View Full Version : I'm an idiot

7th Mar 2024, 01:09
When I was young I dreamed of becoming a pilot. I did my PPL in high school and applied for the CX Cadet Program straight out of high school, got rejected. Graduated from University and applied a second time to CX and got rejected. You could probably imagine the devastation by the second try, but I made a promise to myself that if I failed the second time I would just let go of my ambition to become a pilot. It's been 10 years since then and I have absolutely no regrets on the promise I made to myself. In hindsight I feel stupid for ever feeling devastated that I didn't make it into CX. China and the pandemic really did a number on CX and I feel like I dodged a bullet. I still think CX is a great airline... as a passenger and not an employee.

My point here is I know there will probably be many passionate wannabe pilots coming to this forum to find answers on how to pass the entrance exams or whatever you want to call it. But it's also important to keep an open mind about a career as a pilot, there are many better opportunities out there aside from being a CX pilot. I kept my passion in aviation as a hobby, and made my career in the corporate world.

7th Mar 2024, 03:54
Smartest one here I'd say.


7th Mar 2024, 05:36
... I made a promise to myself that if I failed the second time I would just let go of my ambition to become a pilot. It's been 10 years since then and I have absolutely no regrets on the promise I made to myself. In hindsight I feel stupid for ever feeling devastated that I didn't make it into CX.Be honest, you never really wanted to become a pilot in the first place. (I mean wanted it enough to actually do something about it.) And people with no regrets don't generally go posting on a subject-specific website about how they have no regrets 😜

7th Mar 2024, 06:34
Don't be too harsh, only 97 posts.

7th Mar 2024, 21:29
Lmfao. Cathay is Pathetic and have been that since early 2000. BUT, donīt confuse Cathay Pathetic with a real pilot airline job. Flying airplanes are, and should be, fun (sure thereīs boredom in between on long hauls), and an normal office job is nothing like the "real deal". Flying airplanes and all that comes with it - is a very rewarding experience, and you feel accomplished when you set that park brake and walk away from the airplane you just flew. Few other jobs comes with a reward of that of flying. So, yeah, itīs important to understand that by far not everybody is "cut for the job", so "they" did you a favor when they failed you. The selection process is a mutual win. Be happy you now have a job that doesnīt overwhelm you.

7th Mar 2024, 21:30
Be honest, you never really wanted to become a pilot in the first place. (I mean wanted it enough to actually do something about it.) And people with no regrets don't generally go posting on a subject-specific website about how they have no regrets 😜

I would say this is a correct analysis - but the dude is lucky to not have joined a crap airline like CX. So, at least in one way he did win! ;-)

Zi Peng
7th Mar 2024, 23:53
Be honest, you never really wanted to become a pilot in the first place. (I mean wanted it enough to actually do something about it.) And people with no regrets don't generally go posting on a subject-specific website about how they have no regrets 😜

Agree. Why the need to tell the HK pilots community you never quite made the league, you have been chopped twice by cx and have no regrets ?
Refused by a crap airline as well as you say.