View Full Version : Netjets Citation Latitude N651QS damaged at Millville, NJ???

22nd Aug 2023, 12:13
Has Netjets Citation Latitude N651QS been damaged - any details? The aircraft worked into Millville, NJ from Dallas on 28 March 2023 but doesn't seemed to have flown again since then. This suggests (to me anyway) that it may have suffered some mishap - possibly a ground handling event - as why else would it stay there for going on five months.

23rd Aug 2023, 12:43
Lots of reasons, damage would probably have made the news. It's infinitely more probable that it's a maintenance issue of some kind, relating in part to the supply chain problems at the moment.

23rd Aug 2023, 15:31
Lots of reasons, damage would probably have made the news. It's infinitely more probable that it's a maintenance issue of some kind, relating in part to the supply chain problems at the moment.
Yeah, but not for 5 months... Probably a ground incident. I have no information about this tail.

26th Aug 2023, 12:48
I was told that there are circa 30 Netjets Latties grounded there due to lack of P&W engine parts.

please correct me if that is incorrect.

26th Aug 2023, 17:59
The Latitude series has issues with its engines, yes, regardless of the operator. The Longitude has a different set of engines, or are they suffering from the same cause? I do not know.