View Full Version : GPS receiver for iPad

17th Oct 2023, 11:02
Dear fellow PPruners,

I had a Bad Elf GPS receiver but unfortunately I lost it. It used to work great in flight with my iPad.
I tried to get a new one on Amazon but it looks like it is sold out.
On the Bad Elf website, it does not appear anywhere.
Do you know of any other good similar solution, apart from Dual XGPS ?
Thanks a lot,

Broomstick Flier
18th Oct 2023, 22:35
A quick Amazon search produced the Garmin GLO 2 capable of receiving both GPS and GLONASS signals.

Matter of fact I also lost my BadElf receiver, this might be an option.


PS. You might also try to buy the Bad Elf second hand on eBay

Central Scrutinizer
19th Oct 2023, 08:44
I am using the Garmin GLO 2 to feed into my iPad (where I run ForeFlight) and it works fine.

19th Oct 2023, 10:55
Thanks a lot. I will have a look at the Garmin GLO 2. No Bad Elf on eBay unfortunately....

17th Nov 2023, 21:09
Hi, I use the Skypro XGPS160 regularly on the Challenger 650 for ocean ops. Has a suction cup to stick to equator facing window during the flight. Works very well. Make sure you keep battery charged. Comes with charge cord etc.

20th Nov 2023, 18:21
Bad elf have some new models. The flex mini is the cheapest. It also covers the later L5 bands which may have a slightly stronger signal. The Garmin glo doesn’t perform very well inside a 787 cockpit

22nd Nov 2023, 17:45
Sentry Plus