View Full Version : Austrian PPL back to UK CAA PPL

31st Mar 2024, 22:38
Hi Everyone,

I have some post brexit questions in regards to my transfer of my PPL/Medical from the uk, to Austria, and now back to the Uk.

Basically, I passed my PPL(A) in the UK back in late 2019, and attainted a EASA UK PPL(A). Then due to the approach of Brexit I decided to transfer my SOIL to Austro Control to attain a EASA PPL from a EU country. I then renewed my Class 1 medical in the uk at a Aeromedical Centre (AeMC) in which they stamped it under my new SOLI (Austria) stating my new Austrian flight crew number. Which left me with a EASA PPL from Austria and a EU - Class 1 Medical. Which is what I wanted at the time as my plan as to then do my ATPL's under Austro Control, then do my CPL/ME/IR and then try to fly/join Ryanair with a EASA Licence.

Unfortually I then gave up my pilot training mid 2020 (Due to personal reasons) and have not flown since.

However, now I am back and I want to restart my flight training in the UK. I understand due to Brexit I need a UK issued PPL to fly G-registed aircraft, however I am little confused in how I start again. I now realise transferring my UK PPL to Austria was a mistake as I don't even have the right to live/ work in the EU anymore, (Thanks Brexit). I also realised I missed the UK CAA last deadline 31/12/2022, in which they were allowing people like myself who had an original UK CAA PPL, who had then transferred to a EU state, were allowing these individuals to transfer back to the UK.

So now, from what I understand, after reading the UK CAA website for Third Country Licence Conversion requirements from 1 January 2023, I have to basically have to Pass a Class or Type rating proficiency check in accordance with UK Part-FCL with a CAA Certificated Examiner.Which is fair enough and I am willing to do, as I haven't flown in 4 years so I would need to get in a a lot of hours to refresh everything.

I've decided I want to keep it simple and I want a UK issued licence, however I have a few questions on how I proceed.

My class 1 medical has expired but my class 2 doesn't expire till 2025, however my medical Is still stamped under Austro Control with my Austrian PPL number. Also the SEP rating on my Austrian PPL has expired as well.

My question is, do I need to attain a new medical now? or can I use my EASA medical to regain my PPL in the uk?

I assume I do have to attain a new class 1/2 initial medical because your licence and medical have to be from the same SOLI. I assume once I pass my medical, I will be given a new UK CAA flight licence number, and once I pass my proficiency check from the flight school, I can apply for my UK CAA issued PPL which will then match my medical licence number.

Thanks everyone.

md 600 driver
1st Apr 2024, 18:38
Just a little point

understand due to Brexit I need a UK issued PPL to fly G-registed aircraft,

you need a uk issued Ppl to fly any aircraft in uk airspace unless you are technically just visiting

13th Apr 2024, 11:14
On the CAA website it states:
After the UK ‘recognition’ period ends on 31 December 2022
From 1 January 2023 all EU licences and EU medical certificates will no longer be recognised for UK licences. Licence holders will need a UK PART FCL Licence and UK PART MED Medical Certificate to fly G-registered aircraft, and separately an EU PART FCL Licence and EU PART MED Medical Certificate for EU licence privileges (similar applies to ATCO licence holders with Class 3 medical certificates).