View Full Version : Printing PDF Files

Old Photo.Fanatic
26th Mar 2024, 17:57
I am trying to print a PDF file retaining a good readable size.
Keeping the text at the required size, only a portion of the file prints per A4 page
Therefore ideally I would like to print the complete file across two A4 pages.
Apart from splitting the PDF file , is there an easy way to set printing so the file is printed in full over TWO printer pages?
In my limited way I have tried many ways to get round this , but to no avail.
So it is over to you experts to hopefully show me the way!!!
With thanks for any help.

27th Mar 2024, 06:55
I think it is going to depend a lot on the combination of the app you are using to view the pdf and the printer driver options. You may find that an internal ‘print to pdf’ driver offers more options for resizing than your physical printer driver does (ie generate a new pdf the size you want and then print that).

27th Mar 2024, 07:29
Old Photo.Fanatic PDF Architect has a 'Print Selected' option in the menu which lets you selesct part of a document to print. Download and install 'PDF Architect' from pdfarchitect.org using the 'Free Download' button, you don't need to register if you don't want to, I've used this for years and find it more versatile than Adobe Acrobat Viewer, it also installs as a printer so you can create .pdfs from other apps by oprinting to it.

27th Mar 2024, 11:18
PDFs are usually formatted to fit a page with a specific page layout. The purpose of the document format was to offer a consistent print layout on different systems. That's a long-winded way of saying that what you want is not what the document format was designed to do. So you need to use some sort of trick to get around it but unfortunately I cannot point you in a useful direction other than to experiment with the 'Poster' option in the print dialog of Adobe Acrobat. That will allow you to print a single page across two or more sheets of paper.

27th Mar 2024, 16:09
I am trying to print a PDF file retaining a good readable size.
Keeping the text at the required size, only a portion of the file prints per A4 page
Therefore ideally I would like to print the complete file across two A4 pages.
Apart from splitting the PDF file , is there an easy way to set printing so the file is printed in full over TWO printer pages?
In my limited way I have tried many ways to get round this , but to no avail.
So it is over to you experts to hopefully show me the way!!!
With thanks for any help.

Microsoft Word will open pdf files. You could probably then arrange to print it in the way you want.

But you may find that Word messes around with the fonts and layouts and requires a bit of a tidy up.

27th Mar 2024, 17:49
Many PDF viewers can split the printing at various scales over multiple pages. Which one is in use and are others available?

With the free Adobe Reader

Select File → Print and choose the poster option. This will split the image into multiple pages
Adjust the Tile Scale to fit the image to the size of your panel

Old Photo.Fanatic
29th Mar 2024, 20:20
With many thanks for the very helpful replies.
Gives me something to work on.

Canary Boy
1st Apr 2024, 18:41
I’m with NetStruggler. Word is probably the easiest way to manipulate the file