View Full Version : Type rating revalidation & SEP proficiency check

Dylan Longman
2nd Jan 2024, 23:32
Hi all, I had a question about the Type rating revalidation and the SEP proficiency check. Because a Type Rating is valid for 12 months and a SEP rating 24 months, I was wondering if you had to do your SEP proficiency check seperately from a Type Rating revalidation, or could you them at the same time?

3rd Jan 2024, 06:06
The SEP class rating revalidation requires an instructional flight (or flights) totalling 1 hour with an instructor, plus the requirements for another 11 hours and 12 takeoffs and landings within the second year of validity in a SEP. Revalidation can also be as the result of a flight test during the 2nd year. So a type rating conducted on a SEP of mass less than 5700kg would count. I'm intrigued, though, to discover what type of SEP less than 5700kg requires a type rating.
I've had current airline pilots and SET pilots come to fly the PA28 and because their SEP rating has expired, they have to renew with an examiner, with all the attendant proficiency check, training as required, Course Completion Certificate,skills test and Examiner's report.
900 hours on an Airbus or a Pilatus PC12 in the previous 12 months doesn't count at all to SEP requirements...

Dylan Longman
3rd Jan 2024, 12:31
Do you mean that lets say, I am use to the C172 but I decided to start flying on the PA-28 that I would not need to attain a type rating for the PA-28 via a flight instructor? I am in EASA, so I'm not too sure if it's the same.

3rd Jan 2024, 14:18
Type ratings are only for types (mostly) with gas turbine engines, over 5700kg and specific types mentioned in EASA regulations. Under 5700kg with a regular piston engine needs a class rating. You don't do type ratings for a type within a class. If you're flying a C172 and want to move to a PA28, you need a checkout from an instructor, which is called 'differences training'.

3rd Jan 2024, 15:47
If you're flying a C172 and want to move to a PA28, you need a checkout from an instructor, which is called 'differences training'.

Not strictly true. If the PA28 has no additional features (RG / VP etc) over the C172, then you just need 'variant familiarisation', which does not require an FI. It can be delivered by the owner / operator, although a CRI would perhaps be preferable.

Dylan Longman
3rd Jan 2024, 17:17
Do you need to do one of these checks yearly, or can you keep flying without another check if you stay proficient on the aircraft type?

4th Jan 2024, 07:23
Just to be clear, 'familiarisation' does not have to be 'delivered' by anyone. It may be sufficient simply to read the flight manual or POH for the aircraft to be flown although, in the case of the less experienced pilot, some additional guidance may be appropriate. Once completed, there is no regulatory requirement for any recurrent differences training or familiarisation and neither requires any form of test or check (although the owner/operator may have specific, non-regulatory requirements in this regard). An SEP class rating proficiency check is valid for any SEP aeroplane on which differences training or familiarisation has ever been completed.