View Full Version : Voices of Service - Afghanistan

18th Oct 2023, 17:11
The Imperial War Museum Voices of Service Project is looking for members of the UK Armed forces who served in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021- as well as their family members - to share their stories.


The Imperial War Museums (IWM) and King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) at King’s College London are seeking 100 participants to take part in a new oral history project on deploying to Afghanistan between 2001-2021. This project is also looking to hear from members of the Armed Forces community if their family member deployed to Afghanistan in the same period.

If you served in Afghanistan with the UK Armed Forces or experienced having a family member deploy, we want to hear from you.

This is an opportunity for you to share your experiences and your thoughts on the subsequent withdrawal of troops in August 2021.

IWM will preserve your oral history interview permanently for future generations as part of its historic collection. KCMHR will use a selection of oral histories to research around the impact of deployment(s) to Afghanistan to help shape future support provided to those who deployed. Any research published will be anonymised.

Lt Col David Jenkins, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corp and a participant in this project said, “I believe that it is important for the public now and in the future to hear about the experiences of service personnel during their deployments in Afghanistan. The recording of our oral histories may assist school children, students and historians to understand our lived experience, providing a source of information for education, projects or simply just for general interest."

Louise Skidmore, Head of Contemporary Conflict at IWM said, “Oral histories provide unique insights into conflict and its wide-reaching impact on members of the armed forces and their loved ones. Through this project, we would like to provide an opportunity to those who served, and their families, to share their personal accounts of this pivotal conflict with us, so that they can be told to wider audiences and can be preserved for future generations.”

If you would like to take part in this project, please get in contact with the project team on [email protected]

This project is funded by the Office for Veterans’ Affairs’ and supported by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust.

19th Oct 2023, 04:34
Just bear in mind, "Anything you say will be taken down and may be used in evidence against you"...