View Full Version : Two seriously injured in Merriton SA light plane crash

8th Oct 2023, 08:18
From the Adelaide Advertiser. “A light plane has crash landed in a field seriously injuring two people on board in South Australia’s mid north.

It is believed the plane may have clipped power lines before crashing into a paddock at Merriton between Crystal Brook and Redhill at around 4.10pm on Sunday.

One man has been taken to Crystal Brook Hospital and will be flown to the Royal Adelaide Hospital. There was no update on the condition of the second man.

A passer-by suffered burns to their hands and arms when they tried to help the men out of the crashed plane. The passer-by has also been taken to hospital.”

Desert Flower
8th Oct 2023, 21:51
One dead, one in critical condition after plane crashA Redhill man has died, while another has been critically injured after a light plane crashed in a field near Crystal Brook.

A 24-year-old man has been killed in a plane crash in the Mid North, while another man is in a critical condition.

SA Police said it had been reported the plane had struck power lines.

The Cessna was being flown by the 50-year-old survivor, while the passenger died at the scene.

Both men are from Redhill. The pilot has been flown to the Royal Adelaide Hospital after suffering serious injuries.

A passer-by suffered burns to their hands and arms when they tried to help the men out of the crashed plane. The passer-by was also taken to hospital.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has launched a transport safety investigation, with investigators expected to be onsite Monday.


8th Oct 2023, 22:40
Bugger, that’s 2 tragedies. They seem to come in 3s. So fly safe and don’t be the third.
Was it a Cessna, or is that just the media? Reason: Taking of or landing? Forced landing? Hopefully not low flying.

8th Oct 2023, 22:47
Looks like a Cessna wing involved, very close to some stockyards on a property, came down in what looks like a crop field after clipping wires. If it was landing or taking off then it must have been a private strip. Do they still do that bird scaring in light aircraft around there? It wasn't that long ago a Warrior came to grief around there doing that.

8th Oct 2023, 22:52
Looks like this is the area they were landing/takeoff at, unknown intentions. One newspaper mentioned both Pilot and passenger lived in Redhill which is just up the road.

Is one significant fire. Passerby did a good job to get one out while getting burnt themselves, when looking at what remains which isn’t much.


8th Oct 2023, 22:56
Do they still do that bird scaring in light aircraft around there? It wasn't that long ago a Warrior came to grief around there doing that.

Down Cranbourne way they call it PFL - but you're not supposed to go quite that low!...

8th Oct 2023, 22:57
Looks like this is the area they were landing at, unknown landing intentions. One newspaper mentioned both Pilot and passenger lived in Redhill which is just up the road.

Is one significant fire. Passerby did a good job to get one out while getting burnt themselves, when looking at what remains which isn’t much.


I don't see anything that looks like a landing strip there, the straight lines along the fence is just where the harvester has done the outside grain as close to the fence as it can. I can only see harvester and chaser wheel marks, awesome to see how the GPS guidance on those things makes the lines so repetitive. Which does make less sense it would be bird scaring as the field is harvested, at least in that picture, if it's recent.

Desert Flower
8th Oct 2023, 23:12


8th Oct 2023, 23:22
OzRunways and Google earth shows a private strip at Billabong Station about 3.5 km to the NW. Why they would be low enough to hit a SWER line is anyone’s guess.

8th Oct 2023, 23:51
Latest police report - both POB now deceased. RIP

I've never heard of bird scaring being needed or practiced in the area - broad acre cropping and grazing only.

9th Oct 2023, 00:06
The victim of a horrific plane crash in the Mid North has been identified as 24-year-old Charlie Mumford, while the man fighting for his life is his father Ben Mumford. On Sunday afternoon the Cessna plane, flown by 50-year-old Ben Mumford, struck power lines before coming down at Merriton near Crystal Brook. Source (https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/24yearold-plane-crash-victim-identified/news-story/d38e1897f81a39af20af78e2d8dbcfbe#:~:text=The%20victim%20of%2 0a%20horrific,at%20Merriton%20near%20Crystal%20Brook.)CAsA shows a 172N, VH-RSB to be owned by Ben Mumford. I'd put a carton of beer on that being the aircraft involved...

Desert Flower
9th Oct 2023, 00:23
CAsA shows a 172N, VH-RSB to be owned by Ben Mumford. I'd put a carton of beer on that being the aircraft involved...VH-RSB Australian Aircraft Registration DetailsHere are the Australian aviation rego search results for 'VH-RSB'.
The aircraft registration database was last refreshed from the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) on 03/Oct/2023

Aircraft Type
Manufacturer: CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY (https://www.regosearch.com/search/results/?co=au&Nf1=manu&Of1=eq&Vf1=CESSNA+AIRCRAFT+COMPANY&adv=on) Model: 172N (https://www.regosearch.com/search/results/?co=au&Nf2=model&Of2=eq&Vf2=172N) Serial: 17273719Holder/Operator Holder Name: MUMFORD, Benjamin (https://www.regosearch.com/search/results/?co=au&Nf4=regholdname&Of4=eq&Vf4=MUMFORD%2C+Benjamin&adv=on) Holder Commence Date: 09/06/2023


9th Oct 2023, 04:31
Here's the ATSB link: https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2023/report/ao-2023-046

Collision with terrain involving Cessna 172, VH-RSB, near Merriton, South Australia on 8 October 2023

9th Oct 2023, 05:29
I don't see anything that looks like a landing strip thereComing from the area in the 60's suitable wheat paddocks were used to fly out of without being designated airstrips, wide practice in SA at the time. Never heard of bird scaring in grain fields, is a practice in fruit farms.

9th Oct 2023, 06:06
Putting it all together, the aircraft was registered to the current owner on the 9th June this year. Whilst the dated Google earth (at least the one I see) view does not show an 'airstrip' along the fence line leading up to the accident, it's reasonable to suggest that a strip of that paddock was not sown to a crop in anticipation that a suitable 'runway' would be needed for the new acquisition. Somewhere I have seen a picture which confirms this speculation. Most recent reports suggest that the other injured person (with burns) was one of the other sons in the family who one presumes saw the accident and raced to the scene to offer what assistance he could. The family is widely known and respected in the local community; this tragedy comes upon them at the commencement of the harvest, and the effects will be unimaginable for everyone. One thing can be expected, namely that the neighbors will pitch in and help in whatever way they can. That's what we do in country communities. But the indescribable sadness will hang over everyone for a very long time. I know, it once happened to me.

9th Oct 2023, 09:55
There are quite a few power lines in the area.


9th Oct 2023, 21:29

9th Oct 2023, 21:39

10th Oct 2023, 04:16
ATSB advised on the Facebook page that the aircraft was in the landing phase, and has published a report about the risks of wirestrikes.

23rd May 2024, 08:52
Final report out.


What the ATSB foundThe pilot likely lost awareness of and did not see the powerline running across the approach path near the runway’s eastern threshold during approach to land.

The pilot was the owner of the aircraft and the property where it landed. The 700 m runway had been positioned in a paddock such that one end was near an oblique powerline. Positioning the end of the runway close to the powerline increased the risk of a wirestrike. Landing to that end of the runway meant that the powerline was in the path of the approaching aircraft unless aiming to land about halfway down the runway (which was well within the landing distance required for the aircraft).

Powerlines, especially single wires, are difficult to see from the air. The powerline was not marked in a manner sufficient to enhance visibility of the powerline to pilots using the runway, nor was there a requirement to do so. The powerline had been marked previously near the pole adjacent to the runway, however this was to alert pilots flying along it to the presence of another powerline crossing above or below, rather than when on approach to the runway.

Further, when passing a powerline that has been seen, its oblique orientation relative to the runway can also increase the chance of a wirestrike from a pilot misjudging the point where the aircraft would be in conflict with the wire.