View Full Version : Piper J3/PA18 Gear Shock Struts

8th Nov 2023, 15:41
Looking for anyone in the UK that needs to change the bungees on their PA18 or J3 in the coming months.
Having done the job a few times, it has always been an "adventure" so I decided to build a substantial rig to take all the excitement out of it.

Having looked at all the options used on supercub.org decided to go the hydraulic route. The rig has been developed over the last few years and I now think I have ironed out all the minor issues and points of failure. I plan to make a youtube video to demonstrate the rig and see what the reaction is.
I no longer have the Super Cub so do not have a PA18 hydrasorb or J3 strut to do a final test run.

If you have, or know of anyone that needs a bungee change or perhaps has an old unserviceable Piper J3/PA18 Gear Shock Strut, would be keen to hear from you. I can provide the bungee cords.
Happy to travel anywhere in the South of England that can be done there and back in one day.from the Gatwick area.

8th Nov 2023, 17:30
Think you might get a good response if you repost this on Flyer Forum

8th Nov 2023, 18:13
Very many thanks for that, I have just posted the message there.