View Full Version : Edelweiss Aborted Takeoff at Zurich - October 2023

2nd Nov 2023, 10:21
Saw this and thought it was interesting, Edelweiss A320 Zurich to Faro, Portugal, with a massive left turn on takeoff and nearly runs off the runway. Big left deflection of the rudder.


2nd Nov 2023, 16:45
Yeah - just seen this. Apparently a blown tyre at about 140 kts. (There's a Short clip on YT - I can't link yet )

2nd Nov 2023, 19:23
Wow! That does look lurid!


2nd Nov 2023, 19:40
This is probably the video clip M4rtyman referred to:


2nd Nov 2023, 21:53
Apparently a blown tyre at about 140 kts.
The ol’ chicken or the egg…

Did the blown tire cause the abrupt left yaw or did some other factor cause the abrupt left yaw that resulted in the blown tire? I don’t recall seeing a a blown tire or even an engine failure at that speed resulting in such an abrupt yaw. Watching the video, I see a large left rudder defection immediately proceeding the left yaw. PF got the jimmy leg?

2nd Nov 2023, 22:13
Out of curiosity what would be V1 in these circumstances?

3rd Nov 2023, 01:54
Out of curiosity what would be V1 in these circumstances?
How long is a piece of string. Too many variables

3rd Nov 2023, 07:37
Maybe it's the camera angle but before the incident the plane appears to be 'crabbing' along the runway pointing significantly left of the direction of travel.

Capn Bloggs
3rd Nov 2023, 08:49
Quarter Speed:


The crew did well to recover so quickly.

3rd Nov 2023, 09:59
Maybe it's the camera angle but before the incident the plane appears to be 'crabbing' along the runway pointing significantly left of the direction of travel.
Yes it does we appear to be looking at the aircraft directly from astern, but several degrees off the runway centreline

3rd Nov 2023, 10:13
Watched it a few times and I can't avoid the impression that the rudder deflection precedes the onset of yaw slightly. If there was a crosswind from the left, as appears to be the case judging from the slight deflection of the rudder to the right and the crabbing nature of the track, there does not appear to be a need for a large left rudder input... but that's just the theory from behind a keyboard.

Capn Bloggs
3rd Nov 2023, 10:39
Definitely a left crosswind on takeoff. When going fast on the runway, jets will weathercock a little into the wind, requiring opposite (in this case, right) rudder to stay on the CL.

Watched it a few times and I can't avoid the impression that the rudder deflection precedes the onset of yaw slightly.
Agree. It looks to me that something rapidly jammed on full left rudder causing the rapid yaw left, and almost immediately after, corrective right rudder was fed in.

3rd Nov 2023, 11:33
Locked right brake ? Right main gear tyres suddenly gving up the fight ? Pure speculation...........

3rd Nov 2023, 14:21
If there was a locked brake there would be a lot of smoke from the tyre.

3rd Nov 2023, 15:00
If there was a locked brake there would be a lot of smoke from the tyre.There is plenty of smoke from all tires. However, the smoke doesn’t begin until after the yaw event begins; e.g., the right main gear tires don’t begin smoking until crossing the centerline. Initially it looks like the tire smoking is due to extreme side loading. Even the nose gear tires are briefly smoking after the yaw event begins (the Michelin engineers are either high-fiving or throwing up their hands in disgust). The tire smoking also appears to be proportional to the change in lateral loading from the yaw event. During the right yaw recovery, it appears the right main gear tires may briefly lift from the runway.

3rd Nov 2023, 15:15
VASAviation video with ATC communication: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9C5G0c-hLE

Capn Bloggs
3rd Nov 2023, 15:29
Just typical: Right in the middle of a reject, "do you need any assistance?". Yes, you could assist by shutting up!

3rd Nov 2023, 15:43
Similar incident from 2021:

This guy flying for ‚Edelweiss' now? 😬

Excerpt taken from ‚Aviation Herald'

3rd Nov 2023, 16:41
Got me confused about left and right until I saw the date. Where did this happen?

3rd Nov 2023, 18:42
Got me confused about left and right until I saw the date. Where did this happen?

Was Condor back then in Heraklion.

3rd Nov 2023, 20:59
If you slow it down to ¼ speed you can clearly see that the event started with a large left rudder application. What caused that I can’t say.

4th Nov 2023, 02:09
You can watch this video starting at 4:00 to see how it happens:
(96) 10 Worst Plane Takeoff Fails - YouTube

4th Nov 2023, 07:48
The event show some similarities to this incident: https://avherald.com/h?article=4c68c5a8&opt=0 . The NTSB finding was improper crosswind correction during take off.

blind pew
4th Nov 2023, 07:55
Hi speed take off abortion and decides to clear the runway which reminds me of the Manchester accident..

4th Nov 2023, 08:02
Similar incident from 2021:

This guy flying for ‚Edelweiss' now? 😬

Excerpt taken from ‚Aviation Herald'


is that their right or our right... were the crew using a mirror?

4th Nov 2023, 09:11

is that their right or our right... were the crew using a mirror?

Here's a link to the (42 page!) Preliminary Report from which that extract comes:


11th May 2024, 09:50

There has been an incident apparently dating back to the last quarter of last year, concerning an Edelweiss Airbus suddenly swerving to the left on take off, the crew managed to straighten it out at the edge of the left side of the runway;
It's the first time I see such an incident, what could have happned?

11th May 2024, 10:33
Here’s some info
