View Full Version : Ryanair contracts differences

30th Aug 2023, 10:00
Hi everybody,
I’m a cadet doing the 737 Type rating with Ryanair, and the time to choose the bases (or at least suggest a base to be sent to😂) is coming. I’ve heard that depending on the base you work your salary changes.
for example I know that Italian contract is one of the best, but I was hoping that some of you could tell me the real difference in term of net pay you put in you pockets every month compared to for example Spain or UK.

30th Aug 2023, 15:56
Maybe you could ask them - or join a Union and get all the CLAs from them

Brian Pern
31st Aug 2023, 04:08
There is quite a good thread about this, here; https://www.pprune.org/terms-endearment/654311-ryanair-pilots-please-share-your-thoughts-experience.html

All you have to do is look.

31st Aug 2023, 14:22
I was hoping that some of you could tell me the real difference in term of net pay you put in you pockets every month compared to for example Spain or UK.

That will be difficult to tell as it depends on how much you fly, and the tax system of the country you end up. In Italy for example, there is no tax, or minimal tax, on domestic flights. In Portugal, if you have kids or married will change your tax rate.

In the UK, expect total gross around 50k to 53k.

5th Sep 2023, 14:17
PPJN says an extra £5000 salary if you hold UK and easa licences - is that correct?

Or is it just for those flying the Stansted based G reg planes?
All UK based pilots who hold dual EASA and UK licenses are getting the extra £5000. After tax it's about £400 net more per month.

5th Sep 2023, 16:34
Then you haven't got the most up to date CLA

5th Sep 2023, 18:02
The latest CLA is early August 2023. The differences were backdated to July 2023. The UK pay is now one of the highest in the FR network. Combined with the 5/4 I think it's a decent deal, if you dont mind bringing a flask and packed lunch to work. The 40% tax on all the increases does takes its toll :ouch: Just be careful as a newjoiner as they may slot you into Ryanair UK from the very start, whereas those here previously aren't (yet) being forced over. That may or may not mean anything to you. Many want nothing to do with it, others don't mind.

5th Sep 2023, 20:24
The latest CLA is early August 2023. The differences were backdated to July 2023. The UK pay is now one of the highest in the FR network. Combined with the 5/4 I think it's a decent deal, if you dont mind bringing a flask and packed lunch to work. The 40% tax on all the increases does takes its toll :ouch: Just be careful as a newjoiner as they may slot you into Ryanair UK from the very start, whereas those here previously aren't (yet) being forced over. That may or may not mean anything to you. Many want nothing to do with it, others don't mind.

What is wrong with RYR U.K. versus DAC?

5th Sep 2023, 21:29
DAC is the mothership and grants a lot more perceived security over RUK. RUK is a relatively new operation that until very recently at least was a mess, operationally speaking, as expected for a new operation. There is also the theory that once you join RUK, you will have great difficulty getting out. At the moment you can go from DAC, to Malta Air to Buzz with relative ease, that is flexibility. In RUK the company are quite stuck and it's hard to see anyone be granted approval to move AOCs (if they say they suddenly want an EU base). There is also the issue of limited basing (but supposedly the entire UK operation will eventually become RUK)

6th Sep 2023, 13:52
If anyone could post the European CLA would appreciate it a lot, I only have the Uk one!

6th Sep 2023, 21:41
There is no "European" CLA. Every country has a different one and even then there are various local contracts. Then there are the mobile "floaters", both intra UK and intra EU, who are dealt with separately again.

7th Sep 2023, 10:18
Thanks man! So, if you were to base you base decision solely on the financial side, where would you go? It probably only depends on the tax rates of the country itself plus cost of live right?

7th Sep 2023, 11:11
Thanks man! So, if you were to base you base decision solely on the financial side, where would you go? It probably only depends on the tax rates of the country itself plus cost of live right?
Personally I'd base myself where I want to live the most so I don't have to commute. If you're chasing the money then floating is perhaps your best bet. It's a self employed contract, 5 ON/5 OFF, you pay taxes wherever you are tax resident. Guys on it make around 20k/month, minus tax, social security etc. Then again you're living out of a suitcase every block, eating stale airport salads and funding your own HOTAC which is only going up. There are so many variables involved and it all comes down to what suits you, so it's difficult to point at one location/contract and say it's "the best".

7th Sep 2023, 12:57
That was very detailed, thank you very much! I will follow your advice and try to go for the base I want to live in, I'll be moving with a gf and a dog so I'm definitely not looking for a commute gig. Will try to get somewhere in Spain maybe as it is reasonably close to my hometown in portugal

7th Sep 2023, 14:27
No problem. Spanish bases are very difficult to get for both seats, but you might get lucky. You can also do summer secondments to popular summer bases.

7th Sep 2023, 18:45
No problem. Spanish bases are very difficult to get for both seats, but you might get lucky. You can also do summer secondments to popular summer bases.
I've heard that as well but most of my Portuguese friends got Spain, maybe it's more common for Portuguese/Spanish folks. Nevertheless I would honestly be happy with almost any of the available bases. You can always request a change and just wait for it i guess

7th Sep 2023, 23:41
I've heard that as well but most of my Portuguese friends got Spain, maybe it's more common for Portuguese/Spanish folks. Nevertheless I would honestly be happy with almost any of the available bases. You can always request a change and just wait for it i guess

First permanent base is a game of luck. If you have some you can enjoy sunny Spain or good Italian contract as a young FO. If you don't, welcome to Buzz in depressed Katowice or Poznan doing charter flights on a self employed gig with 0 job security. Then you will have to wait 2-3 years to climb the base transfer list and move to the spanish/Italian bases your mates had from the start. This can lead to frustration and it's good to have that in mind.

8th Sep 2023, 11:42
I jump in with a straight question:

how much make nowadays a Captain with italian contract, based in Italy?

thanks in advance.

8th Sep 2023, 11:47
Thats definetly something to have in mind, I thought they made it clear from the start if their intention was for you to join Buzz. Poland in itself isn't the worst part, specially when you compare it with the bases airlines like wizz have to offer. The self employed charter part is the one that worries me, I guess all I can do is hope for the best.
Most of these guys that got Spain didn't even ask for it as they're preference was actually to stay in Portugal