View Full Version : FMGC-populated altitudes in the Flightplan...

7th Dec 2023, 06:41
Assuming the MCDU is being used to enter a route, Weight / Fuel have been filled, INIT A has been filled with a Cruise Alt of, say, FL280, can the FMGC populate waypoints along the route with Forecast Alts above that Cruise Alt (i.e.: at a given waypoint reading ----/FL360 ) ?

Thank you

7th Dec 2023, 10:22
For this, You could try the Step Alt function via the vertical revision (right hand line select keys) of the FPL page. That way, You can define step climbs either at desired waypoints or at optimum positions. Depending on weight, outside conditions and cost index, the latter method may well result in "no optimum" if the FMS calculates the lower level to be better.

I have been advised to request the enroute wind on the INIT A before entering a flight level on the same page to obtain wind data for more levels, which is said to make the OPT FL calculation a bit more realistic.

7th Dec 2023, 13:44
Thank you for your answer Tu.114

Yet, my question is more about it being possible, in any of the software versions of the A320s FMGCs / MCDUs to have a situation such that when the crew inputs the cruise level in INIT A and then starts filling up the route, using SID / Enroute / STAR / ARR, the waypoints listed can show expected altitudes higher than that Cruise Level?

7th Dec 2023, 13:55
Thank you for your answer Tu.114

Yet, my question is more about it being possible, in any of the software versions of the A320s FMGCs / MCDUs to have a situation such that when the crew inputs the cruise level in INIT A and then starts filling up the route, using SID / Enroute / STAR / ARR, the waypoints listed can show expected altitudes higher than that Cruise Level?

I have not seen that in any boxes at two different major 121 US airlines. One which flew historically brand new airplanes, one with older Airbus.

Step Altitude would be the way to do this, the MCDU deals with zeros and 1's, and "hard data". Cross ABC at 10,000. At XXX waypoint, begin descent. Climb at 240 until further advised.

"Should, maybe, expect" it becomes harder to program those things.

7th Dec 2023, 15:09
Thank you 321XLR ,