View Full Version : NAT Min separation

20th Oct 2023, 16:20
What is the minimum distance between traffic on a track? Obviously we’re not all at the same speed, but wondering for the instance of looking to climb to same altitude as traffic you’ve overtaken.

20th Oct 2023, 17:05
Nat Doc 008 describes separation minima in NAT airspace. It’s not quite as simple as a single separation distance, it depends on relative tracks, mach no. etc etc.

Can’t post the URL as I’ve less than 8 posts :rolleyes: but just google Nat Doc 008.

May I oblige ? nat doc 008 - nat asm - All Documents (icao.int) (https://www.icao.int/eurnat/eur%20and%20nat%20documents/forms/allitems.aspx?rootfolder=/eurnat/eur+and+nat+documents/nat+documents/nat+documents/nat+doc+008+-+nat+asm&folderctid=0x012000daf95319eadd9946b510c5d7b595637d00aa5eb47 b299b9a4bad1968b24e18655c) JT

22nd Oct 2023, 18:27