View Full Version : BA vs EZY cadet schemes

24th Aug 2023, 06:30
Good to hear people’s perspectives on BA vs. EZY cadet programmes.

So here’s my thinking…

Financially: it’s swings and roundabouts.

Logically, BA less likely to drop you if they’ve funded your training.
BA cover the costs but you’re bonded for several years on a reduced salary starting 34k + allowances. EZY pay for nothing but the salary starts at 49k
*If* BA cadet pay increments are similar to FPP, and allowances of c.£5k, then financially BA/EZY are relatively similar (BA slightly edges it). But big uncertainty with BA and the AOC you end up with. I’d imagine most will go to BAEF but if you get BACF = lower pay scales and no mainline seniority.
BA wins for perks like staff travel, pension, private medical

Enjoyment and lifestyle: EZY wins?

Is it fair to say EZY are better for training given they’ve more recent cadet experience?
BA’s seniority system will take a long time before you can match/exceed the EZY lifestyle with preferential bidding system?
Culturally EZY feels more fun & friendly vs more conservative seniority-driven BA?
EZY wins on SH fleet. Guaranteed A320 family (more popular fleet, more sought after TR) and the planes are generally newer
BA wins on options for fleet transfer

Everyone’s mileage will vary, but all in all, I’m inching towards EZY here being the better option… Can always revisit post-ATPL if BA LHR DEP recruitment opens (trading 2yrs seniority for the higher start salary on mainline).

Am I mad?

24th Aug 2023, 09:49
We don't know the full details of the BA scheme yet, but it seems that BA would be fully-funding your training, whereas with EZY you are paying for it yourself.That is a HUGE difference.

Am I mad?
Unless you have 100k+ in the bank that you can afford to lose then yes, I would say it is slightly mad to prefer the EZY cadet scheme over the BA one :O

24th Aug 2023, 10:43
Agree the big difference is the upfront cost. But you will earn more with EZY than BA for the first 10-15 years by my maths (possibly 15-20 years if placed with Cityflyer or it’s a struggle to transfer to mainline). Agree BA is a no brainier if you’re applying at 18 and will stay till retirement or unable to fund the training. But if in your late 30s, can fund the training, won’t reach BA’s higher pay points before retirement, maybe it’s worth considering?