View Full Version : A320 Retraction Braking

3rd Mar 2024, 10:56
Correct me if I'm wrong but if memory serves me right, in th A320 family the BSCU is responsible for braking the wheels during retraction of the main landing gears. Hypothetically, if something happens to the BSCU or the green system itself, can the ABCU takeover the retraction braking? I do know that if green is broken or something then the MLGs won't retract in the first place but still curious about the question. Additionally, how much pressure is used during the retraction braking itself? Because I've read that the maximum normal braking with full pedal deflection could reach around 2700 psi, and that ABCU with or without antiskid limits braking to 1000 psi to prevent tire damage or skidding. Does it still apply 1000 during retraction? Or is it significantly lower?

Amadis of Gaul
6th Mar 2024, 02:07
Good question. Our manual doesn't give a numerical value.