View Full Version : Which set of flight manuals would you recommend for PPL in UK. AFE vs Pooley

29th Oct 2023, 19:59
Has likely been asked a few times before but can't find a recent thread. I was wondering what people tend to recommend for studying for the UK PPL.

I have bought the AFE book 1 "Flying Training", which seems good so far. Would you recommend I get the rest of the series or do people find Pooleys series works better. Looks like Pooleys have made a 2021 version where you can buy books 1-7 for £163.

Or would people recommend learning via an online learning platform and if so what website/app is recommended?

I started my PPL this year and am 3 lessons in.

Thanks a lot, MrNeski

30th Oct 2023, 05:17
Hi and welcome!
You've started a great journey, I hope you enjoy it.
Your school or club must have submitted to the CAA a syllabus that they use to train you. Both AFE and Pooley's publish this. The school may have chosen to do their own, but unlikely as it costs a lot of money to get it approved.
Now, I suggest you ask your school which syllabus they are using and get the relevant manuals. In our case, we sell or recommend our students buy the manuals from our syllabus provider. We use their CD package for pre-flight briefings and all the diagrams, text etc tie in with what's in the manual.
We always discuss this with students after their Trial Lesson and they usually buy Book 1 from us, then buy the rest of the manuals on-line. We do keep the whole range in stock if people want to buy from us but generally folk like to get their stuff from a popular on-line book retailer.
One word of warning. PLEASE DON'T buy second hand unless you can guarantee the manuals are the current versions. People have failed exams by using out-of-date text books. As you say, all the books combined cost less that an hour's flying
There is also an excellent on-line learning platform which quizzes you about aero matters, but do read the text books thoroughly before using their service pre-exam.

30th Oct 2023, 10:25
TOO outlines correctly. If the school doesn't stipulate then either publisher Pooley or AFE, it is a matter of taste. DO NOT BUY OUT OF DATE BOOKS. Both AFE and Pooley receive briefings from the CAA and so reflect the current exam syllabus.

Books, CD or online is your choice. Books, in my ancient view, allow you the best reference; highlighting and making notes etc. CDs always need a computer PC/laptop at hand. Online requires an internet connection. Books are my preference as you only study from one at a time therefore are easy to have at hand. AOPA provide the most up to date, to my knowledge, on line course material and if that is your choice you may decide on online courses in addition to your books.

Mach Jump
1st Nov 2023, 17:08
Welcome to the wonderful world of aviation, Mr Neski.
There are several series of books to accompany the roller coaster ride that is learning to fly.
Both Pooleys and AFE are good, but, in my experience, moist students, who try both, prefer the AFE series. I think their style of writing, and illustration, makes them a little easier to read.
I should point out that I don't have any connection with any of the authors or publishers.


5th Nov 2023, 22:37
Thank you everyone who has given some great advice. I haven’t decided on a series to buy just yet but will have a flick through when next doing a flying lesson to see which looks best for me or which is more recommended by the specific flight school.

What do people think about instead of getting the books to instead learn through an online platform?
I am quite tech savvy and use to learning off screens and would like the idea of having practice exams or questions from a question bank to practice on. I’m trying to keep costs down so am considering if worth getting just an online learning etc.

Thanks for any advice.