View Full Version : Commuting for SH/Regional Operators in the UK

16th Mar 2024, 15:10
Considering the SH/regional operators in the UK such as Loganair, Jet2, Easyjet etc, is it practical to commute across the country for any of these operators? i.e. If I were based in Manchester, Edinburgh etc. with a primary home in the London area and a flat share or similar close to base, then returning home for days off, would this be practical? Do any of them allow you to take a spare seat/jump seat (if available) and commuting within their route network, or would it be up to me to make my own travel arrangements? Just wondering if this would be do-able or just too exhausting...

16th Mar 2024, 16:15

It is doable, depending how far you are commuting, (and how); but only practical if you are unattached.

I used to commute weekly from Bucks to a house-share near Exeter airport, a 4 hour car drive each way.

The roster in those days was 6 on, 2 off, starting on earlies, finishing on lates. So my 2 days off was actually only 1 day off.

Having to use air or train links adds to the stress, since you need a plan B if the plane or train are cancelled, so you need to travel earlier, resulting in even less time at home.

My family life really suffered. I didn't see very much of them, and my first marriage failed............

16th Mar 2024, 18:29
Considering the SH/regional operators in the UK such as Loganair, Jet2, Easyjet etc, is it practical to commute across the country for any of these operators? i.e. If I were based in Manchester, Edinburgh etc. with a primary home in the London area and a flat share or similar close to base, then returning home for days off, would this be practical? Do any of them allow you to take a spare seat/jump seat (if available) and commuting within their route network, or would it be up to me to make my own travel arrangements? Just wondering if this would be do-able or just too exhausting...

In regards to the big orange airline there certainly are commuters. There is even a commuter letter system that combines with staff travel tickets that allow you to get around the network. Staff travel availability in itself is usually pretty reliable if you are travelling on your own. A standby ticket will allow you to sit on a crew seat with your staff ID should the flight be full. Most commuters however have a room rented near to base as you described and bite the bullet of driving up the day before a block. Caveat emptor; management don't have too much sympathy if you are a no show for a duty because of commuting problems, the same goes for adequate rest before a duty. With a little common sense however commuting works for many people.

18th Mar 2024, 22:28
Excellent, thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated :)