View Full Version : Emigrating to Thailand for Retirement - with your own aircraft

4th Jan 2024, 03:09
Had a chat with a distant family relative who looks to be about to do the typical western male thing.

Got the divorce, sold his business and assets and plans to move to Thailand permanently. Pattaya City looks the likely locale. He wants to take his plane with him - a turbine twin Kingair 200. Pattaya is embarking on a major airport redevelopment and seems a great place to base out of and explore SE Asia.

Questions -

would that have to go on the Thai register and get all thai licences or can he continue with N reg and FAA licences & ratings......medicals etc

How easy is it to fly between countries or overfly, in Asia (but not China) such as Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar etc for private purposes. There is a fair but of charter activity happening but searching the web has not revealed the ease or difficulty of purley personal GA ops. I'm talking here of a turbine twin in the flight levels as opposed to VFR in a 172.

Journey Man
8th Jan 2024, 02:07
I’d suggest there are quite a few permit requirements for each flight, but that may not be applicable for local pattern flights - but I guess you’re wanting to stretch your legs being the circuit in a KA.

Might be worth touching base with a regional operator who might be amenable to provide a dispatch service. If you’re not flying a lot, this might not be a significant cost to have permits and approvals and so on managed, so you can focus on flying. Alternatively an enterprising young face at an FBO might be able to assist for some baksheesh.

14th Jan 2024, 16:32
Maybe your friend should contact the local flying clubs around Pattaya such as https://www.facebook.com/Thaiflyingclub

I have seen pictures of small GA airfields with hangars including various turboprop twins. N reg and HS-reg, so I guess N-reg is also possible to operate there.