View Full Version : PPL 300NM XC flight Europe

31st Dec 2023, 03:31
Hi all,

I am planning to do my PPL cross country in Europe and wonder if I can do international flight as a student pilot within EASA airspace. My plan is to boost my experience do more international flights rather than only domestic flights which might would make my pilot CV looks better when later on I apply for airline jobs. How do you think?

31st Dec 2023, 06:56
Why do you want to do a 300NM cross country for your PPL? If you want to make your CV stand out print it on pink paper.

31st Dec 2023, 09:48
Take a chill pill. In all honesty though, hardly anyone is going to be interested where you did your CPL QXC, as it’s merely a requirement for license issue. Granted, it would be a great experience for you as a pilot, but don’t bank on getting a job purely because of that. Rather focus on your ATPL exams and your CPL/IR.

The airlines are more interested in you as a person and your aptitude. Although your outburst in response to a simple bit of sarcasm is worrying.

Thanks a lot for sharing. That is something helps me bring the best out of my training. I will do my best to focus also on exams and IR rating. Do airlines consider the pass scores of the ATPL exams strictly?

31st Dec 2023, 10:33
For a first job, yes. Afterwards no one cares about the ATPLs. It's simply a filter to weed out less motivated folk at the beginning. That's why a higher average score will stand out more on your CV, than your 300nm bash in EU airspace.