View Full Version : PayPal scammers

John Marsh
7th Oct 2023, 09:41
I have received a scam email, notifying me of an invoice. The sender was shown as paypal.com. I know that part can be spoofed. Links within the email led to an invoice page at paypal.com.

Giveaway clues: the email came to an account which has no association with PayPal.

The salutation was User. PayPal do not address their customers like that.

I have conducted no business which would generate the purported invoice.

What particularly stood out, was that the links led to genuine PayPal content. I tried one in the online sandbox at Browserling (http://www.browserling.com). This revealed that PayPal have deleted the scammers' file(s), on suspicion that they are a scam!

24th Oct 2023, 11:06

First off, DO NOT OPEN ANY LINKS, It can put malicious software on your PC or let them know the account is live so they can target you more..



to get them shut down, forward the emails to the link on here. I do it for everyone I get.
