View Full Version : Airline Custom Jeppesen High Enroute Chart

13th Sep 2023, 00:28
Hello folks,
I have a big favor to ask. Does anyone have a custom American Airlines Jeppesen Pacific High-Enroute Chart P (HL-2) from 2007 or 2008? I only ask because I have one for the US (HI) 1 & 2 from Dec 2007 when I used to work as an ops agent for AA. When looking inside that chart especially the US (HI) 2, there is a custom route and I wanted to see where in the Pacific that route ends so that I can fly it in my simulator. Any photos or scan copy of the Pacific (HL-2) chart will be appreciated. I know many, many years have passed and I don't think would keep a copy of the requested chart but I figure I ask. Thanks.