View Full Version : Flying into Elvington

22nd Jan 2024, 18:01
Hi all

Can anyone advise how I can fly into Elvington. Despite having contacted both telephone numbers in the Flight Guides they both continue to ring out and never get answered, would be grateful to hear how one can actually go about speaking to someone about details inc landing fee etc

Many thanks

Jan Olieslagers
22nd Jan 2024, 19:05
Perhaps the museum and its nice people can help?

22nd Jan 2024, 19:18
Info from someone called Bruce Dean, via SkyDemon pilot's notes:

For PPR Terry on 07971 299385

(Don't quote me, I last landed there in 1977 in an RAF Jet Provost Mk5, when it was a relief landing site for Linton on Ouse).

Mach Jump
23rd Jan 2024, 23:10
There's still a JP visits there for circuits.

Terry is the man to contact. He is usually there at the airfield. Bear in mind that they often have track days and other events that take up the whole airfield, so check with Terry when the runway is available, and what restrictions there may be. Also remember that there may not be fire cover, or fuel available.
