View Full Version : John Bryant

1st Nov 2023, 19:26
I have just heard that Johnny Bryant died yesterday. He was Jaguars and Lightnings. Great chap and super boss. Blue skies Johnny.

2nd Nov 2023, 10:24
Yes, I served with JB: super chap and one of life's characters. Another good man taken too soon!

2nd Nov 2023, 16:17
Served under John on 54 Sqn, best Sqn Boss by far.

2nd Nov 2023, 19:21
Very sad news. Lovely chap. I had a lot of respect for him.

4th Nov 2023, 15:24
Anyone know anything about John's funeral arrangements?

4th Nov 2023, 21:43
The funeral will be in the village church in Southrepps at 13.30 on 23rd of November. Donations to www.just giving.com/page/1699114777602. In memory of John Bryant to help raise money in support of Alzheimer’s Research UK.