay as SO? My current base is around 30-35k, enouth for me to have a proper life in HK.

Piet Lood
10th Apr 2024, 19:21

10th Apr 2024, 23:50
Just what we need, people who are prepared to work for less! Welcome aboard! :ugh:

11th Apr 2024, 09:01
You will never make it in this industry if you half ass it.
Back yourself.
Quit your job, get over to the states revalidate your licence and do everything you can to stay there is my advice.

Networking is key, with corporate jet time you should find something over there, if you still want to be a Brushwinger god forbid, comeback as a DEFO.

19th Apr 2024, 11:43
My first piece of advice to you is learning how to spell “cadet” properly :D if you can do that life will be easy peasy mate

19th Apr 2024, 22:28
My first piece of advice to you is learning how to spell “cadet” properly :D if you can do that life will be easy peasy mate
That isn't necessary, mate. Besides, you didn't use punctuation correctly, probably as a native English speaker. Show a little class.

To our friend from the north, follow your heart and do you what you can to make your dream real. Life is short, and then it's gone.

2nd Jun 2024, 06:14
After conducting extensive research on the forum, including reading over 400 pages of the Cadat Programme thread, I still have some uncertainties and hope to seek advice from current captains, first officers at Cathay Pacific, as well as other airline pilots.
Here's a brief overview of my personal situation:

I am a Chinese citizen, not particularly welcomed by many on these forums. Currently, I work in the financial sector in Hong Kong with a monthly salary ranging from 30,000 to 40,000 HKD. However, I've always yearned for the days of flying and aspire to become a professional pilot. I have approximately 800 flight hours, including over 60 hours of jet SIC experience, holding FAA commercial pilot license with instrument rating, CFI, CFII licenses, and a type rating for Bombardier Challenger 300. Due to well-known reasons, obtaining a work visa in the United States is now challenging.

Here are some significant issues I've encountered, and I sincerely hope to receive advice from everyone.

(1) If I participate in the DESO program, I need go to US and take ATP-CTP and ATPL knowlage exam. My last flight was in 2015, and I have some knowledge gaps in aviation which can be quickly refreshed. The main challenge lies in the requirement stated on the official website, which demands ATPL exam scores. After 2015, FAA requires ATP-CTP training before taking the ATPL exam, costing about $7,000 and lasting for a week. Additionally, to vaild my commercial pilot license and instrument rating, I need to undergo a flight review, which will take approximately two weeks in total. However, it's challenging for me to take that much time off work, possibly requiring me to take leave or resign.

(2) If I participate in the Cadat Programme, would I need to start from scratch, going from solo to PPL, CPL, which takes 15 months to accumulate 250 hours? However, for me, this would be meaningless training. Is there a possibility of exempting some of the training?

(3) For DESO, would it be possible to directly join the simulator training as an SO? Can I obtain a type rating (if I apply to HK EXPRESS), or would DESO still require additional training in Adelaide or Arizona?

(4) Does DESO offer pilot allowances starting from the Day 1? And do I need to commit to a service period with Cathay?I earnestly hope to receive advice from experienced pilots. I yearn to return to flying; the sensation of being in the sky feels like coming home to me.

For me, the working environment in Chian mainland airlines is compete toxic, but it may not be feasible for me to go to North America. Cathay might be my best option.

Bro, almost the same situation. FAA CPL, A320 type rated 2 months ago, with only 270 hours. Applied for the HKE SO, but no update. I wonder if the interview could be conducted without the ATP written test.

3rd Jun 2024, 01:34
Bro, almost the same situation. FAA CPL, A320 type rated 2 months ago, with only 270 hours. Applied for the HKE SO, but no update. I wonder if the interview could be conducted without the ATP written test.

Spoke to a recruiter at Cathay. They’re asking for it.

4th Jun 2024, 02:28
Bro, almost the same situation. FAA CPL, A320 type rated 2 months ago, with only 270 hours. Applied for the HKE SO, but no update. I wonder if the interview could be conducted without the ATP written test.
ATPL is required for CX & HKE DESO position

4th Jun 2024, 03:51
Hi, I heard someone say CX doesn't accept the FAA written test as the required ATPL examinations credits, is that true?

Spoke to a recruiter at Cathay. They’re asking for it.