View Full Version : Jet2 job losses

4th Apr 2024, 15:12
Jet2 says it is “restructuring” its Spanish operations, including flight deck jobs. Sad news and although Jet2 are well established now I always believed they were punching above their weight with their rapid expansions into FR markets. Is this the start of the post pandemic bubble bursting? I truly hope it isn’t.


Jet Set Willie
4th Apr 2024, 15:25
Well there aren't any Spanish flight deck positions for a start so it goes to show the quality of the journalism .

4th Apr 2024, 15:30
Well there aren't any Spanish flight deck positions for a start so it goes to show the quality of the journalism .

There's a direct quote from a Jet2 spokesperson in the article:A spokesperson confirmed: “We have recently reviewed our operations in Spain. As a result, we must sadly propose a number of colleague redundancies across Resort Flight Check-in, Flight Deck and Cabin Crew roles. We deeply regret these proposed redundancies, and we will be consulting with appropriate representatives of the affected colleagues to ensure that all options are fully considered.”

4th Apr 2024, 23:11
It’s not due to any bubbles bursting, it’s due to fallout from Brexit, although nowadays no one likes to mention that word. The Pilots affected are those from the PMI and ALC bases who haven’t already moved to UK bases, and
they have apparently all have been offered a chance to move to UK contracts.

The ground staff redundancies are because the “resort check in” where customers check in bags the night before they fly back hasn’t really caught on.

The cabin crew job losses are also as a result of the final closure of PMI and ALC, but I don’t know if they have been offered UK contracts or not.

midnight cruiser
5th Apr 2024, 05:53
So much for the rumour that they'd reopen the Spanish bases for flight crew then. Brexit - the gift that keeps giving!

5th Apr 2024, 15:59
I didn’t know they had a non U.K. AOC?

5th Apr 2024, 16:10
Well there aren't any Spanish flight deck positions for a start so it goes to show the quality of the journalism .
Please refrain from commenting if you don't know the subject. There have been flight deck positions in Spain for over ten years, and that hasn't changed until now. Pre-Covid there were over 60 flight deck positions in the bases in ALC/PMI, and at this moment there are still 25 left.

I didn’t know they had a non U.K. AOC?
They don't, never have. It is perfectly acceptable (even post-Brexit) to have EU bases with G-registered aircraft, as long as you don't operate intra-EU scheduled flights (cabotage). These overseas bases are/were crewed by EU nationals with UK llicences (or UK crew with grandfather rights to live in Spain). Flight deck and cabin crew combined, we are talking about 50 people.