View Full Version : One way to involve youth

11th Sep 2023, 17:28
Start at home!

12th Sep 2023, 08:16
Start at home!
Looks just like a single seat version of my Monnet Moni except that had a nosewheel.
Very efficient; cruised at an indicated 90mph on a 30hp 2 stroke although John Monnet told me there must have been a 'position' error because it should have been capable of 110 mph indicated.
It was built from a kit by ARV Aviation before they switched to building the ARV Super 2.

12th Sep 2023, 14:14
Looks just like a single seat version of my Monnet Moni except that had a nosewheel.
The Waiex is a two seat, side by side arrangement. Like a small RV6. We put throttle etc in the center like in a Cessna so we could do training. He flew with me for about 60 hours before continuing on his rating.