View Full Version : Qlink recruitment and basing

6th Feb 2024, 10:57
Anyone have any idea what bases are generally on offer for new FOs at Qlink and how long the wait would be to bid for basing in MEL or ADL?

Thanks in advance for any info.

FO NappyBum
6th Feb 2024, 22:17
Anyone have any idea what bases are generally on offer for new FOs at Qlink and how long the wait would be to bid for basing in MEL or ADL?

Thanks in advance for any info.

All bases except BNE / CNS on offer. You could just survive on FO wage living up in QLD re: rent etc but even that’s now unlikely

Adelaide / Melbourne won’t be a problem.

If you’ve got the hours the likes of alliance, virgin, JQ etc are all hiring and recruiting for ADL/MEL.

The current internal hold file from LINK Dash8 pilots for QF mainline extends into 2026. If jets is the goal long term Rex/Alliance would be a better gig, you’d get a quicker start date.

6th Feb 2024, 22:32
All bases except BNE / CNS on offer. You could just survive on FO wage living up in QLD re: rent etc but even that’s now unlikely

Adelaide / Melbourne won’t be a problem.

If you’ve got the hours the likes of alliance, virgin, JQ etc are all hiring and recruiting for ADL/MEL. I’d skip the $70K a year gig if you can.

A pilots salary won't cover rent in a 2 bedroom pile of crap anywhere in Australia now 😂 but all the weak as piss Australians will continue to put up with it... Australia is stuffed, best to get jet hours and leave. There is no hope left in this country, leave it to the third world!

6th Feb 2024, 22:50
A pilots salary won't cover rent in a 2 bedroom pile of crap anywhere in Australia now 😂 but all the weak as piss Australians will continue to put up with it... Australia is stuffed, best to get jet hours and leave. There is no hope left in this country, leave it to the third world!

Well eventually that will end. It's a job not a charity and if pilots are ending up financially distressed working at an airline after spending $150K+ on training then the industry will ultimately implode. It has already happened in the USA.

6th Feb 2024, 23:05
Errr yeah, ok :rolleyes:

Callsign Please
6th Feb 2024, 23:54
All bases except BNE / CNS on offer.

The fresh EBAs have a fleet freeze in them that may impact ability to move bases within the AOC (eg ADL-BNE, SYD-MEL) if the base does not have the fleet you’re assigned on joining. There’s been no info given on this scenario, and they can waive the clause when it suits them, but something to ask about at an interview.
Might be okay switching AOCs as you’re a “new hire” all over again.

18 months post check to line, to max 24 from employment date.

Going Nowhere
8th Feb 2024, 23:22
Given the large reduction in flying coming up for the BNE base(4 x Q400’s moving to SYD), the chances of many vacancies in that base (for both seats) in the near future just got a whole lot slimmer.

4th Jun 2024, 12:01
Any news on hold file timelines? Been on hold for 8-9 months