View Full Version : Jet2 pay rises

Boeing 7E7
15th Dec 2023, 08:12
Jet2 have huge and aggressive expansion plans, coming from fairly humble beginnings to now a major threat and competitor to Tui. So much so, that Tui is actually loosing pilots to Jet2 - a situation unthinkable just a few years ago!

What have Jet2 pay rises been like over the past few years?

15th Dec 2023, 08:37
Jet2 have huge and aggressive expansion plans, coming from fairly humble beginnings to now a major threat and competitor to Tui. So much so, that Tui is actually loosing pilots to Jet2 - a situation unthinkable just a few years ago!

What have Jet2 pay rises been like over the past few years?

9% last year , 5% just announced
very good share options / bonuses

Boeing 7E7
15th Dec 2023, 09:00
9% last year , 5% just announced
very good share options / bonuses

Thanks for this. Was last years 9% awarded in one go, or is that the total of a number of smaller pay rises throughout the year? Can you elaborate more on the share options? 🙏

15th Dec 2023, 09:04
Thanks for this. Was last years 9% awarded in one go, or is that the total of a number of smaller pay rises throughout the year? Can you elaborate more on the share options? 🙏

the 9% was in one go , this 5% was on the rumour mill for a while so nice to see its true !

Share option I don’t really understand, I’m sure someone can elaborate, but something like 5% of profit …..
I don’t have access to the email at the moment

15th Dec 2023, 09:12
So it was 6% last year and is likely to be 5% this year.

However, you are not automatically eligible for it. I think you have to do a year, which makes sense.

You say tui pilots are coming to Jet2. I’ve seen a couple of FOs……never seen any Captains. I would argue that historically more FOs have gone to Tui than vice versa.

15th Dec 2023, 09:15
Is the 5% pay rise accounted for in the figures on PPJN or is it a very recent thing? Is it 5% uplift on basic only, or does it also uplift sector pay / time away from base? Thanks.

15th Dec 2023, 09:17
So it was 6% last year and is likely to be 5% this year.

However, you are not automatically eligible for it. I think you have to do a year, which makes sense.

You say tui pilots are coming to Jet2. I’ve seen a couple of FOs……never seen any Captains. I would argue that historically more FOs have gone to Tui than vice versa.

Im sorry that is wrong , do you work for Jet2 ?
9% April this year , 5% April next year ( it’s confirmed)
you would be utterly mad to leave Jet2 for TUI
Yes many years ago when I was sat in my 777 in the flag carrier’s colours I used to think Jet2 looked a bit W*nk but now they are a major player.

Boeing 7E7
15th Dec 2023, 09:18
So it was 6% last year and is likely to be 5% this year.

However, you are not automatically eligible for it. I think you have to do a year, which makes sense.

You say tui pilots are coming to Jet2. I’ve seen a couple of FOs……never seen any Captains. I would argue that historically more FOs have gone to Tui than vice versa.

That’s right - no captains. But FOs yes. Not sure how many though.

Just to clarify though. Was it 9% last year or 6%?

15th Dec 2023, 09:20
Is the 5% pay rise accounted for in the figures on PPJN or is it a very recent thing? Is it 5% uplift on basic only, or does it also uplift sector pay / time away from base? Thanks.

I believe it’s everything

15th Dec 2023, 09:21
I believe it’s everything

no those are the old figs

15th Dec 2023, 09:29
Im sorry that is wrong , do you work for Jet2 ?
9% April this year , 5% April next year ( it’s confirmed)
you would be utterly mad to leave Jet2 for TUI
Yes many years ago when I was sat in my 777 in the flag carrier’s colours I used to think Jet2 looked a bit W*nk but now they are a major player.

No I work for Air India……what a stupid question! :ugh:
I was talking about the bonus. It was 6% FY22-23. For FY 23-24 it will likely be 5%…….its a discretionary bonus so not guaranteed. All being well and no big black swan event then it should be paid.

Boeing 7E7
15th Dec 2023, 09:52
Is it possible to get the actual pay rises/increase with the dates over say, the last 3 years? I only ask because getting an accurate response is important to building the correct picture. There is a perception in TUI that Jet2 have had significant increases to remuneration over this time frame and the gulf between the remuneration between the two carriers has significantly reduced. But unfortunately this may not be correct. I wish it was.

Mr Good Cat
15th Dec 2023, 12:21
That’s right - no captains. But FOs yes. Not sure how many though.

Just to clarify though. Was it 9% last year or 6%?

I know of 3 captains who’ve made the move. 2 of them are ex Thomas Cook though, so likely to be driven by job security rather than perks.

Mr Good Cat
15th Dec 2023, 12:22
That’s right - no captains. But FOs yes. Not sure how many though.

Just to clarify though. Was it 9% last year or 6%?

I know of 3 captains who’ve made the move. Two of them are ex Thomas Cook though, so likely to be driven by job security rather than perks.

15th Dec 2023, 13:35
Why on earth would you leave TUI for Jet2 for job security?

Most people join Jet2 to be based closer to home.

Flying Wild
15th Dec 2023, 15:50
Thanks for this. Was last years 9% awarded in one go, or is that the total of a number of smaller pay rises throughout the year? Can you elaborate more on the share options? 🙏

It’s not share options in the traditional sense. It’s a share save scheme. You can save up to £500 per month (taken from post tax salary) over three years then have an option to buy shares at the price set at the start of the scheme. For instance, someone who started in the first issue in 2022 had an option price of 766p. Current share value is 1280p.

Chesty Morgan
15th Dec 2023, 15:59
Why on earth would you leave TUI for Jet2 for job security?

Most people join Jet2 to be based closer to home.
Done a survey have you?

Johnny F@rt Pants
15th Dec 2023, 19:13
Is it possible to get the actual pay rises/increase with the dates over say, the last 3 years?

3 years ago - Covid - no pay rise
2 years ago - Covid - no pay rise
1 year ago - 9% all in one go
This years pay rise will be 5.5% all in one go

Additionally there is a profit share scheme. Last year it was 6% of the profit shared out between all employees.

There is also a share save scheme giving you an opportunity to opt in and save upto £500 per month for a 3 year period. When the 3 years is up you use the money saved to purchase shares at a price set at the start of the saving scheme.

15th Dec 2023, 19:39
So still a real terms pay cut unfortunately.

BoE inflation calculator shows total inflation of 22% from 2019 to now :uhoh:

15th Dec 2023, 19:54
So still a real terms pay cut unfortunately.

BoE inflation calculator shows total inflation of 22% from 2019 to now :uhoh:

Sadly everywhere is sub inflation in the UK.

15th Dec 2023, 22:29
So still a real terms pay cut unfortunately.

BoE inflation calculator shows total inflation of 22% from 2019 to now :uhoh:

Someone may correct me but I believe it may different to what’s posted above.

2024 - 5.5%
2023 - 9%
2022 - 8% (2 separate increases of 4%)

15th Dec 2023, 23:01
Why on earth would you leave TUI for Jet2 for job security?

Most people join Jet2 to be based closer to home.

Once upon a time that was true, it’s changed now.
TUI pilots are now working their notice or have already left to Jet2, Virgin, DHL, even EasyJet this winter and yes a number went last year to Jet2, stayed in the same base they where in with TUI as well.

The company is going in the wrong direction, it’s obvious to anyone who joins in the last 4-5 years. Ts and Cs slashed, pay below that of Jet2s for most towards the bottom of the seniority list. Time to command that mirrors SH BA command now with less pension. But it’s fine if you’re willing to do lots of overtime, have no quality of a family life and be constantly fatigued.

FairPlay to Jet2 they moved into a gap that Thomas cook left and have done a lot very well and they’re growing on that success now. It’s a matter of time before a Jet2 aircraft lands in Florida/Mexico and I’ve a feeling they won’t be targeting BA/VS customers either………

16th Dec 2023, 04:09
Johnny, I’m pretty certain there were 2 pay rises in 2021. If I remember correctly it was 4% in Apr and another 4% in Oct.

16th Dec 2023, 06:20
April 2022, a 4% (I think was 4…if not 4, 5 maybe) pay rise took effect.

later that summer a further 4% was given and after summer 2022 a one off £1000 bonus was paid

April 2023, a 9% pay rise took effect.

July 2023, a profit share pot of money, 6% of profits was paid out.

April 2024, a 5.5% payrise is due to take effect.

july 2024, a profit share pot of money, this time 5% of profits is due to be paid out

if you run the numbers, I think LHS salary back when covid initially kicked off was a little shy of 109k basic. When you run those pay rises through it gets you to what will be new basic salary from April 2024 for LHS which is about £136.5k

Boeing 7E7
16th Dec 2023, 07:05
3 years ago - Covid - no pay rise
2 years ago - Covid - no pay rise
1 year ago - 9% all in one go
This years pay rise will be 5.5% all in one go

Additionally there is a profit share scheme. Last year it was 6% of the profit shared out between all employees.

There is also a share save scheme giving you an opportunity to opt in and save upto £500 per month for a 3 year period. When the 3 years is up you use the money saved to purchase shares at a price set at the start of the saving scheme.

thank you 🙏

Boeing 7E7
16th Dec 2023, 07:07
April 2022, a 4% (I think was 4…if not 4, 5 maybe) pay rise took effect.

later that summer a further 4% was given and after summer 2022 a one off £1000 bonus was paid

April 2023, a 9% pay rise took effect.

July 2023, a profit share pot of money, 6% of profits was paid out.

April 2024, a 5.5% payrise is due to take effect.

july 2024, a profit share pot of money, this time 5% of profits is due to be paid out

if you run the numbers, I think LHS salary back when covid initially kicked off was a little shy of 109k basic. When you run those pay rises through it gets you to what will be new basic salary from April 2024 for LHS which is about £136.5k

thank you. Very helpful 🙏

16th Dec 2023, 07:51
Hi, shouldn't the question really be about salary, rather than the % increase last and this year? I'd rather have a 2% rise on £150k than 10% on £100k.

So what are the typical captain and SFO salaries at Jet2? and TUI while at it?

Prob30Tempo TSRA
16th Dec 2023, 08:31
Hi, shouldn't the question really be about salary, rather than the % increase last and this year? I'd rather have a 2% rise on £150k than 10% on £100k.

So what are the typical captain and SFO salaries at Jet2? and TUI while at it?

I’m not sure a small rise over 150k is worth it tax wise

16th Dec 2023, 08:32
Hi, shouldn't the question really be about salary, rather than the % increase last and this year? I'd rather have a 2% rise on £150k than 10% on £100k.

So what are the typical captain and SFO salaries at Jet2? and TUI while at it?

with my rough maths basics are looking like :

£89000 for SFO (typical flight pay etc is prob around 10-15k ) £100-105k

£135860 for CPT ( roughly the same but probably around 5k more ). £155860

tbh not bad considering the down time in the winter

16th Dec 2023, 09:24
with my rough maths basics are looking like :

£89000 for SFO (typical flight pay etc is prob around 10-15k ) £100-105k

£135860 for CPT ( roughly the same but probably around 5k more ). £155860

tbh not bad considering the down time in the winter

I have never had 10-15k of flying pay in the RHS at J2. Perhaps if you are in a hugely busy base and flat out but it still seems optimistic to be honest.

That said, between flying/sector pay PLUS profit share then the total 100-105k probably is about right for SFO

midnight cruiser
16th Dec 2023, 09:35
It's not all about money (and frankly all the locos pay within a few grand of reach other, plus winter rosters that apparently are still usually filled up to minimum days off with standbys, so that benefit is debatable. Plus uniforms that look like they were sourced from a party fancy dress shop). Described to me as a very very odd company, and not in a good way; She thought highly of the pilot side, but support from the other teams/mini fiefdoms (CC, ground etc) dependant on whether they feel like it or not, and only accountable upwards to management at HQ, and not within base, hence weird infighting and occasional lack of cooperation. If an airline feels the need to plaster "friendly low fares" on its planes, (crocodile smiles abound) and when "work as one team" is described as working less as one team than any other she had encountered, one has to wonder....

16th Dec 2023, 10:25
So has the Jet2 bonus been reduced for this coming/future year(s)?

Prob30Tempo TSRA
16th Dec 2023, 11:36
It's not all about money (and frankly all the locos pay within a few grand of reach other, plus winter rosters that apparently are still usually filled up to minimum days off with standbys, so that benefit is debatable. Plus uniforms that look like they were sourced from a party fancy dress shop). Described to me as a very very odd company, and not in a good way; She thought highly of the pilot side, but support from the other teams/mini fiefdoms (CC, ground etc) dependant on whether they feel like it or not, and only accountable upwards to management at HQ, and not within base, hence weird infighting and occasional lack of cooperation. If an airline feels the need to plaster "friendly low fares" on its planes, (crocodile smiles abound) and when "work as one team" is described as working less as one team than any other she had encountered, one has to wonder....

what’s wrong with “ friendly low fares “? Seems they are trying to to distance themselves from the opposition - unfriendly low fares and the clockwork orange .

I’m impressed with their TCs and the way they’ve built the business - I remember channex when it had a handful of F27s - they’ve come a long way

Chesty Morgan
16th Dec 2023, 14:48
So has the Jet2 bonus been reduced for this coming/future year(s)?
It was initially set at 5%, last year they upped it to 6%, this year it's 5 again.

So, no.

16th Dec 2023, 20:40
5% is a rubbish deal.

Chesty Morgan
16th Dec 2023, 20:50
5% of half a billion isn't "rubbish".

Mr Albert Ross
17th Dec 2023, 06:10
Half a billion Zim$$s??


17th Dec 2023, 08:26
Once upon a time that was true, it’s changed now.
TUI pilots are now working their notice or have already left to Jet2, Virgin, DHL, even EasyJet this winter and yes a number went last year to Jet2, stayed in the same base they where in with TUI as well.

The company is going in the wrong direction, it’s obvious to anyone who joins in the last 4-5 years. Ts and Cs slashed, pay below that of Jet2s for most towards the bottom of the seniority list. Time to command that mirrors SH BA command now with less pension. But it’s fine if you’re willing to do lots of overtime, have no quality of a family life and be constantly fatigued.

FairPlay to Jet2 they moved into a gap that Thomas cook left and have done a lot very well and they’re growing on that success now. It’s a matter of time before a Jet2 aircraft lands in Florida/Mexico and I’ve a feeling they won’t be targeting BA/VS customers either………

According to Jet2 management and willingly slurped up by the workforce and a select few obsessives on here, yes.

In the real world, no.

17th Dec 2023, 08:39
According to Jet2 management and willingly slurped up by the workforce and a select few obsessives on here, yes.

In the real world, no.

Unfortunately you can’t hide from the facts , I hope TUI remain and continue to stick around as it’s good to have some competition!

Mr Good Cat
17th Dec 2023, 09:56
with my rough maths basics are looking like :<br /><br />£89000 for SFO (typical flight pay etc is prob around 10-15k ) £100-105k<br /><br />£135860 for CPT ( roughly the same but probably around 5k more ). £155860<br /><br />tbh not bad considering the down time in the winter<br /><br />

Okay, so this is just a rough approximation for skippers in 2024 assuming about 700 hours per year (so only relevant to 737 crews as the 757 and Bus are very quiet at the moment):
Basic £137,000+Fight Pay £10,000+Pension £13,700+Bonus £10,000
= Line Skipper package c.£170

+LTC / TRI adjustment c.£20k
= LTC or TRI package£190k

+TRE adjustment £30k
= TRE package c.£200k

Trainers work very hard. Plan accordingly.

Line skippers work hard for 4-6 months, then relatively quiet over winter.

Mr Good Cat
17th Dec 2023, 10:01
Why on earth would you leave TUI for Jet2 for job security?

Decisions based on history, and the balance sheet, and the future plans for both airlines.

This isn't a competition, or a willy-waving contest... If you prefer TUI, that's fine. Their perks far outweigh those at Jet2, and the total pay you can eventually reach is higher. In terms of job security, and market resilience, most of us look at Jet2 as the safer option.

Horses for courses, and depends on your personal circumstances.

Boeing 7E7
17th Dec 2023, 13:36
Their perks far outweigh those at Jet2, and the total pay you can eventually reach is higher..

What perks are these? Not trying to compete. Just better understand. Allowance towards a TUI holiday?

Mr Good Cat
17th Dec 2023, 16:07
What perks are these? Not trying to compete. Just better understand. Allowance towards a TUI holiday?

Yes, and a uniform hat and the day off payments etc. Maybe TUI have better medical and LOL cover as well.

As I say, depends on whether you want the ancillary stuff or the more secure job with a quicker career progression.

17th Dec 2023, 16:11
Yes, and a uniform hat and the day off payments etc. Maybe TUI have better medical and LOL cover as well.

As I say, depends on whether you want the ancillary stuff or the more secure job with a quicker career progression.

Also I believe TUI have a good schedule agreement which protects the roster etc….

BUT I believe Jet2 is striving to improve lifestyle

17th Dec 2023, 20:15
BUT I believe Jet2 is striving to improve lifestyle

which is a lot more than what can be said about other airlines at present!

Bradley Hardacre
17th Dec 2023, 20:27
Also I believe TUI have a good schedule agreement which protects the roster etc….

This is an attempt at humour isn't it, when I worked at "Thomson" my roster was appalling.

18th Dec 2023, 00:09
What perks are these? Not trying to compete. Just better understand. Allowance towards a TUI holiday?

Pre 2013 15% pension, post its 11% from them. Private medical insurance, loss of license, death in service, money towards a holiday tops out at £2000 after X amount of years. They have an opportunity to get late seats/accommodation in hotels/cruises and a few other bits and bobs. That’s where Jet2 will fall behind in compared to TUI.

I done a few years in TUI, as the poster said above the roster is absolutely horrendous. I tried to stick it out, came from LoCo flying Harp and missed it within weeks. Yes they have a number of rostering agreements in place, block window is the most useful. They’ll still plan you do a 11pm ZTH home at 7am followed by a 9pm CFU later that evening. You can’t dress up charter flying, it’s sh*t.

I do think Jet2 will eventually end the airline aspect of TUI Airways, if not play a fairly substantial role in it.
Jet2s expansion into everywhere is at the expense of TUI, EDI is a perfect example. The list goes on.

All Jet2 need is a 5/4 roster or 5/3/5/4 and they’d have a very very strong package, and some form of a more concrete staff travel package. You can’t help but admire their progress, it’s not perfect but they do seem to have a lot correct.

18th Dec 2023, 00:13
What perks are these? Not trying to compete. Just better understand. Allowance towards a TUI holiday?

Yes, and a uniform hat and the day off payments etc. Maybe TUI have better medical and LOL cover as well.

As I say, depends on whether you want the ancillary stuff or the more secure job with a quicker career progression.

A hat?
I remember this from my time in TUI, you folks love a hat. It got more love their nearest and dearest.

Mr Good Cat
18th Dec 2023, 07:47
A hat?
I remember this from my time in TUI, you folks love a hat. It got more love their nearest and dearest.

I'm not TUI myself. Just comparing the little bits that seem to make some people prefer one over the other.

I've done the hat with a different airline, but job security trumps everything else unless you're a young, brand new FO with little responsibility. Just IMHO of course.

21st Dec 2023, 09:58
Unfortunately you can’t hide from the facts , I hope TUI remain and continue to stick around as it’s good to have some competition!

Which facts are these? I haven’t seen many facts in this thread.

21st Dec 2023, 10:59
Which facts are these? I haven’t seen many facts in this thread.

2.1b billion in debt. Debt they did clear was due to diluting the shares, and the cash flow of business decreasing over the last 12 months to the stage the business now can't hedge fuel. They're facts.

It's ridiculous to think that Jet2 isn't a safer ship to be in than TUIs.

21st Dec 2023, 12:47
The problem for Jet 2 on a 5/4 etc is you might get 4-5 flights of 2 sectors whereas at FR/Easy that would be a lot more because of the shorter duration and amount of sectors on offer. This would mean extra crew (lots of). Maybe for winter it would be an option but expectation management is always a challenge with crew

Chesty Morgan
21st Dec 2023, 14:17
Which facts are these? I haven’t seen many facts in this thread.
Including your "fact" that most people choose Jet2 to be close to home...

21st Dec 2023, 21:18
2.1b billion in debt. Debt they did clear was due to diluting the shares, and the cash flow of business decreasing over the last 12 months to the stage the business now can't hedge fuel. They're facts.

It's ridiculous to think that Jet2 isn't a safer ship to be in than TUIs.

It is true that TUI didn’t want to spend money on hedging during the pandemic but cash flow is much better now and so it has resumed its normal hedging policy.

23rd Dec 2023, 22:07
It is true that TUI didn’t want to spend money on hedging during the pandemic but cash flow is much better now and so it has resumed its normal hedging policy.

That would be a fake news. Their current financial reports state their cash flow in the bank has been decreasing over 12 months and that hedging still hasn’t restarted hence uncertainty when pricing holidays. These are issues none of their competitors have.

25th Dec 2023, 08:00
TUI results


Our strategy of hedging the majority of our jet fuel and currency requirements for future seasons gives us increased certainty of costs when planning capacity and pricing. Our current hedged positions for the coming winter and summer seasons are in line with our expectations. The following table shows the percentage of our forecast requirement that is currently hedged for Euros, US Dollars and jet fuel for our Markets & Airlines, which account for over 90% of our Group currency and fuel exposure.

Hedged Position* W23/24 S24 W24/25 Euro 94% 65% 25% US Dollar 90% 76% 37% Jet Fuel 94% 75% 35% *Position at 26 November, 2023

25th Dec 2023, 09:51
How did we get from Jet2 pay rises to TUI fuel hedging policy?

25th Dec 2023, 09:56
Standard PPRuNe thread drift. ;)

25th Dec 2023, 10:36
And possibly because some people at Jet2, when given an opportunity, always like to present a negative view of TUI.

25th Dec 2023, 12:55
And possibly because some people at Jet2, when given an opportunity, always like to present a negative view of TUI.

But a 26% S25 fuel hedge means that they can’t go bust


26th Dec 2023, 09:22
That would be a fake news. Their current financial reports state their cash flow in the bank has been decreasing over 12 months and that hedging still hasn’t restarted hence uncertainty when pricing holidays. These are issues none of their competitors have.
I posted the results to point out this is factually incorrect - I agree its thread drift!

But a 26% S25 fuel hedge means that they can’t go bust
This demonstrates a massive misunderstanding of hedging policy, Pprune B**lsh*t at its best.

I'm out.

3rd Jan 2024, 13:52
Could anybody in the company please share manual flying policy- on airbus OMB.... specifically manual thrusts, visuals etc

Prob30Tempo TSRA
3rd Jan 2024, 15:09
[QUOTE=EGMC;11567371]Could anybody in the company please share manual flying policy- on airbus OMB.... specifically manual thrusts, visuals etc[/QUOTE

I doubt you’ll get that . If you are in the company you’ll have it , if your a flight simmer you don’t need it ..

dick byrne
3rd Jan 2024, 17:25
And possibly because some people at Jet2, when given an opportunity, always like to present a negative view of TUI.

Standard. They just can’t resist a little willy wave whenever the opportunity presents itself.

3rd Jan 2024, 17:47
[QUOTE=EGMC;11567371]Could anybody in the company please share manual flying policy- on airbus OMB.... specifically manual thrusts, visuals etc[/QUOTE

I doubt you’ll get that . If you are in the company you’ll have it , if your a flight simmer you don’t need it ..

....and IF I'm considering joining and using it as part of my pro/cons?

Harry Grout
3rd Jan 2024, 17:53
Never heard of anyone worrying about an airline's policy on manual flying before. Who cares?

Prob30Tempo TSRA
3rd Jan 2024, 18:13
[QUOTE=Prob30Tempo TSRA;11567441]

....and IF I'm considering joining and using it as part of my pro/cons?

In which case I’d say your criteria is weird , slightly alarming and a bit immature

3rd Jan 2024, 18:18
Never heard of anyone worrying about an airline's policy on manual flying before. Who cares?

Who needs pay, pension, rostering practices, opportunities for commands, basing certaintcy etc etc when you’re allowed to move the little bits of plastic in the aircraft slightly more liberally than some other carriers.

Say Mach Number
4th Jan 2024, 07:00
Also it’s an Airbus does manual flying technically exist. You need to looking for a new type rating if that’s what your after.

4th Jan 2024, 09:22
Airline specific OM-Bs etc are controlled documents owned by the airline, and there's a very specific note/warning at the beginning of then about reproduction of said documents without authorisation. Please don't ask for this sort of material because you could land someone (pun not intended) in real trouble. Ask the questions you want answered and current employees may be able to answer them.

4th Jan 2024, 09:30
Airline specific OM-Bs etc are controlled documents owned by the airline, and there's a very specific note/warning at the beginning of then about reproduction of said documents without authorisation. Please don't ask for this sort of material because you could land someone (pun not intended) in real trouble. Ask the questions you want answered and current employees may be able to answer them.

Im going to guess you’re not much fun at the staff parties.

Prob30Tempo TSRA
4th Jan 2024, 13:49
Im going to guess you’re not much fun at the staff parties.

Well he’s absolutely right , the point I was trying to make - you are not allowed to see that stuff outside the airline .

Restrictions on visuals - I’m wondering if you are thinking of a min visibility , which is a restriction my last company put on that

4th Jan 2024, 14:18
You should be applying to Aer Lingus if you want to play DC3 in an Airbus - the sky gods over there love a bit of AP/ATHR off.

4th Jan 2024, 14:23
Im going to guess you’re not much fun at the staff parties.

You should see me after my third Cranberry juice

4th Jan 2024, 14:42
I can’t be the only person thinking the reaction to the potential recruit asking a simple question has been needlessly way over the top.

Mr Good Cat
4th Jan 2024, 16:16
Most airlines don’t have a specific policy on visual or manual flying, aside from a recommendation of a latest time to engage the AP.

As with all airlines, it’s the Captain’s call and if he hasn’t briefed it correctly, complied with SOPs and made any poor decisions, he’ll be held accountable.

With this in mind, I wouldn’t be applying to any major airline hoping for lots of manual flying. Try the smaller wet-lease specialists, where perhaps things may be a little less restrictive.

4th Jan 2024, 18:30
I can’t be the only person thinking the reaction to the potential recruit asking a simple question has been needlessly way over the top.

Welcome to Jet2.

4th Jan 2024, 19:22
Possibly not enough airbus pilots at Jet2 yet for any of them to be reading this? As far as I remember in the 737 part B hand flying is encouraged, with a caveat about busy airspace etc. I know it’s there but it’s not a big deal. Generally the PF will say that they would like to hand fly to or from a certain point and the PM says yes, or no if there’s a good reason (airspace/weather etc). I would guess that the airbus part B will be the same, taking into account any manufacturers guidance that I don’t know as I’ve never flown one. But generally in J2 hand flying is encouraged, or has been on all the flights I’ve done in nine years in the company.

4th Jan 2024, 19:50
I can’t be the only person thinking the reaction to the potential recruit asking a simple question has been needlessly way over the top.

Couldn’t agree more. But then that’s the downside of pprune. Generally full of contrived keyboard warrior ego flexing aviation gods.

Field In Sight
4th Jan 2024, 21:15
As excrab says, it's encouraged with the usual caveats regarding workload/weather etc.
it's in OM-A so applies all types. It's the same policy as my previous 2 airlines.

I'm on the Airbus and fly manually to keep in practice regularly.
There is very little flying currently. I've got 3 flights til March, so most people are acting cautiously.

Hope that helps.

Pizza Express
5th Jan 2024, 12:29
Pros and cons

1. How financially viable is the company
2. where do I want to live
3. pay and Ts Cs
4. command opportunities and base transfer policy
5. hand flying policy?

I’m glad someone has politely answered this but it has made me chuckle!

6th Jan 2024, 03:38
Thanks to excrab and fieldinsight. That's all I was after, wasn't asking for an ops manual extract- sorry if it was unclear.
And I'm not worried about it or using it as a deal-breaker.... but it is nice to know the culture on this. Cheers!

24th May 2024, 11:30
Any jet2 heads able to tell me when Glasgow and Edinburgh are going to become Airbus bases please ?

24th May 2024, 12:04
Any jet2 heads able to tell me when Glasgow and Edinburgh are going to become Airbus bases please ?

Edinburg from November, Glasgow I have no idea.

Mr Good Cat
24th May 2024, 12:46
Edinburg from November, Glasgow I have no idea.

I think the airframes will arrive early 2025, with the Airbus training for the EDI guys from this November at the MTC.

24th May 2024, 14:04
Edinburg from November, Glasgow I have no idea.


1st Jun 2024, 06:25
Would anyone mind sharing the process for getting your third stripe at Jet2? Is it based on time in company, factorized hours, both?

Field In Sight
1st Jun 2024, 21:41
It's three elements i.e. factorised hours, a minimum time in the company (6mth I think), also your sim assessments, meaning it's not automatic.
Hope that helps.

2nd Jun 2024, 17:13
Better off at easyjet if a defined structure to a + £200k salary is what your after. I’m not saying Jet2 doesn’t offer a great package, easyjet is just better..

Los Endos
2nd Jun 2024, 17:16
easyjet is just better.

Which is why both Captains and F/O’s are leaving Easyjet to go to Jet2. Go figure.

2nd Jun 2024, 17:23
Go figure fingerboard warrior. Take out location for the pilots willing to sacrifice T&Cs to be were they want and your left with the simple fact easyjet is a 100x better employer for Pilots than Jet2 in just about every aspect

de fumo in flammam
2nd Jun 2024, 18:00
Yes, you would have to be pretty much certifiable to leave easy for j2, the latter reportedly never having quite purged their deep-rooted distaste for their own pilot force at the senior (non pilot) levels.

2nd Jun 2024, 18:17
Everyone is purging everyone for a bonus these days. Jet2 management doing astonishingly well convincing flight deck they don’t even need to be unionised so it seems

2nd Jun 2024, 21:54
Everyone is purging everyone for a bonus these days. Jet2 management doing astonishingly well convincing flight deck they don’t even need to be unionised so it seems
I'm confused 😕...flight deck is the office type thing at the front....where the Pilots sit???

Flyit Pointit Sortit
2nd Jun 2024, 21:57
Interesting viewpoint MSN. As a LHS transferee from Ezy to J2, I don’t have any regrets. It’s nicer not being in a toxic environment for one. I was only at easy for 20 years so you can take my viewpoint or leave it.

R T Jones
3rd Jun 2024, 05:26
Yes, you would have to be pretty much certifiable to leave easy for j2, the latter reportedly never having quite purged their deep-rooted distaste for their own pilot force at the senior (non pilot) levels.

I would say this exists at the former as well.

3rd Jun 2024, 12:06
I would say this exists at the former as well.

Can't think of many where it doesn't exist

de fumo in flammam
3rd Jun 2024, 12:22
True enough. I have gotten to know a few airlines over the years (and j2 from old friends I knew from over the fence at channel express) and I would put easyJet at the better end of the scale, albeit not a very high bar.
I do wonder if the pay rises arms race fuels resentment at the moment. But that's supply and demand, coupled with QoL/company culture push/pull factors.

R T Jones
3rd Jun 2024, 15:24
Can't think of many where it doesn't exist

3rd Jun 2024, 15:59
MSN’s views on easyJet are purely a personal perspective. As someone switching from ezy to J2 I would say there’s pros and cons to both but it’s purely what you want out of life and job. I certainly wouldn’t class easyJet as better than Jet2, they’re just different. I hear all the time that jet2 aren’t BALPA recognised- so what? Do easyJet “roster protections” protect your rosters? Do Balpa sort pay rises out in a manner that unities the union? Horses for courses but im glad im moving away from the vitriol and toxicity of Easyjets culture and to an airline that gives a fcuk to its pilots and passengers. I’m not saying jet2 is better than easyJet, I just feel it’s a better suited job for me. 2 sector days, quiet winters, midlands base. Lovely.

Harry Grout
3rd Jun 2024, 17:20
Can anyone share what went on their most recent P60? I'm interested in what a full time Line Captain makes prior to PAYE. Thanks.

3rd Jun 2024, 18:00
Can anyone share what went on their most recent P60? I'm interested in what a full time Line Captain makes prior to PAYE. Thanks.

Sounds like you should set up a thread on totals 2023/24 tax year.

I remember seeing them on here before.

11th Jun 2024, 19:24
Anyone know if Jet 2 are planning to put airbus aircraft into Bristol anytime soon?

27th Jun 2024, 14:06
With easyJet securing a ~20% pay rise over the next 3 years, with 17% from April 24 for year 1, will the pay arms race continue? Jet2 need Airbus rated people, especially trainers.

27th Jun 2024, 18:09
Is the 17% included in the the 20% 3 year deal? Or is it 17% plus a further 20% over the next three years?

737 Jockey
27th Jun 2024, 22:38
Think it’s:

2024 17% backdated to April
2025 RPI +2%
2026 RPI +1%

28th Jun 2024, 10:13
Got it now thanks 👍

29th Jun 2024, 18:10
Think it’s:

2024 17% backdated to April
2025 RPI +2%
2026 RPI +1%

has this been agreed after the other deal was rejected?

29th Jun 2024, 18:43
has this been agreed after the other deal was rejected?
