View Full Version : BA Euroflyer vs Easyjet

13th Oct 2023, 18:36
I am lucky enough to have received job offers for a first/second officer role with both BA Euroflyer and Easyjet respectively. I am now trying to work out the limbo of which one to take. I'm still young and it is my first flying job so I'm expecting to be thrown around a bit by either airline, and I've read into detail about both job roles and I'm split between the two. I feel like EZY is a bit more relaxed and casual with more route options avaliable to me initially. Then again BA it seems I have more options with my Career in the future (I would be joining the mainline seniority list) with options to move to Heathrow and go long haul! I guess the aim of this thread is just to try and get in insight to what it is like to work for either company to help make up my mind! Thanks!

13th Oct 2023, 19:09
Can't directly answer your question, but what is your long term goal? Long haul? Tax free Expat? Both are good options to get you started. Time to command should be a consideration but even Easyjet can set you up for long haul - you just have to change airlines to get it. That's much better done from the left seat. Just remember that long haul is not all its cracked up to be - especially if you are thinking of starting a family. There are just as many guys leaving the Middle East for Ryanair as there are going the other way, almost exclusively to be able to sleep in their own bed every night and watch their kids grow up.

14th Oct 2023, 13:01
I am lucky enough to have received job offers for a first/second officer role with both BA Euroflyer and Easyjet respectively. I am now trying to work out the limbo of which one to take. I'm still young and it is my first flying job so I'm expecting to be thrown around a bit by either airline, and I've read into detail about both job roles and I'm split between the two. I feel like EZY is a bit more relaxed and casual with more route options avaliable to me initially. Then again BA it seems I have more options with my Career in the future (I would be joining the mainline seniority list) with options to move to Heathrow and go long haul! I guess the aim of this thread is just to try and get in insight to what it is like to work for either company to help make up my mind! Thanks!

Don’t get too excited about the route. Both do daytrips so you’re never getting off the plane, you just watch the autopilot fly an approach into a different ICAO coded airport.

Far more important is quality of life. Euroflyer has seniority, easyJet doesn’t. Easy and Euroflyer will feel almost the same, both random rosters (initially…), pay is similar ish, same type of work.

Command at easy pays more than at Euroflyer but the time will be the same more or less.

What’s different is in 20 years. Go to easy and you’ll still be doing the late Friday night corfu. Euroflyer and you’d be a 350 captain heading off to South American by that point.

14th Oct 2023, 16:32
Can't directly answer your question, but what is your long term goal? Long haul? Tax free Expat? Both are good options to get you started. Time to command should be a consideration but even Easyjet can set you up for long haul - you just have to change airlines to get it. That's much better done from the left seat. Just remember that long haul is not all its cracked up to be - especially if you are thinking of starting a family. There are just as many guys leaving the Middle East for Ryanair as there are going the other way, almost exclusively to be able to sleep in their own bed every night and watch their kids grow up.
Not really sure of long term goals... I would certainly like to try long haul while I'm younger, whether that is what I want when starting a family though is another question entirely though! I'm guessing that is the good thing with BA, you can test the waters for a few years in each area and see what suits you the best.

18th Oct 2023, 01:21
Well done on your job offers!

I take it you had your interview and groupex at waterside recently? How soon after did you receive the outcome of the assessment? I have an assessment at BA EF upcoming also. How did you find the assessment day?


19th Oct 2023, 01:38
Well done on your job offers!

I take it you had your interview and groupex at waterside recently? How soon after did you receive the outcome of the assessment? I have an assessment at BA EF upcoming also. How did you find the assessment day?


Thank you!

I found the assessment day not too bad actually, there was a lot of waiting around so be prepared for that. But the interview had fairly standard competency questions, but also think about other roles that a pilot plays and the job as a whole, not just the decision making. But most of all I'd say relax and enjoy it, don't over stress about it. Good luck!

19th Oct 2023, 01:40
Well done on your job offers!

I take it you had your interview and groupex at waterside recently? How soon after did you receive the outcome of the assessment? I have an assessment at BA EF upcoming also. How did you find the assessment day?

Also I received the result the next day ;)

Chesty Morgan
19th Oct 2023, 14:31
What’s different is in 20 years. Go to easy and you’ll still be doing the late Friday night corfu. Euroflyer and you’d be a 350 captain heading off to South American by that point.
So, neither then :yuk:

19th Oct 2023, 15:08
Congratulations, I think I know who this is, met you on the day! Go BA, don't be silly :ok: I had a nervy week and a half waiting!

19th Oct 2023, 15:12
Congratulations, I think I know who this is, met you on the day! Go BA, don't be silly :ok: I had a nervy week and a half waiting!

Haha, cheers! Hope you got it too! Yeah, I think I am going to go BA as it does have more prospect in the long term! Maybe see you at Type rating?

19th Oct 2023, 18:11
Sounds like you were some of the first to get invited for the BA interviews.
Anyone have any feedback or advice? I have just booked my assessment date for a couple of weeks time!

19th Oct 2023, 18:36
Hopefully! Don't know if anyone has been given a date yet, I certainly haven't.

20th Oct 2023, 08:50
Congratulations, I think I know who this is, met you on the day! Go BA, don't be silly :ok: I had a nervy week and a half waiting!
So you had to wait a week to find out after the assessment day?!

20th Oct 2023, 13:13
So you had to wait a week to find out after the assessment day?!

20th Oct 2023, 20:01
So, neither then :yuk:

Well, couldn’t agree more about those options. At least at BA it’s self inflicted.

28th Oct 2023, 11:36
Hi, well done on the job offers!
Similar to the creator of this thread, I have an offer to start with easyJet and am in the process of waiting for a BA interview.

Just looking for some advice really, as there isn’t as much information out there for Euroflyer, and I was hoping those of you who have been offered jobs or attended recent interview days would have a better insight on how they compare.


28th Oct 2023, 15:20
Hi funny enough I was also offered easyJet but have chosen to accept an offer at ba euroflyer and have been placed in a holding pool, just wondering if anyone else is in the holding pool and how long we can expect to wait

The Foss
29th Oct 2023, 19:37
Hi, well done on the job offers!
Similar to the creator of this thread, I have an offer to start with easyJet and am in the process of waiting for a BA interview.

Just looking for some advice really, as there isn’t as much information out there for Euroflyer, and I was hoping those of you who have been offered jobs or attended recent interview days would have a better insight on how they compare.


Anything specific you’d like to know?

Euroflyer is mostly 2 sector days, currently with a random roster but supposedly introducing a pattern option. You also get the same pension/staff travel benefits as at BA.

After 5/6 years you’ll generally have a few good options available to you - left seat still at Euroflyer, try out longhaul for a while or go to shorthaul from LHR (by which point you should be senior enough to have a bit of roster control).

However, if you want to be based away from London and do day trips then Easy could be a better choice.

Both are good options to have, but over a career you would definitely have more options at BA.

29th Oct 2023, 20:32
Anything specific you’d like to know?

Euroflyer is mostly 2 sector days, currently with a random roster but supposedly introducing a pattern option. You also get the same pension/staff travel benefits as at BA.

After 5/6 years you’ll generally have a few good options available to you - left seat still at Euroflyer, try out longhaul for a while or go to shorthaul from LHR (by which point you should be senior enough to have a bit of roster control).

However, if you want to be based away from London and do day trips then Easy could be a better choice.

Both are good options to have, but over a career you would definitely have more options at BA.
Hi Mate, I also have the BA EuroFlyer interview coming up and am looking for some advice.

What sort of questions were you asked in the interview? Any specific technical questions about the A320?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!

30th Oct 2023, 00:07
Anything specific you’d like to know?

Euroflyer is mostly 2 sector days, currently with a random roster but supposedly introducing a pattern option. You also get the same pension/staff travel benefits as at BA.

After 5/6 years you’ll generally have a few good options available to you - left seat still at Euroflyer, try out longhaul for a while or go to shorthaul from LHR (by which point you should be senior enough to have a bit of roster control).

However, if you want to be based away from London and do day trips then Easy could be a better choice.

Both are good options to have, but over a career you would definitely have more options at BA.

Would there not be an option to move LHS and LHR at the same time? If not I wonder how long you’d have to wait to get command after moving to LHR…

The Foss
30th Oct 2023, 11:25
Would there not be an option to move LHS and LHR at the same time? If not I wonder how long you’d have to wait to get command after moving to LHR…

Yes at the moment you would also be able to go LHS at LHR, in fact I think it’s going pretty much to the bottom of the MSL right now..

However, you would then likely remain very junior for roster bidding for 10+ years.

The Foss
30th Oct 2023, 11:30
Hi Mate, I also have the BA EuroFlyer interview coming up and am looking for some advice.

What sort of questions were you asked in the interview? Any specific technical questions about the A320?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry I’m unsure of what’s exactly in the interview, but I’ve heard it’s similar to the BA mainline one.

If you haven’t already looked through the discussion topic about that one there might be some useful info there?