View Full Version : Tablet recommendation

30th Dec 2023, 21:14
Hello, guys!

I am new here, and not only here. I am starting soon my PPL course, first the theory and then the flying :)
I want to ask you on your opinion, what Ipad should I buy for flying? I will give some info - I'll be flying on a Tecnam P92js and after I get the PPL licence (fingers crossed), my plan is to continue towards the frozen ATPL.
I've read probably more than 50 books on my Kindle, to be prepared for the PPL adventure, because I want to have somekind of basics - what to expect, what to prepare and buy, etc. I've looked at the Ipad 9, 64 gb, and I thought it would be a good option, because I will use it only for aviation, and I think it'll be fine. But the thing that worries me is, would it be comfortable with it or sure I go for the Ipad Mini? I mean, in a bigger plane, a bigger tablet is fine, but here...I haven't been in the P92js yet, but I've done some flying on several ultralight airplanes, such as Ikarus C42 and quite frankly...there isn't much room for stuff, especially since I am 185 cm tall (6'1").

So yeah, if you could give me your personal opinion on that, it'll be perfect.

Thanks in advance! :)

30th Dec 2023, 22:29

30th Dec 2023, 22:40
I've had a mini for years i smaller cockpits, love it. Get the cell enabled with GPS chip as 431doy suggests. Get 128 or 256GB memory at least, Foreflight (if you're loading that) uses a lot of space for charts/plates, etc. Can't add memory to these appliance.

30th Dec 2023, 23:35
I agree that if you get an ipad, get the one with inbuilt gps (ie the cellular version of the ipad). So much easier than fiddling with using external gps add on via bluetooth.
Mini is good size, and especially if fly an aircraft with a control stick, as mounted on a knee pad in portrait alignment does not get in the way.
iPad is excellent for aviation. Operating system is excellent.
Only occasional issue is it can get hot in sun and shut down for couple of mins to cool down. Easy to hold it next to an air vent if this happens, then try to keep it out of sun.

31st Dec 2023, 08:53
Thank you very much, guys! I will take your advice, cause surely you are way more experienced than me and go for the Apple iPad mini 6 (2021), 256GB + cellular & GPS. I am not an Apple fan, using Samsung phones all my life, but since I understood Foreflight are not even planning to make an Android app, I will def buy the Ipad.

Bug A friend of mine the other day was playing some poker tournaments on his Ipad, and I got it to look it and noticed it was really hot on the back side...and he was not exposing it on the sun. So yeah, I've thought about that issue, because when you are flying there's lots of sun most of the times.

31st Dec 2023, 09:30
I agree with Bug,
iPad mini cellular is the go. It's big enough to read but small enough not to get in your way. You don't need a SIM card to make GPS work either.I attach mine to a knee board and I'm very happy with it. I fly bug smashers now, but there might be a better idea for a larger aircraft.

31st Dec 2023, 09:50
Ipads had a reputation for overheating, don't know if this is resolved in later models so something to be aware of.

31st Dec 2023, 11:01
An iPad mini will definitely do the trick albeit at some considerable cost. Personally I use an Android tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab A7) which I've never had any issues with. If you're UK based, a data sim from 1pmobile also works out cheap, and roams in Europe when you get to that stage :ok:.

4th Jan 2024, 16:46
I think Ipad mini is definitely a good choice !

4th Jan 2024, 22:33
Sporty’s runs an informative website called iPad Pilot News that contains a wealth of info on iPads used for aviation. I’ll add another vote for the mini.

4th Jan 2024, 23:00
You could also consider an Android tablet running Avare. No annual fees, donation suggested but not required. Don't know what country you are in or if there is chart support for your area.

PLEASE do not get used to using any EFB on a knee board. They require far too much head down time. It needs to be mounted close to sight line for outside view but not blocking outside view.

I cringe when I give a flight review to someone who is always head inside on an EFB. They don't get my signature until they are eyes outside most of the time.