View Full Version : Citation XLS Flight Director

1st Jan 2024, 04:37
Hi Guys and Gals, happy new year to you all.
I have been hired into the XLS but did my type rating on the XL and there are some notable differences.
One which I am finding hard t get the answer to is , how on the XLS do you change the Flight Director command bars from single cue to the cross pointer ?
On the XL it’s easy but I’m told there is a menu on the XLS where you can change it but I can’t find what menu that is referring to.
Thanks for any help being offered.

common toad
1st Jan 2024, 11:32
It’s in the PFD dropdown menu on the MFD.

I’m always amazed at the lack of basic information in the way of manuals that Company’s issue their pilots. It’s all out there.

1st Jan 2024, 12:06
Thanks so much for that.
Our company doesn’t have any specific aircraft manuals. I only got the the XL manuals from flight safety, so lots of the little differences I’m left to myself to work out.