View Full Version : easyJet Hiring Boom Looming?

30th Jan 2024, 11:30
Hey chaps,

Word on the street is easyJet will begin a huge recruitment drive soon across the majority of their bases (outside of the UK too).

Seems like the supply of their MPL cadets isn't large enough to plug the demand.

Any insider knowledge regarding this? Will they be looking for NTR guys too?

30th Jan 2024, 14:36
Hey chaps,

Word on the street is easyJet will begin a huge recruitment drive soon across the majority of their bases (outside of the UK too).

Seems like the supply of their MPL cadets isn't large enough to plug the demand.

Any insider knowledge regarding this? Will they be looking for NTR guys too?

Nothing different from the last couple of years.
Plenty of white tails atpl cadets from the usual schools, (CAE and Jerez, possibly others) but dont expect big numbers of DEFO, rated or not.
MPLs have not been enough since after covid.

30th Jan 2024, 16:01
Would be nice for us modular guys and girls to get a look in too

30th Jan 2024, 18:18
Word on the street is that even if you’re cut from the right cloth (whitetail from the usual integrated schools), easy are now charging £30,000 for a type rating. Met someone the other day who’s going through anyway even though they don’t have the money for it.

30th Jan 2024, 18:53
I see Jet2 is recruiting non-tr 737...however,

"500 hours commercial flying time"

Not sure many new grads will have that!

30th Jan 2024, 20:58
Word on the street is that even if you’re cut from the right cloth (whitetail from the usual integrated schools), easy are now charging £30,000 for a type rating. Met someone the other day who’s going through anyway even though they don’t have the money for it.

Damn, I forgot to budget the TR on top of my CPL, MEP, IR, SEP, APS MCC, UPRT, and other alphabets that I forgot :}.

30th Jan 2024, 21:00
Word on the street is that even if you’re cut from the right cloth (whitetail from the usual integrated schools), easy are now charging £30,000 for a type rating. Met someone the other day who’s going through anyway even though they don’t have the money for it.

Believe it’s closer to £35,000 but don’t quote me on that.

30th Jan 2024, 21:29
Believe it’s closer to £35,000 but don’t quote me on that.

A couple of Modular guys from my ATO just got it, one asked for a bond as was unable to fork out yet another £30k- was politely told no.

31st Jan 2024, 11:57
cant find any link for cadet pilots on their website?

31st Jan 2024, 12:21
I believe they are recruiting directly from the schools.

31st Jan 2024, 14:20
A couple of Modular guys from my ATO just got it, one asked for a bond as was unable to fork out yet another £30k- was politely told no.

May I ask which ATO ?

31st Jan 2024, 15:07
I believe they are recruiting directly from the schools.

Do EZY pay for the accommodation during type rating?
€35k for the type rating, paid up front.

Rumours they'll be recruiting for type and NTR soon on their careers website. You guys at Wizz and Eurowings get ready!

31st Jan 2024, 17:02
A lot of FO’s are leaving for other places at the moment. The company always maintains there are enough or enough being recruited through the flight schools, so even those inside the airline have no idea until the job advert gets put up.

31st Jan 2024, 17:36
Do EZY pay for the accommodation during type rating?

No they do not.

1st Feb 2024, 14:23
Do EZY pay for the accommodation during type rating?
€35k for the type rating, paid up front.

Rumours they'll be recruiting for type and NTR soon on their careers website. You guys at Wizz and Eurowings get ready!

Where have you heard these rumours? Low hour NTR opportunities too?

1st Feb 2024, 16:02
May I ask which ATO ?
CAE, L3 Harris, Leading Edge Aviation, FTE Jerez, Skyborne or Urbe Aero.

1st Feb 2024, 16:38
Believe it’s closer to £35,000 but don’t quote me on that.
Last year NTR Cadet recruitment for Switzerland, was 30.000 CHF.

1st Feb 2024, 21:27
CAE, L3 Harris, Leading Edge Aviation, FTE Jerez, Skyborne or Urbe Aero.

I thought easy modular cadets intake was frozen since quite some time before covid. That would be tremendous news

2nd Feb 2024, 10:52
I believe the pay is also substandard until you've finished line training compared to many other airlines. Rumour was you're paid only for the hours you fly, no basic salary... so if you're only flying 1-2x a week, good luck living on that money if you're based in LDN :rolleyes:. (T&Cs might've changed since I was told this)

2nd Feb 2024, 17:21
I believe the pay is also substandard until you've finished line training compared to many other airlines. Rumour was you're paid only for the hours you fly, no basic salary... so if you're only flying 1-2x a week, good luck living on that money if you're based in LDN :rolleyes:. (T&Cs might've changed since I was told this)

Definitely not true for easyJet Europe anyway. You get full salary from day 1 of induction

3rd Feb 2024, 03:46
I believe the pay is also substandard until you've finished line training compared to many other airlines. Rumour was you're paid only for the hours you fly, no basic salary... so if you're only flying 1-2x a week, good luck living on that money if you're based in LDN :rolleyes:. (T&Cs might've changed since I was told this)

That has never been true

3rd Feb 2024, 11:12
Hi all,

Has anyone some more info about some next recruitment drive for DEFO ?


4th Feb 2024, 18:45
I believe the pay is also substandard until you've finished line training compared to many other airlines. Rumour was you're paid only for the hours you fly, no basic salary... so if you're only flying 1-2x a week, good luck living on that money if you're based in LDN :rolleyes:. (T&Cs might've changed since I was told this)

That used to be true, in the UK at least, and was called "flexicrew". Paid only for actual block hours flown on a contracted rate, nothing else. Thankfully this dreadful contract was stopped several years ago and now no pilots are employed on zero hours contracts.

22nd Mar 2024, 22:04
Can we expect an announcement any time soon that Easyjet are recruiting again?

26th Jun 2024, 16:16
Hi all,
I've recently applied to the Easyjet NTR 2025 - (UK). Does anyone know the average time for response?
