View Full Version : Middle east working situation

5th Jan 2024, 16:56
Hi, are there any Area controllers working in centres in the middle east able to highlight pay and working conditions? I'm 5 years valid and starting to look at a move. I found an earlier forum from about 6 years ago that seemed to be pretty scathing to basically everywhere over there so I was wondering (hoping) that working conditions had improved! I'd be interested for information on basically anywhere that would take an Area ticket.

10th Jan 2024, 16:55
Unfortunately, the ME ATC working environment is (still) very unorganized and stressful compared to the "developed" ATC regions (count on outdated airspace structures and regulations, excessive workload at peak hours due to absence of any flow control, loose work ethics, inefficient usage of ATC equipment, etc.).
On the other hand, lifestyle can be interesting and appealing to many; there are more than enough annual vacation days, and salaries are generally in the "five digits" USD range.
Muscat was hiring just a few weeks ago (after a long time) , Doha and Abu Dhabi hire occasionally, and Bahrain is not hiring UFN.
As far as I know, no Area positions are available for expatriates in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Memento Mori
16th Jan 2024, 19:57
Unfortunately, the ME ATC working environment is (still) very unorganized and stressful compared to the "developed" ATC regions (count on outdated airspace structures and regulations, excessive workload at peak hours due to absence of any flow control, loose work ethics, inefficient usage of ATC equipment, etc.).
On the other hand, lifestyle can be interesting and appealing to many; there are more than enough annual vacation days, and salaries are generally in the "five digits" USD range.
Muscat was hiring just a few weeks ago (after a long time) , Doha and Abu Dhabi hire occasionally, and Bahrain is not hiring UFN.
As far as I know, no Area positions are available for expatriates in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Do you know anything or someone in Abu Dhabi TWR when there will be opportunities again? Seems like it takes some time after passing the assessment?

29th Jan 2024, 14:08
Sorry, no info on that...

Vlad the Impaler
10th Feb 2024, 14:15
Do you know anything or someone in Abu Dhabi TWR when there will be opportunities again? Seems like it takes some time after passing the assessment?
steer well clear of Abu Dhabi Tower. It’s an absolute ****hole run by the worst kind of penny pinching back stabbing bastards. And those are its good points. Shame really, Abu Dhabi is a great place to live 🤷

Memento Mori
18th Feb 2024, 17:32
steer well clear of Abu Dhabi Tower. It’s an absolute ****hole run by the worst kind of penny pinching back stabbing bastards. And those are its good points. Shame really, Abu Dhabi is a great place to live 🤷

I sent you a PM

23rd Apr 2024, 15:10
Hi - Area controller looking to move to the ME region - any info would be appreciated on the employers and conditions - not too worried about the pay packages so much as who you'd be working for and the respect (if any that you're likely to receive)
Any info or PM's appreciated.


ATC alert
12th May 2024, 04:52
I also agree stay clear of Abu Dhabi. Just look at the number of job postings they continually advertise for many related Air Navigation positions. Project managers, department heads and associated jobs just leave as quick as they arrive. I've literally observed 20 postings for jobs at GANS at one time. That tells you what a hole of an employer they are and this applies to ATCO's as well. They have paid the lowest compensation in the region for the last 10 years and even a name change of the company can't hide that.

If you have absolutely no other choices than I understand but be prepared for another move in your near future.

12th May 2024, 16:36
Alert - thanks for the feedback - Can anyone else give some feedback on Bahrain or Doha? Someone mentioned Bahrain is not hiring but how are the conditions there and Doha? Perhaps an opening might come up so at least I can have some up to date information.

Thanks to all again.

Random ATCO
3rd Jun 2024, 13:17
Unfortunately, the ME ATC working environment is (still) very unorganized and stressful compared to the "developed" ATC regions (count on outdated airspace structures and regulations, excessive workload at peak hours due to absence of any flow control, loose work ethics, inefficient usage of ATC equipment, etc.).
On the other hand, lifestyle can be interesting and appealing to many; there are more than enough annual vacation days, and salaries are generally in the "five digits" USD range.
Muscat was hiring just a few weeks ago (after a long time) , Doha and Abu Dhabi hire occasionally, and Bahrain is not hiring UFN.
As far as I know, no Area positions are available for expatriates in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Why don't they hire area controllers in the ME? Why is it somehow unusual?

I mean, usually area is more complex than TWR..

Random ATCO
3rd Jun 2024, 13:20
I also agree stay clear of Abu Dhabi. Just look at the number of job postings they continually advertise for many related Air Navigation positions. Project managers, department heads and associated jobs just leave as quick as they arrive. I've literally observed 20 postings for jobs at GANS at one time. That tells you what a hole of an employer they are and this applies to ATCO's as well. They have paid the lowest compensation in the region for the last 10 years and even a name change of the company can't hide that.

If you have absolutely no other choices than I understand but be prepared for another move in your near future.

It's true Abu Dhabi is constantly posting vacancies. What makes the working conditions or the situation so bad? Why people leave?

About Abu Dhabi I have heard it is really expensive to rent an apartment there and there's no accommodation provided on top of pay.

10th Jun 2024, 10:47
Why don't they hire area controllers in the ME? Why is it somehow unusual?

I mean, usually area is more complex than TWR..
All those countries are enforcing so-called " workforce nationalization" programmes, so the focus is on training nationals instead of bringing in trained expat ATCOs.
The success of such programmes is a topic in itself.

Random ATCO
13th Jun 2024, 23:58
All those countries are enforcing so-called " workforce nationalization" programmes, so the focus is on training nationals instead of bringing in trained expat ATCOs.
The success of such programmes is a topic in itself.

Could you please comment on the "success" of such programmes? Come on, now you cannot leave us without the details! Are ME managers worse than those in Europe? :E

Had a look at LinkedIn today just to realise a few ATCO managers (in Europe) keep adding words and literature to embellish their job titles. To me it's baffling that a manager - and on top of that someone who pretends to be an ATCO - has so much time to spend self-promoting on LinkedIn, let alone thinking how to literally enlarge the name of their position. Their job titles / descriptions are so long and strange that no one understands what those "managers" do anymore (in case there's still someone left who thinks they actually do something).

The logical outcome is those managers often suggest "brilliant" ideas, what they perceive as innovation / transformation and changes that seem laughable to real ATCOS... to people who actually work. Thanks God their projects usually end in the dustbin only to start over again a year later "transformed" and ready to disrupt (ahhh... the disruption!). The best project is a project that has no end, that can bend and twist (the dancing project!) and of course delay, but it will never be a reality.

14th Jun 2024, 07:56
Random ATCO, I couldn’t agree more ! Sums up my experience as an ATCO for 37 years. Mind you, I have met some good managers who were far more effective than most of the others. After all, for my last three years I was a Watch Manager !

Random ATCO
28th Jun 2024, 14:51
Random ATCO, I couldn’t agree more ! Sums up my experience as an ATCO for 37 years. Mind you, I have met some good managers who were far more effective than most of the others. After all, for my last three years I was a Watch Manager !

I'm referring specially to ATCOs who moved to an office and never set foot on an ACC again. However, they lecture operational ATCOs on a variety of matters, design all sort of wrong procedures, come up with changes to sectors that are never an improvement, and create new bureaucracy in general. Their roles focus on making everyone else's life more complicated and burdensome. Their new aim in life is NEVER coming back to the frequency and keep their asses in the office. They are afraid of real work and incapable of performing it.

Operational ATCOS then have to cover up the mess those new office people created :}

28th Jun 2024, 22:41
What can I add to that ???