View Full Version : RYANAIR pilots, please share your thoughts/ experience

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19th Aug 2023, 17:28
Gentlemen, good morning, afternoon or evening

I would like to invite/ ask for the pilots here who currently working at Ryanair, or have done it in the recent past, to share thoughts and experience of how things are there, pros and cons, average salary would be good to know too, perspective of the future, well basically anything to a rookie would be good to know.

to contextualize, I understand that the position is an outstanding opportunity for a cadet, but wonder how it would be for a expat (I’m current on the 737, almost 2K hours on type and got curious about it after the company’s last tour on South America)


PS: I know that there are numerous threads and posts on PPRUNE, but most of them are outdated or scattered all around, thus this new thread

20th Aug 2023, 05:10
Second hand info but from what I hear not a good place to work. Captains discretion is expected and followed up with tea and bikkies if not applied.

sickness even if severe and real is frowned upon.

after the fact ftl numbers adjusted by company.

I considered them but no more after hearing from people working there, go there to get experience and get the hell out.

20th Aug 2023, 10:49
Second hand info but from what I hear not a good place to work. Captains discretion is expected and followed up with tea and bikkies if not applied.

sickness even if severe and real is frowned upon.

after the fact ftl numbers adjusted by company.

I considered them but no more after hearing from people working there, go there to get experience and get the hell out.

Say Mach Number
20th Aug 2023, 11:47
Not sure which airline Oasis is describing it’s not the Ryanair I know.

Its not for everyone but 6500 pilots can’t all be deluded.

Go to the recruitment day and see for yourself what they have to say. If you don’t like it there will be no hard feelings.

20th Aug 2023, 13:54
Captains discretion is expected.
As it is in all other airlines, that's what it is for - to enable flights to be completed safely in unforseen circumstances.

Chesty Morgan
20th Aug 2023, 14:07
Its not for everyone but 6500 pilots can’t all be deluded.

Of course they can, that's why most of them are there in the first place.

20th Aug 2023, 14:09
As it is in all other airlines, that's what it is for - to enable flights to be completed safely in unforseen circumstances.

It is not unforeseen if it happens on a regular basis, and no, it is not expected in every airline.
And most of all, it goes both ways: in the spirit of the law for every time the skipper extends a max fdp, there is no reason why he should not extend the rest or reduce the fdp (think of all those 4 summer sectors with slot, unruly passengers, etc etc), which from what my friends are telling me, never happens in Ryanair.

21st Aug 2023, 07:08
Ex-Ryanair skipper here who left the company in the past year.

The company has many issues and it's not for everyone, but most of the second-hand accounts you hear are bull****.

Discretion is not a problem, I have refused discretion before with no consequences, as have other captains at my base. Ops won't be happy about it, but you won't be brought in for disciplinary action.

Same for sickness and fatigue, I think I called in sick between 2-14 days per year over my time at Ryanair and I was only called once for a welfare check and to remind me to file sick paperwork that I had forgotten.

FTL numbers are not adjusted purposely, if significant delays are foreseen, say the aircraft you were supposed to take went tech down route, they will delay your report time. The system is mostly automatic with electronic flight plans and journey logs, occasionally, submitting the electronic paperwork can adjust the recorded times as they overwrite the manually adjusted times by ops. A call to crew control fixes this.

The company has cleaned up its act over the years as it's grown and is a massive operation and when things go wrong there are never enough ops controllers to deal with the fallout.

In response to OP's question:

- Salary is very dependent on base, post-unionisation and AOC split each country has its own payscale, contracts etc. I believe the Italians have the best contracts due to Italian tax law. The Polish/eastern Europeans are all self-employed with high net pay but no direct employment protections etc etc.

- The kind of flying is also very base dependent, the Italian bases mostly run like regional airline rosters with lots of domestic flights, mostly 4 sector days. The big bases have the largest variety of flying but also standby's there cover other bases also. The smaller bases you'll fly with the same faces every day though less variation in routes.

- Command upgrades are generally at 3k hours/900 in the company (don't quote me on the second part) I believe, you'll be pressured into it if they think you're ready. Though if you're in one of the niche positions where they have issues with FO cover, such as Ryanair UK at the moment, they'll delay as much as they think they can.

- Base transfer is based on seniority/date of application. You can apply for a base transfer and you'll be bottom of the queue, though once a year it refreshes in order of seniority. Their favourite line is "base allocation is not base transfer" so you may find new hires and upgrades getting to your base ahead of you.

- Ops, the pilots and cabin crew you work with will be fantastic, you get the occasional oddball, like every airline. Management on the other hand varies from incompetent to toxic, and if you ever have the displeasure of dealing with them, you'll understand why so many eventually leave.

- The training is stellar and can fault nothing in the training department, it's a well-oiled machine and probably the largest ATO in Europe. There are far far more SOPs than most airlines, and they want everything done in their specific ways, at least during line checks and SIMs. On the line if something goes wrong and you weren't following SOPs, say flying a visual or circling in your preferred method, you take the blame.

- Management view you as a resource to be used efficiently and a cost to be minimised instead of an asset. Expect to fly up to 900 hours a year, if a duty is legal, expect to operate it. If and when the tide turns on pilots supply and demand, expect them to cut Ts and Cs as they did during COVID. The business is run ruthlessly, which is great for investors and **** for employees. We were the last to get pay rises and the first to see pay cuts in comparison to our colleagues at other airlines.

That all being said, it's what works for you, if you're Italian, Polish or Spanish, Ryanair is probably the best-paying employer if you want to live at a regional base in your country and be home every night. It's a great airline for the beginning of your career as it exposes you to a variety of operations and situations, the training is great and if you can handle it for 6 years, you'll be a skipper with five thousand hours bond free. In my experience, most OCC captains don't last more than 2 years before they leave, FOs generally hang around longer. There's a reason they're casting a wide net and doing roadshows in South America and Africa.

Think about what it is you want, if it's to live at home or at a specific city or a fast command and PIC hours, Ryanair is the right place for you.

Edit: I just noticed you're in the Southern Hemisphere, most of the OCC Brazilians/Ecuadorians I've flown with love it here compared to their previous job at Copa. So if you're there, it's not a bad transition! If you can squeeze a Spanish/Portuguese base out of Ryanair, I think you won't regret the move.

21st Aug 2023, 09:17
Have flown with captains from Brazil. They all loved it here and like above said how it was a different (better) world compared to the airlines they left behind.

Regarding sickness. Its based on periods of sickness rather than days. So if you go sick 1 day that's 1 period. If you go sick 10 days straight, that's also 1 period.

For less than 3 days you fill out a form and send it to them. For more than 3 days you provide a GP certificate. You won't hear from anyone the first few times for sure. The sickness policy is not an issue.

Hard to add much to the lengthy post above. What I would add though is the continual issue about standby calls. Say you have a SBY starting at 0700LT. They often send you about 6 texts at 3AM about the assigning of a duty at 0700LT exactly (they aren't supposed to contact you until 0700LT, so earliest duty can't be before 0800LT). Naturally you will see all those texts at say 4AM because even if you've muted their number, at some point in the night many people check their phone.

So at 4AM you check to see they've assigned you a duty they should not have assigned you, they've also now disturbed your rest. You tell them they werent supposed to either give you that duty or disturb your rest .. they will literally say unfortunately we need you for an 0700LT, tough luck. Good luck fighting it, they will hold you fully liable to the duty. Yes in theory you could dig your heels, that however will cause some fallback and you'll be accused of refusing a duty/get a no show. You are forced to accept that or report for that 0700LT report on 4hrs sleep at best cos you haven't slept again after first seeing what has happened.

The solution of course is to switch absolutely everything off until the very start of your standby time, but my point is they do play these not so friendly tricks to deliberately catch you out.

21st Aug 2023, 09:21
What's the time to command in Northern UK for a very experienced TR FO? A friend of mine has had enough of his current gig and quite facies the 5/4 pattern.

21st Aug 2023, 14:20
Have flown with captains from Brazil. They all loved it here and like above said how it was a different (better) world compared to the airlines they left behind.

Regarding sickness. Its based on periods of sickness rather than days. So if you go sick 1 day that's 1 period. If you go sick 10 days straight, that's also 1 period.

For less than 3 days you fill out a form and send it to them. For more than 3 days you provide a GP certificate. You won't hear from anyone the first few times for sure. The sickness policy is not an issue.

Hard to add much to the lengthy post above. What I would add though is the continual issue about standby calls. Say you have a SBY starting at 0700LT. They often send you about 6 texts at 3AM about the assigning of a duty at 0700LT exactly (they aren't supposed to contact you until 0700LT, so earliest duty can't be before 0800LT). Naturally you will see all those texts at say 4AM because even if you've muted their number, at some point in the night many people check their phone.

So at 4AM you check to see they've assigned you a duty they should not have assigned you, they've also now disturbed your rest. You tell them they werent supposed to either give you that duty or disturb your rest .. they will literally say unfortunately we need you for an 0700LT, tough luck. Good luck fighting it, they will hold you fully liable to the duty. Yes in theory you could dig your heels, that however will cause some fallback and you'll be accused of refusing a duty/get a no show. You are forced to accept that or report for that 0700LT report on 4hrs sleep at best cos you haven't slept again after first seeing what has happened.

The solution of course is to switch absolutely everything off until the very start of your standby time, but my point is they do play these not so friendly tricks to deliberately catch you out.

Sorry if I’m being dim and have missed the point but your phone has a silent mode. On an iPhone it’s called Do Not Disturb. Just turn that on when you go to bed and off at 0700, in this example. Pretty easy fix.

21st Aug 2023, 19:53
Sorry if I’m being dim and have missed the point but your phone has a silent mode. On an iPhone it’s called Do Not Disturb. Just turn that on when you go to bed and off at 0700, in this example. Pretty easy fix.
Yes it does, that wasn't quite the point though. The point is they actively play not so ethical tricks to get you into doing things you shouldn't be asked to do. If you happen to log on to check your roster before going to bed and notice they've assigned you a duty the following morning that starts before your standby was even supposed to start - tough luck, they've "caught" you. They can see when when you've opened your roster etc.

21st Aug 2023, 21:00
Yes it does, that wasn't quite the point though. The point is they actively play not so ethical tricks to get you into doing things you shouldn't be asked to do. If you happen to log on to check your roster before going to bed and notice they've assigned you a duty the following morning that starts before your standby was even supposed to start - tough luck, they've "caught" you. They can see when when you've opened your roster etc.

This isn’t the case though. Part A has the FTLs and associated policies in black and white. Stick to them and you’re covered. Anything after 30 mins post duty till the start of the next duty you are not obliged to answer. Yes they will try but you don’t need to answer. Been in this situation a few times and never had any issues?

People (not necessarily yourself) also seem to think you need to set alarms on an early standby to wake up and check if they’ve been put on a duty…no they will call you if you’re needed.

21st Aug 2023, 23:26
This isn’t the case though. Part A has the FTLs and associated policies in black and white. Stick to them and you’re covered. Anything after 30 mins post duty till the start of the next duty you are not obliged to answer. Yes they will try but you don’t need to answer. Been in this situation a few times and never had any issues?

People (not necessarily yourself) also seem to think you need to set alarms on an early standby to wake up and check if they’ve been put on a duty…no they will call you if you’re needed.
Last time I stood my ground, the fact it was against the OM A was ignored and I got a phone call from a management pilot which focused on why I was refusing to cooperate with delivering the operation.

I know I am not the only FO who has had this experience. One guy showed me screenshots where he had been called at 4:50AM for a 7AM standby. There was also a post recently on the intranet querying all the texts in the middle of the night that seem to disturb quite a lot of people. Put it on silent sounds simple but not everyone can put their phone on silent. Some have urgent calls they need to be able to receive etc.

22nd Aug 2023, 07:52
Can easily mute a particular contact on both Apple and Android.

22nd Aug 2023, 07:57
As it is in all other airlines, that's what it is for - to enable flights to be completed safely in unforseen circumstances.
Very single issue view. Pilot discretion is also there to reduce the max FDP (inop APU in summer for example), increase rest times, reduce report times. And yes, sometimes to safely complete a duty in unforeseen circumstances.

22nd Aug 2023, 08:39
Best advice from my time was to have a separate work phone and switch it off the moment you leave the crew room until the start of your next duty. Any old brick will do. My base captain did try to call me in for a meeting to ask why I wasn’t answering his calls on my days off, but I missed that call too.

Around half of my initial Ryanair course left for new pastures and half stayed to do their commands after 3-4 years of RHS. I don’t know any that regret their decision. It’s a toxic company but there’s plenty of small bases away from the glare of Dublin in some prettier parts of the continent that you can probably make a good life for yourself. Until they close that base, obviously.

22nd Aug 2023, 12:38
. There's a reason they're casting a wide net and doing roadshows in South America and Africa.

well sir, thanks for that statement, a lot of food for thought, also would like to thanks everyone else for their opinion.

Well, to compare, the company that I currently work now it’s a nice place, not the best but far from being the worst.
The thing is, it’s in a ****ty country (that narrows to 100% of countries in South America 😂) and getting into Europe would be something to think about, however it isn’t just swapping badges, talking about a life changing move for me and my family, and doing this huge step into a place with so many backlash, at least from what I’ve been reading around.

the turn over being so high means something, right?!

by the way, so far I know, would be Raynair DAC contract with UK basement, still no idea which airport

22nd Aug 2023, 21:13
Last time I stood my ground, the fact it was against the OM A was ignored and I got a phone call from a management pilot which focused on why I was refusing to cooperate with delivering the operation.

I know I am not the only FO who has had this experience. One guy showed me screenshots where he had been called at 4:50AM for a 7AM standby. There was also a post recently on the intranet querying all the texts in the middle of the night that seem to disturb quite a lot of people. Put it on silent sounds simple but not everyone can put their phone on silent. Some have urgent calls they need to be able to receive etc.

If they like to play then… play it back :)

Most of the new gen phones are nowadays dual sim capable. Just tell them you changed phone number.
Use the do not disturb function and allow calls from people you decide.
At checkout from duty take a screenshot of your next duty, say a standby at 7am, so you don’t have to log in again in case you have a doubt if it was a 7 or a 6am or whatever start time.

23rd Aug 2023, 08:57
Most probably Stansted which is near London.

Have a look on Rightmove.com and search house prices near Bishops Stortford, or within a 30 mile radius of the airport and you might be in for a shock. Romford might be cheaper, but for a reason.

23rd Aug 2023, 10:08
Of course they can, that's why most of them are there in the first place.​​​​​

I would sooner be here than joining a 🤡 like you at a dump
like Jet2. (Enough feedback from respected ex colleagues and a damning BALPA member feedback document allows me to comfortably arrive at that conclusion)

Some SUBSTANCE for the original poster :

Most DEFOs require 2 years to reach the standard for Command.

UK Captains - 122k fixed and about 8k flight pay
UK SFOs - 67k fixed and about 7-8k flight pay
Proper staff travel (that you can actually use) 6 confirmed , unlimited standby , unlimited jumpseat.
SFIs - circa 100k
LTCs About 140ish all in
TREs and BCs(depending on base size) 168 - 175 plus

5-4 for line guys and weekends off for other roles.
You can refuse discretion till your little heart bleeds- nothing happens.

Commands are done on ability and merit, not based on who your mate is and what type of fast jet you may have flown- same applies to training roles. If you reach the standard you will pass. If you don’t you will fail and be provided with feedback as to where you went wrong, and what you need to work on. You will then go under the umbrella of one of the best, if not the best training departments in aviation.

It’s not perfect and it could be better, but unionisation has brought it on leaps and bounds.

23rd Aug 2023, 11:02

I would sooner be here than joining a 🤡 like you at a dump
like Jet2. (Enough feedback from respected ex colleagues and a damning BALPA member feedback document allows me to comfortably arrive at that conclusion)

Some SUBSTANCE for the original poster :

Most DEFOs require 2 years to reach the standard for Command.

UK Captains - 122k fixed and about 8k flight pay
UK SFOs - 67k fixed and about 7-8k flight pay
Proper staff travel (that you can actually use) 6 confirmed , unlimited standby , unlimited jumpseat.
SFIs - circa 100k
LTCs About 140ish all in
TREs and BCs(depending on base size) 168 - 175 plus

5-4 for line guys and weekends off for other roles.
You can refuse discretion till your little heart bleeds- nothing happens.

Commands are done on ability and merit, not based on who your mate is and what type of fast jet you may have flown- same applies to training roles. If you reach the standard you will pass. If you don’t you will fail and be provided with feedback as to where you went wrong, and what you need to work on. You will then go under the umbrella of one of the best, if not the best training departments in aviation.

It’s not perfect and it could be better, but unionisation has brought it on leaps and bounds.

Sorry there’s no such thing as ‘SFO’ in RYR so I assume you mean FO, anyway neither that’s here nor there, how did arrive at a figure of 67K fixed for this rank??? What breakdown are you using? If you’re including the allowance of pension in fixed pay (like RYR do) then let’s get real here shall we.

LTCs are leaving to go to J2 and take a pay INCREASE as normal like skippers flying near half the amount and dealing with far less crap than used to.

As for your TRE/BC scale, again, way off. Not even close actually.

23rd Aug 2023, 11:16
FO then-
5000 allowance
dual licence - 5000 (majority have)
makes 67500 fixed
700 hours at 10.19
73500 (EXCLUDING pension)

If you dont think BCs and TREs are 168 plus gross then clearly you arn’t either and a sciolist in it’s highest form.

Just for the avoidance of doubt? Are you a BC or TRE?

Chesty Morgan
23rd Aug 2023, 11:20

I would sooner be here than joining a 🤡 like you at a dump
like Jet2. (Enough feedback from respected ex colleagues and a damning BALPA member feedback document allows me to comfortably arrive at that conclusion)

I'm happy for you to stay there.

At least all the ex Ryanair pilots and trainers who have joined Jet2 recently don't seem to be bellends.

23rd Aug 2023, 12:27
Ex-Ryanair skipper here who left the company in the past year.

The company has many issues and it's not for everyone, but most of the second-hand accounts you hear are bull****.

Discretion is not a problem, I have refused discretion before with no consequences, as have other captains at my base. Ops won't be happy about it, but you won't be brought in for disciplinary action.

Same for sickness and fatigue, I think I called in sick between 2-14 days per year over my time at Ryanair and I was only called once for a welfare check and to remind me to file sick paperwork that I had forgotten.

FTL numbers are not adjusted purposely, if significant delays are foreseen, say the aircraft you were supposed to take went tech down route, they will delay your report time. The system is mostly automatic with electronic flight plans and journey logs, occasionally, submitting the electronic paperwork can adjust the recorded times as they overwrite the manually adjusted times by ops. A call to crew control fixes this.

The company has cleaned up its act over the years as it's grown and is a massive operation and when things go wrong there are never enough ops controllers to deal with the fallout.

In response to OP's question:

- Salary is very dependent on base, post-unionisation and AOC split each country has its own payscale, contracts etc. I believe the Italians have the best contracts due to Italian tax law. The Polish/eastern Europeans are all self-employed with high net pay but no direct employment protections etc etc.

- The kind of flying is also very base dependent, the Italian bases mostly run like regional airline rosters with lots of domestic flights, mostly 4 sector days. The big bases have the largest variety of flying but also standby's there cover other bases also. The smaller bases you'll fly with the same faces every day though less variation in routes.

- Command upgrades are generally at 3k hours/900 in the company (don't quote me on the second part) I believe, you'll be pressured into it if they think you're ready. Though if you're in one of the niche positions where they have issues with FO cover, such as Ryanair UK at the moment, they'll delay as much as they think they can.

- Base transfer is based on seniority/date of application. You can apply for a base transfer and you'll be bottom of the queue, though once a year it refreshes in order of seniority. Their favourite line is "base allocation is not base transfer" so you may find new hires and upgrades getting to your base ahead of you.

- Ops, the pilots and cabin crew you work with will be fantastic, you get the occasional oddball, like every airline. Management on the other hand varies from incompetent to toxic, and if you ever have the displeasure of dealing with them, you'll understand why so many eventually leave.

- The training is stellar and can fault nothing in the training department, it's a well-oiled machine and probably the largest ATO in Europe. There are far far more SOPs than most airlines, and they want everything done in their specific ways, at least during line checks and SIMs. On the line if something goes wrong and you weren't following SOPs, say flying a visual or circling in your preferred method, you take the blame.

- Management view you as a resource to be used efficiently and a cost to be minimised instead of an asset. Expect to fly up to 900 hours a year, if a duty is legal, expect to operate it. If and when the tide turns on pilots supply and demand, expect them to cut Ts and Cs as they did during COVID. The business is run ruthlessly, which is great for investors and **** for employees. We were the last to get pay rises and the first to see pay cuts in comparison to our colleagues at other airlines.

That all being said, it's what works for you, if you're Italian, Polish or Spanish, Ryanair is probably the best-paying employer if you want to live at a regional base in your country and be home every night. It's a great airline for the beginning of your career as it exposes you to a variety of operations and situations, the training is great and if you can handle it for 6 years, you'll be a skipper with five thousand hours bond free. In my experience, most OCC captains don't last more than 2 years before they leave, FOs generally hang around longer. There's a reason they're casting a wide net and doing roadshows in South America and Africa.

Think about what it is you want, if it's to live at home or at a specific city or a fast command and PIC hours, Ryanair is the right place for you.

Edit: I just noticed you're in the Southern Hemisphere, most of the OCC Brazilians/Ecuadorians I've flown with love it here compared to their previous job at Copa. So if you're there, it's not a bad transition! If you can squeeze a Spanish/Portuguese base out of Ryanair, I think you won't regret the move.

This is pretty much spot on. Only thing I would add is you have to pay for all medicals, uniform, hotels at sims loss of licence etc. So the money may look very good and it is but it comes out of your net pay when accounting for these costs.

23rd Aug 2023, 14:13
FO then-
5000 allowance
dual licence - 5000 (majority have)
makes 67500 fixed
700 hours at 10.19
73500 (EXCLUDING pension)

If you dont think BCs and TREs are 168 plus gross then clearly you arn’t either and a sciolist in it’s highest form.

Just for the avoidance of doubt? Are you a BC or TRE?

so you do include the ‘allowance’ an ‘allowance’ that’s taxed and you pay for everything with out of your NET hmmm…. :ugh: Stop including an allowance in your calculations, it’s silly. Fair enough if you didn’t have to pay for uniform, parking, hotels, Medicals, license fee’s, ID’s….I won’t go on.

Dual licence is a load of bull. Extra money? Yeah great but nothing comes at a cost in Ryanair. I know people who’ve already been told go RUK or lose their current base, all since they’ve fessed up about their UK licence.

For the avoidance of your doubt, no, I’m not a BC or TRE but I must tell mates who are that they’re earning considerable more than others in the same role…in smaller bases most likely.

23rd Aug 2023, 15:58
My figures were accurate because they are written on the £&@£()n CLA that 80 odd percent voted in. You are full of the proverbial brown and clearly a sciolist when its comes to the BC/TRE side of it.

BCs in different bases are all paid a different allowance depending on base size.
Staff TRE and Base TRE fixed pay elements are all the same. The variable is the difference between flight pay and sim pay.

All FOs in two bases I know of that are dual licence holders are guess what ?
Shock and horror- going absolutely nowhere.

If you don’t like the facts - that’s your problem. Go and give yourself that warm fuzzy feeling and tell your mates to check the CLA- then go find a high stool and put the Disney channel on.

23rd Aug 2023, 17:17
My figures were accurate because they are written on the £&@£()n CLA that 80 odd percent voted in. You are full of the proverbial brown and clearly a sciolist when its comes to the BC/TRE side of it.

BCs in different bases are all paid a different allowance depending on base size.
Staff TRE and Base TRE fixed pay elements are all the same. The variable is the difference between flight pay and sim pay.

All FOs in two bases I know of that are dual licence holders are guess what ?
Shock and horror- going absolutely nowhere.

If you don’t like the facts - that’s your problem. Go and give yourself that warm fuzzy feeling and tell your mates to check the CLA- then go find a high stool and put the Disney channel on.

still ignoring the fact you include a taxed ‘allowance’ as an ‘earning’…?

All dual licensed FO’s in two bases going nowhere? Are you sure you’re based in the UK?

A FO ok the highest rate at RYR earns £73K (excluding allowance) flying 850 hours. A FO (NOT EVEN A SFO) at J2 earns more than this even if they flew 0 hours that year…

Chesty Morgan
23rd Aug 2023, 17:41
Seems like there's a lot of different pay scales and/or contracts.

Can you say - divide and conquer.

23rd Aug 2023, 18:16
still ignoring the fact you include a taxed ‘allowance’ as an ‘earning’…?

All dual licensed FO’s in two bases going nowhere? Are you sure you’re based in the UK?

A FO ok the highest rate at RYR earns £73K (excluding allowance) flying 850 hours. A FO (NOT EVEN A SFO) at J2 earns more than this even if they flew 0 hours that year…
Yes I am uk based - a lot longer than you I would bet too.
Where did I state earnings?
I quoted taxable fixed pay elements as per the CLA for info purposes for the original poster. Is it really that hard for you to see that ?
And you are at the third stage at BA (not jet2 I note). How did you get past the capacity test ? You seem to be struggling here massively.
BA being one of the three airlines coincidently that I advise FOs to go to if their mind is absolutely made up to leave.
Genuinely- best of luck in the sim- I have extended family members there and they love it. If you don’t make it for heavens sake dont join Jet2 !

23rd Aug 2023, 18:17
by the way, so far I know, would be Raynair DAC contract with UK basement, still no idea which airport

Bear in mind the process is likely to give you an EASA ATPL based on your national licence until you have completed the 14 ATPL exams.

This does not however give you the right to live/work in the EU as believe RYR only sponsor a UK visa. Ultimately this means you are likely stuck at RYR as I am not aware of any other UK carrier that accepts an EASA ticket. Happy to be corrected

Say Mach Number
23rd Aug 2023, 20:57
Just a small ditty that might be useful for our thread starter.

I get contacted by a UK biz jet mate who I hadn't seen or heard from for years asking about joining Ryanair and all the usual questions.

I say why now (roster mainly) and he says he was renewing his Class 1 medical and mentioned in the usual AME chit chat he was toying with the idea of Ryanair. The AME to his surprise says the happiest / most content (can't remember the exact words he used) pilots he sees in his office are the Ryanair pilots.

What can I say, to add my bit, moneys ok, roster excellent, grief factor minimal, take as much fuel as I want. Yes I want more time off and more money who doesn't but its what you sacrifice to get it. If your a FO Ryanair is an FOs airline, low gradient, positive approach to training and checking, encouraged to engage and speak up, great first start or command in quick time subject to experience and command course not designed for astronauts unlike some places I hear about.

Hope that helps.


Broomstick Flier
23rd Aug 2023, 21:48
Hi chaps,

Thanks to RenanZ for starting the thread, currently I find myself in the position of doing the paperwork to join the company. I attended one of the SA road shows and alas, was selected for the assessment and passed. Due to visa and other requirements, I am looking for another 30 days to be ready to give the final word to them so they can organise courses etc. Progression in my current gig is stalled and local conditions (politics/economy) aren't looking bright either, hence the decision to leave.

During my assessment, I was asked to select the bases, and my last option was STN and EDI was the first. Realistically, what are my chances to get the EDI base right from the start? What are the most sought-after bases in the UK?

Another thing that I forgot to ask during the assessment was if they have reserve duty, i.e., you stay at the airport fully dressed ready to go, or only home standby. Also, in general, how many stand-by/reserve days do you have on an usual roster?

Great discussion :ok:


PS. What do you mean by dual licence? UK CAA and EASA?

Whitemonk Returns
23rd Aug 2023, 21:54

I would sooner be here than joining a 🤡 like you at a dump
like Jet2. (Enough feedback from respected ex colleagues and a damning BALPA member feedback document allows me to comfortably arrive at that conclusion)

Some SUBSTANCE for the original poster :

Most DEFOs require 2 years to reach the standard for Command.

UK Captains - 122k fixed and about 8k flight pay
UK SFOs - 67k fixed and about 7-8k flight pay
Proper staff travel (that you can actually use) 6 confirmed , unlimited standby , unlimited jumpseat.
SFIs - circa 100k
LTCs About 140ish all in
TREs and BCs(depending on base size) 168 - 175 plus

5-4 for line guys and weekends off for other roles.
You can refuse discretion till your little heart bleeds- nothing happens.

Commands are done on ability and merit, not based on who your mate is and what type of fast jet you may have flown- same applies to training roles. If you reach the standard you will pass. If you don’t you will fail and be provided with feedback as to where you went wrong, and what you need to work on. You will then go under the umbrella of one of the best, if not the best training departments in aviation.

It’s not perfect and it could be better, but unionisation has brought it on leaps and bounds.

A regular line Captain in Jet2 this year will earn nearly as much as a Ryanair TRE and work 50% less... about 160k... i know which one sounds like a dump to me

23rd Aug 2023, 22:04
No airport standby for pilots, only cabin crew

Say Mach Number
23rd Aug 2023, 23:49
It’s not all about the money if it was there would be nobody working in the UK.

For me stable roster, 5\4, prefer short sectors, maybe odd but don’t mind 4 shortish ones, can’t stand endless Canaries flights bored by bottom of France so Jet2 would be out for me.

In fairness Jet2 are doing us all in FR a favour. I’m sure my £11k pay rise coming in this month is down to them in part.

I’m looking at the overall package, including the roster not just the dosh. But then again maybe I’m at the wrong end of the age curve to be purely cash driven.


24th Aug 2023, 11:18
Ok, a lot of strong opinions coming around.

about the package, what I can take from your inputs are essentially this:

best - 5/4 Roster
good - Capt upgrade
average - Salary
bad - Capt’s Discretion (what’s even that?)
worst - Management

based on this, is it Worth It?
I mean, like said before, not just changing badges, would be a life change…..

24th Aug 2023, 11:26
Bear in mind the process is likely to give you an EASA ATPL based on your national licence until you have completed the 14 ATPL exams.

This does not however give you the right to live/work in the EU as believe RYR only sponsor a UK visa. Ultimately this means you are likely stuck at RYR as I am not aware of any other UK carrier that accepts an EASA ticket. Happy to be corrected

yeah, UK visa only for now

but I’ve been working on my EU citizenship (Italian ancestries) for the past 10 years, so I believe when it comes out, I would have more options by having the right to live and work, the EASA license and the job (if everything goes right along the way)

Antonio Montana
24th Aug 2023, 12:11
Dont have any skin in this game, but lets face it the CLA for Ryanair and Jet2's Lifestyle options are very much in the public domain. If you don't have them here they are.
Lets see how long it takes before this post gets removed

24th Aug 2023, 16:37
I'm ex Ryanair, cadet to captain, left quite a while ago before the unions got in. Horrible company to work for, I can't speak for how it is now but back then you went to dublin for tea and biscuits if you didn't use discretion. They used to tell us that it was impossible to be fatigued, something about nasa scientists analysing Ryanair rosters or some BS. There was no base transfer lists and they used to not give people their preferences on purpose, to have a carrot to dangle and try to stop unionisation, which they were successful at for around 30 years before it finally happened. I could go on and on.

That they literally broke the airline up into 5 or 6 different AOC's to limit the effectiveness of the unions tell you everything you need to know. As I said I left a long time ago so while things might be slightly better than when I was there, it's still the same bunch of oppressive snakes running the organisation.

I suspect the posters who are defending the company probably joined as cadets and never left and are convincing themselves it isn't that bad. Well it is that bad, there are far better employers and jobs out there.

Ryanair is fine as a stepping stone, particularly for cadets or people who are coming for an EU visa. As a long term career its a pile of ****.

Say Mach Number
24th Aug 2023, 17:36
a797 - as you say your out of touch.

Im not the defending type or a cadet or looking for a Visa, if something is **** will happily state it. My main beef with Ryanair is I would like more roster options like Jet2 but that's it.

I stay within the rules, take the fuel I want, don't do days off as a rule, ignore witheld numbers on days off, go sick on average the same amount as anyone else, I don't get many roster changes, they don't mess with my money or my time off and Im in a base I want to be. Thus never been for any tea with or without buscuits.

Maybe Im just a simple bod. I miss some of the things on my sadly deceased old airline. Enjoyed the odd night stop and a laugh with the crew and other night stopping crews. Even enjoyed some freighter work I once did. Definitely enjoyed doing only 250 - 300hrs a year - ah those were the days. Definitely didn't enjoy massive duty days positioning in hire cars, taxis and planes and sitting around crew rooms for hours on end. Oh yeah dont miss wearing a hat....

I have no beef with any person or company.

Whitemonk Returns
24th Aug 2023, 19:47
To answer the original question, Ryanair is a stepping stone airline, they know this, which is why they treat people like ****, in fairness they don't treat their pax much better so what do you expect.

The greatest trick they ever pulled was to convince people that working a stable 5/4 roster flying 800+ hours a year was better than a random one flying 5 das a month you can control through a decent leave/DO system (which by the way Jet2 don't have just yet for fairness in posting but it's the best one I have seen in 3 airlines so far)...

By the way I appreciate the stable roster makes sense for some people's family life so I'm not having a jab the work/life balance of it has just never made sense to me

In short, if I needed a job I would go work for them tomorrow, beats stacking shelves, but if there was any other reasonable flying option I would take that first

Say Mach Number
24th Aug 2023, 20:32
WR if your working 5 days a month on a random roster on full time gig and wage. Where do I sign up?

Not joking by the way. Just jealous.....

Thats sound like you have hit the jackpot.

24th Aug 2023, 20:37
Sorry a797 isn’t that out of touch.

I moved on from them less than a year ago.
The only 2 positives at RYR are the 5/4 and quick command. Maybe a third they aren’t disappearing anytime soon.

As an FO I was on some Blue contact or something. Worth nothing. Tried to remortgage with the contract and the underwriters laughed us out of the bank. Even though it said permanent it also stated until 2025 with no guarantee of continuing. No guarantee on this that and the other.
3 bases I asked for. Didn’t get offered any. Sent to a base that was “struggling” yet I had so much standby. I did move pretty quickly but only because I had UK licence. Of my course and the 2 before not many got the base they asked for until RYR started making a massive effort to get people to where they wanted to be. I mean I even knew a guy at the base I wanted to be and he wanted to be at my base.

Went into discretion twice in 1 5 day block. More discretion in a month than in the previous 6 years of flying at another airline.

CC collapsed on sector 3. Had crewing calling us up screaming at us to GET THE PASSENGERS ON NOW. YOU NEED TO BE AIRBORNE ASAP. Didn’t even ask about the CC.

2 guys from my intake got properly shafted. 1 wanted time of for the birth of his child. He so wanted the job so accepted any base which wasn’t ideal. RYR said no.

Another guy was due a base transfer. He got another job a week before he was meant to transfer. Gave RYR 3 months notice. Day before transfer terminated his contract with immediate effect. Can’t remember the base he was at but apparently legal.

Heard of one guy who’s dad was terminal. All he asked for was to be as close as possible. 3 bases easily where he needed to be. Yes yes……. Denied. Sent to arse end of nowhere.

Captain I flew with had 5 long days. Having a chat with him he said he was expecting this week as 2 weeks previous they asked him to do 2 extra sectors which he said no to. He noticed his roster went blank that week and changed to those long days. He’s been at RYR for 25 years and said yeah that’s what they do.

Met a captain when I was positioning over to do a SIM. Thought he might have been my SIM partner. “No I got to go to Dublin because I haven’t been flying cost index”

I could go on and on.

Like I said 5/4 is very good. Fast command. That’s it in my books.

Whitemonk Returns
24th Aug 2023, 21:20
Sorry a797 isn’t that out of touch.

I moved on from them less than a year ago.
The only 2 positives at RYR are the 5/4 and quick command. Maybe a third they aren’t disappearing anytime soon.

As an FO I was on some Blue contact or something. Worth nothing. Tried to remortgage with the contract and the underwriters laughed us out of the bank. Even though it said permanent it also stated until 2025 with no guarantee of continuing. No guarantee on this that and the other.
3 bases I asked for. Didn’t get offered any. Sent to a base that was “struggling” yet I had so much standby. I did move pretty quickly but only because I had UK licence. Of my course and the 2 before not many got the base they asked for until RYR started making a massive effort to get people to where they wanted to be. I mean I even knew a guy at the base I wanted to be and he wanted to be at my base.

Went into discretion twice in 1 5 day block. More discretion in a month than in the previous 6 years of flying at another airline.

CC collapsed on sector 3. Had crewing calling us up screaming at us to GET THE PASSENGERS ON NOW. YOU NEED TO BE AIRBORNE ASAP. Didn’t even ask about the CC.

2 guys from my intake got properly shafted. 1 wanted time of for the birth of his child. He so wanted the job so accepted any base which wasn’t ideal. RYR said no.

Another guy was due a base transfer. He got another job a week before he was meant to transfer. Gave RYR 3 months notice. Day before transfer terminated his contract with immediate effect. Can’t remember the base he was at but apparently legal.

Heard of one guy who’s dad was terminal. All he asked for was to be as close as possible. 3 bases easily where he needed to be. Yes yes……. Denied. Sent to arse end of nowhere.

Captain I flew with had 5 long days. Having a chat with him he said he was expecting this week as 2 weeks previous they asked him to do 2 extra sectors which he said no to. He noticed his roster went blank that week and changed to those long days. He’s been at RYR for 25 years and said yeah that’s what they do.

Met a captain when I was positioning over to do a SIM. Thought he might have been my SIM partner. “No I got to go to Dublin because I haven’t been flying cost index”

I could go on and on.

Like I said 5/4 is very good. Fast command. That’s it in my books.

Wow, I knew It was bad but that is eye opening, thanks for posting, we need more of this stuff, in all airlines by the way not just about RYR.

And Mach Number, your right, i did, but sadly age is catching up to the equipment and i am having to move onto something new, but what a time it's been!

24th Aug 2023, 21:33
I left almost 10 years ago. When I read AIMINGHIGH's post it's all coming back to me. They were not a pleasant lot to work for. Nice colleagues though, mostly.

Chesty Morgan
25th Aug 2023, 07:00
I would sooner be at FR in the short term than Flybe any day. I left FR a while back for pastures new. I wouldnt of had the same opportunity if I was working at Flybe.

As for your little dig at Wally.

Grow up!:D

So you left Ryanair? I think that post was from 2012.

No paying for type ratings at Flybe?

What is the pay like though?

Prospects after Flybe? (apart form the lucky few coming to BA and one or two at Qatar)

What is the roster like?

Coming to BA. Were you at BA or not? And if you were how did you get in without applying?

29th Aug 2023, 11:48
Wow, I knew It was bad but that is eye opening, thanks for posting, we need more of this stuff, in all airlines by the way not just about RYR.

And Mach Number, your right, i did, but sadly age is catching up to the equipment and i am having to move onto something new, but what a time it's been!

Well, I've been there for 8 and half years and I cannot relate to any of this. I know where I stand so should everyone else, you might not know your OMA by heart but you should know where to look for info. If OPS ever shout to me, I just tell them to get some composure and call me back again, then I hang up. I don't do any days off. I never been in Dublin for not being flexible nor for not flying on cost index from time to time. Yes, I had to wait for my base. Yes, I had to wait for my contract. Yes, I also did fly with some twats and had some unpleasant conversations with some FOPS managers. Did I cry until then? No.

So I guess it depends to who you're talking to, some people succumb more to pressure than others. Not saying that it is this case but there are some people that piss in the mop bucket a lot. Most of them are the ones that have experiences like this. The rest, I guess they are just unlucky. It's not the perfect airline, and it will never be. But it is much better than what is was 10 years ago. And I'm sure other airlines are better in certain stuff but also not so good as RYR in other aspects. Horses for courses.

30th Aug 2023, 08:37
Well, I've been there for 8 and half years and I cannot relate to any of this. I know where I stand so should everyone else, you might not know your OMA by heart but you should know where to look for info. If OPS ever shout to me, I just tell them to get some composure and call me back again, then I hang up. I don't do any days off. I never been in Dublin for not being flexible nor for not flying on cost index from time to time. Yes, I had to wait for my base. Yes, I had to wait for my contract. Yes, I also did fly with some twats and had some unpleasant conversations with some FOPS managers. Did I cry until then? No.

So I guess it depends to who you're talking to, some people succumb more to pressure than others. Not saying that it is this case but there are some people that piss in the mop bucket a lot. Most of them are the ones that have experiences like this. The rest, I guess they are just unlucky. It's not the perfect airline, and it will never be. But it is much better than what is was 10 years ago. And I'm sure other airlines are better in certain stuff but also not so good as RYR in other aspects. Horses for courses.

thanks mate
Sorry to bother, but would you mind to share your experience a little bit deeper? The really bad and good stuff?
only ir you want to, do course

3rd Sep 2023, 19:49
Last time I stood my ground, the fact it was against the OM A was ignored and I got a phone call from a management pilot which focused on why I was refusing to cooperate with delivering the operation.

I know I am not the only FO who has had this experience. One guy showed me screenshots where he had been called at 4:50AM for a 7AM standby. There was also a post recently on the intranet querying all the texts in the middle of the night that seem to disturb quite a lot of people. Put it on silent sounds simple but not everyone can put their phone on silent. Some have urgent calls they need to be able to receive etc.

Get yourself a Batphone then. Have had one for 5 years and it's worked like a dream.

Personal number is private for a reason. Not for your employer to contact you on.

3rd Sep 2023, 21:12
thanks mate
Sorry to bother, but would you mind to share your experience a little bit deeper? The really bad and good stuff?
only ir you want to, do course

After reading this thread I’m sure you’ve obtained enough information now. Don’t you think? It’s not very difficult to weigh up the options for or against working for FR.

Asking folks for more detail on their already descriptive posts is starting to smell like lazy journalism.

Time for mods to close this thread.

4th Sep 2023, 16:23
After reading this thread I’m sure you’ve obtained enough information now. Don’t you think? It’s not very difficult to weigh up the options for or against working for FR.

Asking folks for more detail on their already descriptive posts is starting to smell like lazy journalism.

Time for mods to close this thread.

lazy journalism?
dude, what world do you live in?
Isn’t that too much paranoia for a simple thread?

although some good content have been shared here, I wouldn’t consider a handful of them out of thousands of fellow pilots as “enough” to clearly choose what path to take, as this directly affects my career and my family

So I respectfully ask you to either participate the thread with what is the main objective, not just for me but Also for those who may follow,
Or you can just Stay away,


13th Sep 2023, 19:26
"Met a captain when I was positioning over to do a SIM. Thought he might have been my SIM partner. “No I got to go to Dublin because I haven’t been flying cost index”

but if 2% of FR pilots flew in excess of Cost Index, then that's 50 interviews each month if it was 10% then that's 250, I'm sure their management have better things to do.

13th Sep 2023, 21:15
When it comes to getting time off for the birth of your child. If there's any doubt about getting the time off, you just call in sick. It is as easy as that.

Once you ask for time off, you kind off wipe that option off the table as it would look too suspect.

14th Sep 2023, 12:27
When it comes to getting time off for the birth of your child. If there's any doubt about getting the time off, you just call in sick. It is as easy as that.

Once you ask for time off, you kind off wipe that option off the table as it would look too suspect.

in the UK you are entitled to two weeks paid paternity leave.

14th Sep 2023, 13:07
Yes, but it cannot be taken before the child is born. This is about actually being there for the birth.

My company positioned me home early from a night in Europe when it like my wife might be going into labour, all sorted at 1am and nothing but support given. Baby didn’t come but that wasn’t a problem. No need to call in sick if it looks like baby might be imminent, they don’t want you flying anyway.

14th Sep 2023, 16:43
Yes, but it cannot be taken before the child is born. This is about actually being there for the birth.

My company positioned me home early from a night in Europe when it like my wife might be going into labour, all sorted at 1am and nothing but support given. Baby didn’t come but that wasn’t a problem. No need to call in sick if it looks like baby might be imminent, they don’t want you flying anyway.

Theres a bit of licence holder responsibility there. You can’t possibly be fit to fly with a partner in labour, whether there’s been an arrival or not!

The Foss
14th Sep 2023, 17:51
You wouldn’t need to call in sick. Just tell them your partner is having a baby and you aren’t available to fly.. it’s not an excuse you’ll be using every week

25th Sep 2023, 17:15
Was chatting to a couple of my European colleagues over the weekend. Thought I should add to this thread. There appears to be moves by FR to place airframes in the UK from Europe, staffed by zero hour paid crew. FR will pay a small fee or pay for hotel. It was alleged that this is a feasibility study, well it's practical if it occurs. Was muted that there may be a planning scenario of using European zero hours aircrew in UK while reducing salaried UK staff. This would be a very unsettling move if it occurred. Not aware of any movements in this direction but admit that I am not exactly in a loop to know. It may be rubbish but still it's out there if that be the case.

25th Sep 2023, 18:47
It would be difficult for them to do that because the vast majority of the European zero hour crews don't have the right to work in the UK. I presume you're referring to Buzz crew because the only other zero hour pilots are contractors (fixed and floaters), and they are not cheap for the company.

Also, the buzz crews aren't able to operate the G or EI reg aircraft whilst simultaneously operating SP reg. There's a sim between each time they transfer reg. The floating guys can operate EI reg but again, they are very expensive and recently got a payrise so it won't serve the alleged intended purpose.

25th Sep 2023, 19:30
It would be difficult for them to do that because the vast majority of the European zero hour crews don't have the right to work in the UK. I presume you're referring to Buzz crew because the only other zero hour pilots are contractors (fixed and floaters), and they are not cheap for the company.

Also, the buzz crews aren't able to operate the G or EI reg aircraft whilst simultaneously operating SP reg. There's a sim between each time they transfer reg. The floating guys can operate EI reg but again, they are very expensive and recently got a payrise so it won't serve the alleged intended purpose.

you obviously more informed than me, it was just that I was part of a conversation and was listening as I didn't have anything to input. My impression was that the aircrew wouldn't be resident but just coming in to operate their airframes which I believe would be the on the European register so it's a bit of a mess for me to understand the various legal issues. It was really to post to see if anyone had comments. Thanks for your insight.

25th Sep 2023, 20:39
It would be difficult for them to do that because the vast majority of the European zero hour crews don't have the right to work in the UK. I presume you're referring to Buzz crew because the only other zero hour pilots are contractors (fixed and floaters), and they are not cheap for the company.

Also, the buzz crews aren't able to operate the G or EI reg aircraft whilst simultaneously operating SP reg. There's a sim between each time they transfer reg. The floating guys can operate EI reg but again, they are very expensive cheap and recently got a payrise so it won't serve the alleged intended purpose.

Just took the freedom to make some changes.

25th Sep 2023, 22:03
Just took the freedom to make some changes.
You are more than welcome to that. I can see the argument that they are cheap as there is no employer NI or retirement contributions. However at €230 an hour I still wouldn't call them that cheap.

What would the plan be? To pay UK guys a high basic salary and not have them actually work? It's gross £10/hr FOs are getting and we are doing full months even as the October roster is coming out. Or as guys leave, not replace them with more employed pilots but floaters/contractors?

If it is true I don't see it surviving very long. HMRC will come knocking and IR35 will be argued. Everyone will quickly skidaddle.

They also have UK zero hr contractors. Every other day I hear about another one getting audited by HMRC.

26th Sep 2023, 12:04
You are more than welcome to that. I can see the argument that they are cheap as there is no employer NI or retirement contributions. However at €230 an hour I still wouldn't call them that cheap.

What would the plan be? To pay UK guys a high basic salary and not have them actually work? It's gross £10/hr FOs are getting and we are doing full months even as the October roster is coming out. Or as guys leave, not replace them with more employed pilots but floaters/contractors?

If it is true I don't see it surviving very long. HMRC will come knocking and IR35 will be argued. Everyone will quickly skidaddle.

They also have UK zero hr contractors. Every other day I hear about another one getting audited by HMRC.

Didn't mean to take a dig at you or your comment - I was just pointing that contractors will be always cheaper than employees (otherwise why would governments come up with that idea several years ago?

It is much more than NI & pension. Sick pay, accommodation paid when sending out of base, per diems, visas, not to even talk they discount contractors €4.5/hour to cover your recurrent sim expenses, which is part of OMD legislation, not ATO :yuk:

Then there are corporate costs savings like NI, pension, insurance, death in service etc that the company is not liable to pay you a penny. And the whole social responsibility.

Don't know any skipper that is on €230/hour (including mobile pilots), FOs are €85 or €90 so a skipper won't be more than double. But I know RYRs wet dream is to get everyone working as contractors.

HMRC has bigger fish to fry, especially now when the contractor community has dropped significantly (FOs now offered direct contract, a must if EU national being UK based due to visa requirements).

26th Sep 2023, 19:33
Not sure if my post was explicit enough. Further to some info from sources it's now my understanding is that the crew will fly in to the UK for anfive day work roster. Fly in first morning and then operate a European frame for next five days. Fly out on day six. Hotel accommodations provided for five days. No subsistence period. The crew only paid for flying hours. Skippers rate is €160 Hr, FO €80 is what is believed. This crew arrangement does not attract attention of any UK HMRC. Dublin, is also being targeted. Their are rumours that BALPA are concerned at this sort of move which erodes their members futures. Must say this is all third party information and I cannot corroborate any of this but thought it was the right place to air as there seems to be more than a couple of chaps who are expressing concerns.

Broomstick Flier
26th Sep 2023, 21:26
Quick questions (again):

First, I must stress that I was approved during a recent assessment and was eventually offered a job as DEFO at Ryanair DAC based in the UK. Ground school is set for next January.

That being said, base allocation (so far) is STN but I was looking forward to changing the base to somewhere else in the UK. Realistically speaking, is this feasible? And if affirmative, at which point I should/could do this? I am already aware of the base bidding system, but I was wondering if there is another channel to settle this before I am even allocated to STN, so I don't need to change later.
Also, any idea what are the most sought-after bases in the UK?

TIA :ok:

26th Sep 2023, 21:46
Quick questions (again):

First, I must stress that I was approved during a recent assessment and was eventually offered a job as DEFO at Ryanair DAC based in the UK. Ground school is set for next January.

That being said, base allocation (so far) is STN but I was looking forward to changing the base to somewhere else in the UK. Realistically speaking, is this feasible? And if affirmative, at which point I should/could do this? I am already aware of the base bidding system, but I was wondering if there is another channel to settle this before I am even allocated to STN, so I don't need to change later.
Also, any idea what are the most sought-after bases in the UK?

TIA :ok:

what’s your course number for January ? :)

Prob30Tempo TSRA
26th Sep 2023, 21:48
Interested in DEC RUK , not much info on this part of the empire ,

Can anybody tell me
- the bond for non 737 TR
- the actual pay ( ppjn doesn't seem to cover it )
- the bases ( heard stan, man, edi and bfs ?)

Is it 5/4, 5/4 roster

Thanks for any gen

26th Sep 2023, 22:08
The floating captains are getting €222.5/hr (- 4.50 sim). If they are LTCs, they get €15 extra per hour. If they happen to be a TRE then it's another €15 extra per hr.

Floating FOs are getting €133/hr.

Fixed base contractors get the above figures minus €50/hr (no floating supplement). I've flown with floating captains this summer already so it wouldn't be new. The company are genuinely short though, there literally are not enough based captains to cover the schedule.

As for HMRC, I know of pilots who they were very interested in and are now getting audited. They took home ridiculous pay checks though.

Brian Pern
27th Sep 2023, 08:23
Interested in DEC RUK , not much info on this part of the empire ,

Can anybody tell me
- the bond for non 737 TR
- the actual pay ( ppjn doesn't seem to cover it )
- the bases ( heard stan, man, edi and bfs ?)

Is it 5/4, 5/4 roster

Thanks for any gen
A few pages back, someone has posted the latest CLA pay deal all agreed with Balpa. I suggest you have a look.

Prob30Tempo TSRA
27th Sep 2023, 11:40
A few pages back, someone has posted the latest CLA pay deal all agreed with Balpa. I suggest you have a look.
Thanks - found it .
122k for uk capt then .

Are you still paying for uniform ( how much ?) medicals , car parks etc ?

Broomstick Flier
27th Sep 2023, 16:22
Interested in DEC RUK , not much info on this part of the empire ,
Can anybody tell me
- the bond for non 737 TR
- the actual pay ( ppjn doesn't seem to cover it )
- the bases ( heard stan, man, edi and bfs ?)
Is it 5/4, 5/4 roster
Thanks for any gen

Hi Prob30,

As far it was told us during the assessment, there is a three-year bond for non-typed pilots.
There is no deduction per se, but for every year worked they cancel 1/3 of your debt. I think it is around 15K quid.

Regarding the bases, from what I learned, new hires are all being assigned STN, regardless of base options made during the assessment, but this is only a personal observation.

Please note this information is for RYR not RUK, might be different.

28th Sep 2023, 05:57
Thanks - found it .
122k for uk capt then .

Are you still paying for uniform ( how much ?) medicals , car parks etc ?

As of June, I believe Ryanair UK has four aircraft based at STN, four aircraft based at MAN, one or two aircraft based at EDI and one or two aircraft based at BFS. So you are more likely to get STN or MAN base with RUK.

You pay for everything except hotels for recurrent SIMs.

Edit: You do pay for sim hotels, I forgot, occasionally they pay for a taxi for you to/from SIM because they can't afford to have you off the line for a day DH through the network.
Thanks vpcaptain

Prob30Tempo TSRA
28th Sep 2023, 17:08
Thanks for the info .
I remember 20 years back it was £50 to read your CV
Now it's £60 for Im guessing a psyche questionnaire

28th Sep 2023, 21:25
You do pay for recurrent sim hotels, have to DH to sim can’t self drive, 13 RUK 737-800’s two at each of EDI and BFS one parked at PIK rest MAN STN. BHX getting 2 next.

11th Oct 2023, 16:47
How many pilots is Ryanair hiring nowadays?

How long does it take from application to interview offer?

What is the interview pass rate?

12th Oct 2023, 11:17
Hi All,
Reading through this forum and want to highlight a couple of things;

DEC Assessments take place weekly in STN, if you are successful you will be offered a position within 5 working days, you apply on careers.ryanair.com
UK Captain Salary is £147k or £144k if regional (if dual licence rated)
Basic £108,000 Allowance (uniform, parking, loss of licence, or do whatever you want with it) £6,000 A/L pay £2,897 Sector pay £14,714 (based on 850 avg hours) Pension £8,000 London Allowance £3,000 Total £142,611 Dual licence Allowance £5,000 Total inc DLA £147,611
The psychometric assessment is provided by AON - If you successfully join a course, this is reimbursed in full
Its a fixed 5/4 roster for duration of your Ryanair career
For Non-Type Rated Captains it is a €15k reducing bond (no payment reductions etc)
Loads of opps for fast track command & training dept

Hope that helps

12th Oct 2023, 20:12
Any BLL based (or CPH) willing to share details/t&c’s ?

13th Oct 2023, 13:07
Hi All,
Reading through this forum and want to highlight a couple of things;

Loads of opps for fast track command & training dept

Hope that helps

Can you explain a bit more about fast track commands.
What are the minimum requirements and exactly how fast is the process ?

14th Oct 2023, 09:26
Any BLL based (or CPH) willing to share details/t&c’s ?

send me a PM and I’ll give you a few DKK numbers

14th Oct 2023, 13:06
Hi All,
Reading through this forum and want to highlight a couple of things;

DEC Assessments take place weekly in STN, if you are successful you will be offered a position within 5 working days, you apply on careers.ryanair.com
UK Captain Salary is £147k or £144k if regional (if dual licence rated)
Basic £108,000 Allowance (uniform, parking, loss of licence, or do whatever you want with it) £6,000 A/L pay £2,897 Sector pay £14,714 (based on 850 avg hours) Pension £8,000 London Allowance £3,000 Total £142,611 Dual licence Allowance £5,000 Total inc DLA £147,611
The psychometric assessment is provided by AON - If you successfully join a course, this is reimbursed in full
Its a fixed 5/4 roster for duration of your Ryanair career
For Non-Type Rated Captains it is a €15k reducing bond (no payment reductions etc)
Loads of opps for fast track command & training dept

Hope that helps

The salary is NOT £147k. Annual leave, pension etc absolutely are not ‘salary’ when comparing to other places. A fair comparison for other carriers is about £125-£130K. And big caveat is that only the basic is set to keep rising over the years, albeit not by much. That ‘allowance’ thing, pension etc etc are all frozen so will reduce in value pretty rapidly.

Roster pattern is good, but that’s about it. Way way way better off money wise going to J2, or if you need to RYR to get some hours then J2.

14th Oct 2023, 14:22
Hi All,
Reading through this forum and want to highlight a couple of things;

DEC Assessments take place weekly in STN, if you are successful you will be offered a position within 5 working days, you apply on careers.ryanair.com
UK Captain Salary is £147k or £144k if regional (if dual licence rated)
Basic £108,000 Allowance (uniform, parking, loss of licence, or do whatever you want with it) £6,000 A/L pay £2,897 Sector pay £14,714 (based on 850 avg hours) Pension £8,000 London Allowance £3,000 Total £142,611 Dual licence Allowance £5,000 Total inc DLA £147,611
The psychometric assessment is provided by AON - If you successfully join a course, this is reimbursed in full
Its a fixed 5/4 roster for duration of your Ryanair career
For Non-Type Rated Captains it is a €15k reducing bond (no payment reductions etc)
Loads of opps for fast track command & training dept

Hope that helps

Oh here we go.

Adding on the pension when no other company in any industry does that. Jeez

Nice side track of the FO pay which is below par.

14th Oct 2023, 14:40
You can't complain when a company wish's to portray itself as competitive, adding all the benefits as part of basic salary however is not really fair. Fortunately we have posters who will call this out and it's a plainly obvious tactic. The one I would take issue with is the reference to, fast track command. Certainly I have knowledge that in the UK the shortage of FO's is seriously holding up internal,command opportunities. Do not believe that fast track is anything but false promise. I know of guys and gals with thousands of hours all over 4, that have not a chance of command. DEC is the way they are presently filling the large number of holes. The cadet program is planned to fix this issue eventually, but it's a few years off, before command upgrades go back to anything like normality. Do not be misled. It's all a pipe dream FR sell but on the other hand they do serve our aviation industry with opportunities.

14th Oct 2023, 17:10
Any plans for Ryanair to start taking UK licenced cadets?

14th Oct 2023, 17:41
I would say the shortage of conmanders dwarfs the shortage of FOs in the UK

14th Oct 2023, 17:55
You can't complain when a company wish's to portray itself as competitive, adding all the benefits as part of basic salary however is not really fair. Fortunately we have posters who will call this out and it's a plainly obvious tactic. The one I would take issue with is the reference to, fast track command. Certainly I have knowledge that in the UK the shortage of FO's is seriously holding up internal,command opportunities. Do not believe that fast track is anything but false promise. I know of guys and gals with thousands of hours all over 4, that have not a chance of command. DEC is the way they are presently filling the large number of holes. The cadet program is planned to fix this issue eventually, but it's a few years off, before command upgrades go back to anything like normality. Do not be misled. It's all a pipe dream FR sell but on the other hand they do serve our aviation industry with opportunities.

You absolutely can complain, and we’ll continue to do so :E

14th Oct 2023, 19:19
I would say the shortage of conmanders dwarfs the shortage of FOs in the UK

well again you may have more accurate information than I possess, however I onky speak fir a small number I expect, but do have solid contact that maintain that Lack if experienced FO was a major concern for FR. I can see this situation being the case if you look over the situation firvthe past few years, covid impacts and competitive recruiting that has been evidenced. Jet2 and sand pit is and has been making holes in experienced crew retainment.

15th Oct 2023, 09:50
Hey guys, if there is anyone based in Spain that is willing to share some t&c's figures would really appreciate it! Thanks anyway

16th Oct 2023, 07:22
Greetings everyone.

Would Ryan Air hire with 800hrs frozen ATPL (13 ATPL exams completed) for FO positions? Also, do they have a base in Bucharest? Lastly, is the FO salary really 70k Euros?

Thank you

16th Oct 2023, 07:35
Greetings everyone.

Would Ryan Air hire with 800hrs frozen ATPL (13 ATPL exams completed) for FO positions? Also, do they have a base in Bucharest? Lastly, is the FO salary really 70k Euros?

Thank you
Yes there is a Malta Air base in Bucharest.

The requirements are clearly defined on the website, so go there and see if you fullfill requirements for DEFO otherweise there is the Cadet roles.

Salary varies depending on the contract and country your in and experience levels but an employee SFO would make 80.000€+ although with pension etc included.

16th Oct 2023, 20:35
Roster pattern is good, but that’s about it. Way way way better off money wise going to J2, or if you need to RYR to get some hours then J2.

I wouldn't imagine pilots are forced to work for RYR

17th Oct 2023, 10:46
you are so wide of the mark with your command upgrade comments, speak to anyone in RYR and there are hundreds of command upgrade opps, this year we will be promoting upwards of 450, no other airline in Europe is doing those command numbers, direct entry is supplementing the commands, ask anyone who has ever worked for RYR and they will tell you that the CU programme is second to none, what other airline can you join at 19 and become a Captain at 23? likewise high hour DE FO's, they can move quickly into the left hand seat once they have completed a winter/summer season, i am only giving you facts here, i am not here to argue with anyone.

Say Mach Number
17th Oct 2023, 19:14
iamryanair is correct in that with the correct experience and 12 months in the company and suitable sim grades the opportunities for command are there.

There is no seniority to get in the way and it’s a pure meritocracy. If your suitable and good enough your on the course.

What can be a reality is many new entry’s find 12 months in they are not ready for command upgrade but that’s not the same thing as saying the upgrade opportunities don’t exist.

Say Mach Number
17th Oct 2023, 19:43
Ps I agree with those that say Ryanair can sell itself any way it wishes. I didn’t realise there were rules about that.

Anyone who comes to the assessment gets all the facts and no one forces anyone to join or the 6500 pilots who already have.

Don’t see why everyone gets on their high horse because an allowance is portrayed in a certain way or not.

People are big boys and girls and can read and decide what they like or don’t.

I can only believe because it’s Ryanair and because they don’t conform to some preconceived way of how things should be done. Surely no one is surprised Ryanair do things differently.

Ultimately if the money or roster is not competitive or people believe there is an underhand way of explaining the financial package people won’t join.

From what I can see people must be able to work these things out because there is no shortage of people attending assessments and signing up.


Say Mach Number
18th Oct 2023, 06:52
Just curious Antonio Montana, how old is old enough and how much life experience do you need to be a airline Captain?

Can you be more specific for all aspiring 20 something year olds out there.

I always worked on if your good enough your old enough rule. But hey maybe I’m just old fashioned like that.

Say Mach Number
18th Oct 2023, 06:55
Ps meant to say the Irish Aviation Authority, Civil Aviation Authority, Malta CAA and Polish CAA, can’t speak for Airbus crowd all think a 23 year old with 3000 hrs is sufficient for what it’s worth.

19th Oct 2023, 13:45
Hi Ptflyig,

I got the spanish base and T&C; still working on the 'take' home numbers as taxation in spain is not yet clear for me. All the numbers are in gross and in Spain you get some tax exemptions under some conditions.
You could PM me for more details.
If more established Spanish base F/O's around maybe they could help us with some tax clarifications as with no tax exemptions i might end with 3000 Euro/month take home with 70 hrs flying, and way less then that in the 3 months off.

21st Oct 2023, 08:25
hey guys, anyone knows if the alcohol/drug test at crewlink is just urine or also blood?

21st Oct 2023, 08:45
send me a PM and I’ll give you a few DKK numbers

Thanks a lot Lazyturtle.

I got your message, but I cannot reply due to your inbox is full.

22nd Oct 2023, 07:49
Thanks a lot Lazyturtle.

I got your message, but I cannot reply due to your inbox is full.

Sorry I dont use pprune much but some limitations apply apparently. Should work now if not ask here if there is anything else :)

23rd Oct 2023, 07:25
hey guys, anyone knows if the alcohol/drug test at crewlink is just urine or also blood?

If this is something you worry about you have potentially chosen the wrong career.

23rd Oct 2023, 07:29
hey guys, anyone knows if the alcohol/drug test at crewlink is just urine or also blood?

Agree with above poster who replied to you. I hope it is only because your afraid of needles :)

I have no clue how Crewlink do it if they are responsible nowadays but many companies actually do neither, they take a cut of your hair. This can go back many months, over a year, and trace for illegal substances…

23rd Oct 2023, 09:37
I am mate, but not with the result! Just with the giving blood part, it's a struggle

23rd Oct 2023, 21:31
hey guys, anyone knows if the alcohol/drug test at crewlink is just urine or also blood?
they do both so buckle up, it's a tiny amount though so nothing to fear really

24th Oct 2023, 13:33
Hey yo

Considering a ryanair UK position. What would the pros and cons of a ryanair UK contract over a DAC one? (I'm eligible for either)
Is a Ryr UK contract available in all UK bases?


Prob30Tempo TSRA
24th Oct 2023, 21:04
Hey yo

Considering a ryanair UK position. What would the pros and cons of a ryanair UK contract over a DAC one? (I'm eligible for either)
Is a Ryr UK contract available in all UK bases?

AFAIK , RUK only available where G reg aircraft are which seems to be STN, MAN, EDI , BFS

24th Oct 2023, 21:09
There adding BHX 2 aircraft soon to Ryanair UK

24th Oct 2023, 23:00
All uk pilots are on the same contract, be it RUK or DAC. The BHX RUK base has been put on hold.

25th Oct 2023, 14:15
Hi Ptflyig,

I got the spanish base and T&C; still working on the 'take' home numbers as taxation in spain is not yet clear for me. All the numbers are in gross and in Spain you get some tax exemptions under some conditions.
You could PM me for more details.
If more established Spanish base F/O's around maybe they could help us with some tax clarifications as with no tax exemptions i might end with 3000 Euro/month take home with 70 hrs flying, and way less then that in the 3 months off.
Hey mate, i sent you a PM a few days ago, not sure if you got it! I sent you my contacts for us to talk

26th Oct 2023, 10:25
All uk pilots are on the same contract, be it RUK or DAC. The BHX RUK base has been put on hold.

ok thanks all. So makes no difference which AOC your on? Assuming same routes, same job in effect.

out of interest why is bhx on hold?

26th Oct 2023, 11:48
Assuming same routes, same job in effect.

Same job but different routes. RUK primarily does those flights than cannot be done on an Irish AOC. UK internal flights, flights outside the EU (Morocco, Norway, Ukraine before the war).

26th Oct 2023, 19:53
Hi all, anyone here on an Irish contract? Considering DEC but purely for more time at home. Would have to be ORK or SNN bases for me or I'd be away the same amount or more on half the salary. What are the odds of getting these bases at present. Can you be dual based? What is approx. take home for line cappy year one in ROI? I have seen all the info above but seems to all be UK based GBP stuff. Must really love my kids after reading everything above and still fancying this!

go-around flap 15
27th Oct 2023, 08:04
Very much dead-man's shoes in ORK or SNN i'm afraid. At least it was when I was there, people were waiting years for LHS spaces in both.

27th Oct 2023, 11:06
Very much dead-man's shoes in ORK or SNN i'm afraid. At least it was when I was there, people were waiting years for LHS spaces in both.
Thanks for the info. I thought it would be that way. Not many options if you hail from Southern Ireland. Final query, the A/L allowance? Is that seriously the money you get if you forgo all your annual leave entitlement? WTF. I was under the impression that you would max out on hours at Ryanair and have to take time off at some stage in the year anyway. For someone unlucky enough to want to earn this (not me, time off > more cash always) would they then be forced to take this time off as leave at the end of the year in that case anyway. Seems very dishonest to include this and pensions in headline salary but as long as it is well explained I suppose they can do what they want.

27th Oct 2023, 14:43
Thanks for the info. I thought it would be that way. Not many options if you hail from Southern Ireland. Final query, the A/L allowance? Is that seriously the money you get if you forgo all your annual leave entitlement? WTF. I was under the impression that you would max out on hours at Ryanair and have to take time off at some stage in the year anyway. For someone unlucky enough to want to earn this (not me, time off > more cash always) would they then be forced to take this time off as leave at the end of the year in that case anyway. Seems very dishonest to include this and pensions in headline salary but as long as it is well explained I suppose they can do what they want.
The A/L allowance is what you get paid on the days you have leave, not in lieu of days you don't take

31st Oct 2023, 10:33
The A/L allowance is what you get paid on the days you have leave, not in lieu of days you don't take
Ah okay thanks for that. I had that wrong in my head. Makes it a little better.

31st Oct 2023, 11:13
I would say apply and see what you can get. It's a well known fact that direct entries skip the base transfer queues. I still think SNN/ORK as captain would be very difficult but what's there to lose in applying and seeing?...

31st Oct 2023, 11:29
Current SNN/ORK captain basic is €100,000 (+3,000 each Apr 2024/25/26) plus €43.01/SBH

Annual allowance is €6,000 (taxed at 40%)

Dublin is the same except it's €44.22/SBH.

If you're into LTC it's an extra €16,000/PA (-40%)

Prob30Tempo TSRA
31st Oct 2023, 13:11
I see you get a £6k allowance for uniform etc ,
Do you pay for parking at STN and if so how much would parking and uniform take out ?

31st Oct 2023, 13:57
I see you get a £6k allowance for uniform etc ,
Do you pay for parking at STN and if so how much would parking and uniform take out ?
I think I heard colleagues saying STN was actually free parking, but don't quote me on that, it's normal to pay at most bases

6th Nov 2023, 15:44
I think I heard colleagues saying STN was actually free parking, but don't quote me on that, it's normal to pay at most bases

STN is free parking, you just need an airport ID to access it, which is also free

Prob30Tempo TSRA
7th Nov 2023, 14:42
STN is free parking, you just need an airport ID to access it, which is also free
That's good to know , thanks

Do the G reg aircraft always fly the same routes it does it alter day in day out ?

Broomstick Flier
7th Nov 2023, 14:55
Can anyone provide a rough estimate on the take-home money for an STN-based F/O? Something between 3.5K to 4K quid?

7th Nov 2023, 15:06
That's good to know , thanks

Do the G reg aircraft always fly the same routes it does it alter day in day out ?

The routes vary very little, some seasonal changes, but the majority of the time it's the same limited places that are flown by G reg aircraft

7th Nov 2023, 15:11
Can anyone provide a rough estimate on the take-home money for an STN-based F/O? Something between 3.5K to 4K quid?
About 3.5 to 4.5k, add .3k if you have both Irish and UK licence

7th Nov 2023, 15:51
56500 annual basic, 5000 pilot allowance, 5500 dual license allowance (if you've got a uk caa license too), around £10/sbh, there's also a London allowance but I can't remember what it is, about £100 extra a month net I think it was

Essex lad
8th Nov 2023, 11:42
Can anyone provide a rough estimate on the take-home money for an STN-based F/O? Something between 3.5K to 4K quid?

Basic : £56500
Allowance: £5500
Annual leave: £2897 (28 days x £103.45)
Sector: £8662 (850 hrs x £10.19)
Pension: £3000
STN/LTN: £3000

Dual licence add £5000 if you have both EASA and UK licences

Basic increases £1500 every April. Stick all that in a UK tax Calc (minus pension) you’ll get your answer.

Broomstick Flier
8th Nov 2023, 17:01
Thanks for the contributions, appreciated :ok:


11th Nov 2023, 16:23
Hi all, does anyone know if I do not have a EU/U.K. passport (I have a visa that allows me to work in the U.K. only), would I be able to apply for the AFA cadet? I have only EASA license too. Thank you!

20th Nov 2023, 10:08
Hey guys, if anyone here is based in Italy and is willing to have a chat about terms and conditions, would appreciate if you could dm me

Sjef van Oekel
13th Dec 2023, 03:16
Is the UK sector pay tax free? If not, what tax free allowances are available for pilots joining an UK base who are not British and not resident in the UK?

13th Dec 2023, 14:49
That is not really a Ryanair specific question and is probably better asked in a financial forum, however you could start here:


13th Dec 2023, 19:29
Hi All,
Reading through this forum and want to highlight a couple of things;

DEC Assessments take place weekly in STN, if you are successful you will be offered a position within 5 working days, you apply on careers.ryanair.com
UK Captain Salary is £147k or £144k if regional (if dual licence rated)
Basic £108,000 Allowance (uniform, parking, loss of licence, or do whatever you want with it) £6,000 A/L pay £2,897 Sector pay £14,714 (based on 850 avg hours) Pension £8,000 London Allowance £3,000 Total £142,611 Dual licence Allowance £5,000 Total inc DLA £147,611
The psychometric assessment is provided by AON - If you successfully join a course, this is reimbursed in full
Its a fixed 5/4 roster for duration of your Ryanair career
For Non-Type Rated Captains it is a €15k reducing bond (no payment reductions etc)
Loads of opps for fast track command & training dept

Hope that helps

it’s a little more now
extra 2k on the allowance
and sector up to 22950 based on 850 hrs

13th Dec 2023, 22:19
it’s a little more now
extra 2k on the allowance
and sector up to 22950 based on 850 hrs
Currently out for ballot so a bit premature I'd say. Ballot closes on the 21th

15th Dec 2023, 08:03
Hi All,
Reading through this forum and want to highlight a couple of things;

DEC Assessments take place weekly in STN, if you are successful you will be offered a position within 5 working days, you apply on careers.ryanair.com
UK Captain Salary is £147k or £144k if regional (if dual licence rated)
Basic £108,000 Allowance (uniform, parking, loss of licence, or do whatever you want with it) £6,000 A/L pay £2,897 Sector pay £14,714 (based on 850 avg hours) Pension £8,000 London Allowance £3,000 Total £142,611 Dual licence Allowance £5,000 Total inc DLA £147,611
The psychometric assessment is provided by AON - If you successfully join a course, this is reimbursed in full
Its a fixed 5/4 roster for duration of your Ryanair career
For Non-Type Rated Captains it is a €15k reducing bond (no payment reductions etc)
Loads of opps for fast track command & training dept

Hope that helps

This is not accurate and should be regarded as misleading in many respects. We all know that they are desperate for skippers, and the complete lack of any upgrades for their cadets and first officers due to no training staff means that they are even more desperate for lfs recruitment. The training departs are running with skeleton staff and the rate of departure is telling. New terms and conditions still keeps Ryanair as the poorest paid of the bunch. Only redeeming element appears to be their 5/4 roster. Just be aware that if you are expecting a LHS from the rhs, it's not going to happen for at least another few years. Many of the FO's are fed up with their promises and are seriously set to move on. Ryan doesn't care as they are filling up these losses with cadets rolling in. Would not be surprised to discover that the entry fees may be reduced to compensate. They need aircrew for their proposed expansion plans. If I was part of their terms ballot I would be turning it down as it's not exactly generous by any stretch of the imagination.

15th Dec 2023, 11:47
This is not accurate and should be regarded as misleading in many respects. We all know that they are desperate for skippers, and the complete lack of any upgrades for their cadets and first officers due to no training staff means that they are even more desperate for lfs recruitment. The training departs are running with skeleton staff and the rate of departure is telling. New terms and conditions still keeps Ryanair as the poorest paid of the bunch. Only redeeming element appears to be their 5/4 roster. Just be aware that if you are expecting a LHS from the rhs, it's not going to happen for at least another few years. Many of the FO's are fed up with their promises and are seriously set to move on. Ryan doesn't care as they are filling up these losses with cadets rolling in. Would not be surprised to discover that the entry fees may be reduced to compensate. They need aircrew for their proposed expansion plans. If I was part of their terms ballot I would be turning it down as it's not exactly generous by any stretch of the imagination.

Since you are saying it's misleading, what are the salaries to the best of your knowledge? Looks like you just spread rumours

15th Dec 2023, 14:58
Since you are saying it's misleading, what are the salaries to the best of your knowledge? Looks like you just spread rumours

As you represent Ryanair I shall say that you and IamRyanAir indicate that salary levels that are constructed with inflated add ons. Anyone who has grey matter can see that they are misleading. However the really big statement that training is flourishing is erroneous. Ryanair has a lack of training staff and no command upgrades being run as well as none planned. The recruitment is solely focused on skippers. DEC is priority. Please don't not accuse me of rumour spreading I am just pointing out the facts of the matter. I am in training and are in contact with many working in my field spread over many airlines in Europe. I have time for RyanAir and believe they provide great avenues for prospective aviation people, but let's no pretend they have terms and conditions which are competitive. Ryanair provide a route and good luck to all who chose it. It's not for every one but it's a route all the same.

15th Dec 2023, 15:10
As you represent Ryanair I shall say that you and IamRyanAir indicate that salary levels that are constructed with inflated add ons. Anyone who has grey matter can see that they are misleading. However the really big statement that training is flourishing is erroneous. Ryanair has a lack of training staff and no command upgrades being run as well as none planned. The recruitment is solely focused on skippers. DEC is priority. Please don't not accuse me of rumour spreading I am just pointing out the facts of the matter. I am in training and are in contact with many working in my field spread over many airlines in Europe. I have time for RyanAir and believe they provide great avenues for prospective aviation people, but let's no pretend they have terms and conditions which are competitive. Ryanair provide a route and good luck to all who chose it. It's not for every one but it's a route all the same.

You spout drivel nonstop, other than good entertaining I suggest you to go back to deliver your training because your “facts” have no substance in real life. Whatever your smoking I’d love to have a bit for a fun night out..

16th Dec 2023, 13:45
You spout drivel nonstop, other than good entertaining I suggest you to go back to deliver your training because your “facts” have no substance in real life. Whatever your smoking I’d love to have a bit for a fun night out..


17th Dec 2023, 06:00
Anyone with a Malta Air contract able to share what the net pay is for SFO and CPT ? Thank you!

17th Dec 2023, 06:39
Anyone with a Malta Air contract able to share what the net pay is for SFO and CPT ? Thank you!

depends on the country. Malta air is just an AOC. Each country has their own CLA.

17th Dec 2023, 07:06
depends on the country. Malta air is just an AOC. Each country has their own CLA.

Yes of course, I am aware of that. If anyone with a french, Italian or German MAY contract could share the figures :ok:

Bradley Hardacre
17th Dec 2023, 20:24
Ryanair is a business, the prime role being to provide transport and make money, I'm not sure career development or dream fulfilment is high on their priority list, but job security is part of the package.

18th Dec 2023, 11:00
As you represent Ryanair I shall say that you and IamRyanAir indicate that salary levels that are constructed with inflated add ons. Anyone who has grey matter can see that they are misleading. However the really big statement that training is flourishing is erroneous. Ryanair has a lack of training staff and no command upgrades being run as well as none planned. The recruitment is solely focused on skippers. DEC is priority. Please don't not accuse me of rumour spreading I am just pointing out the facts of the matter. I am in training and are in contact with many working in my field spread over many airlines in Europe. I have time for RyanAir and believe they provide great avenues for prospective aviation people, but let's no pretend they have terms and conditions which are competitive. Ryanair provide a route and good luck to all who chose it. It's not for every one but it's a route all the same.

What add ons are you referring to? Salaries can easily be checked with current crew. You are spreading rumours including the fact that there are no command upgrades which is simply not true. I don't represent RYR... IamRyanair seems a legit account and the info they have provided seem correct

19th Dec 2023, 07:23
i am based in Italy but the numbers is correct, however the voting over the new (UK) deal should finish today. That would make a non-training Captain on 157800£ yearly.

the other countries are still in negotiations…

dick byrne
25th Dec 2023, 20:46
Figures on PPJN are accurate as per new addendum to the CLA voted through.

30th Dec 2023, 17:15
Can anybody advise what the salary structure is after completing the cadet TR programme? I understand salary is underwhelming initially, but increases after Line Training. I cannot find any consolidates info on initial salary, then increases after hitting milestones such as line check, hour mile stones and month milestones (if any). Say this is for a EASA licence only, UK base in case of any differences

17th Jan 2024, 15:24
I would be interested whether anyone else is in the same situation; I completed my TR several weeks ago and still waiting to be assigned somewhere for line training. Any idea on current waiting times? Thanks!

17th Jan 2024, 20:46
I would be interested whether anyone else is in the same situation; I completed my TR several weeks ago and still waiting to be assigned somewhere for line training. Any idea on current waiting times? Thanks!

When did you have your max diff training?

18th Jan 2024, 12:45
I would be interested whether anyone else is in the same situation; I completed my TR several weeks ago and still waiting to be assigned somewhere for line training. Any idea on current waiting times? Thanks!

Many people in the same situation yes, problem is the lack of LTC and the fact they maxed the hours before the end of the year 2023 and had to take some annual leaves. It should improve soon but the pipes are clogged by all the cadets waiting.

18th Jan 2024, 12:51
Can anybody advise what the salary structure is after completing the cadet TR programme? I understand salary is underwhelming initially, but increases after Line Training. I cannot find any consolidates info on initial salary, then increases after hitting milestones such as line check, hour mile stones and month milestones (if any). Say this is for a EASA licence only, UK base in case of any differences

After your initial Line check you will receive a new contract that will determine your new permanent base, type of employment and payscale. Lots of different scenarios possible and various pays depending on your country and tax system.

Before 500h expect around 3000€
Between 500h and 1500h anything between 3000 and 6000€
Above 1500h add between 500 and 1000€ on top of that.
Very hard to give correct figures but you get the idea :ok:

19th Jan 2024, 10:15
I would be interested whether anyone else is in the same situation; I completed my TR several weeks ago and still waiting to be assigned somewhere for line training. Any idea on current waiting times? Thanks!
I'm also waiting for base to do the LT, just out of curiosity what base did you ask for? I understand that plays a role in how long you wait since there are bases with enough LTC's whilst most bases don't

21st Jan 2024, 15:17
I completed my Max differences training at the beginning of this month. I asked for any base in the UK (No preference). How long have you been waiting since completion of the Max Differences sim?

30th Jan 2024, 12:15
I was listening to Mark Duffy on a podcast about hiring pilots in Brasil. I was surprised when he mentioned the immense numbers of recruited pilots this year compared to the total pilot population.


7000 total RYR pilots
2500 hired pilots this year. Whereoff 1300 cadets.

That is 35% of the entire RYR pilot population which was hired last year. What a crazy pilot overturn at the moment.

31st Jan 2024, 09:08
I completed my Max differences training at the beginning of this month. I asked for any base in the UK (No preference). How long have you been waiting since completion of the Max Differences sim?
not too long mate, i just did the Base training 1 week ago! Hope you get called soon. From what i hear its between 2-3 months from the day you have your lst. This is all dependant on several things though

31st Jan 2024, 11:44
not too long mate, i just did the Base training 1 week ago! Hope you get called soon. From what i hear it’s between 2-3 months from the day you have your lst. This is all dependant on several things though

so are you literally just sat on pay (I.e the AFA 16.8k) doing nothing whilst you wait for line training?

31st Jan 2024, 21:13
so are you literally just sat on pay (I.e the AFA 16.8k) doing nothing whilst you wait for line training?
Yes we are...

1st Feb 2024, 07:22
Yes we are...

that’s remarkable. Staff on pay doing nothing.. that surely keeps MOL up at night.

does base training have to be done by a certain point after the LST? I.e they couldn’t delay BT until they were ready for your LT to avoid having to pay you for a few months to do nada

2nd Feb 2024, 10:37
that’s remarkable. Staff on pay doing nothing.. that surely keeps MOL up at night.

does base training have to be done by a certain point after the LST? I.e they couldn’t delay BT until they were ready for your LT to avoid having to pay you for a few months to do nada

I might be incorrect, but I believe it's 21days

4th Feb 2024, 10:31
Can anybody advise what the salary structure is after completing the cadet TR programme? I understand salary is underwhelming initially, but increases after Line Training. I cannot find any consolidates info on initial salary, then increases after hitting milestones such as line check, hour mile stones and month milestones (if any). Say this is for a EASA licence only, UK base in case of any differences

Everything will be written on your contract

4th Feb 2024, 10:32
that’s remarkable. Staff on pay doing nothing.. that surely keeps MOL up at night.

does base training have to be done by a certain point after the LST? I.e they couldn’t delay BT until they were ready for your LT to avoid having to pay you for a few months to do nada

You will never be ready for LT unless you have BT. Why? Because in order to process your license with the TR you need to do line ops ground school and this can only be done after BT.

4th Feb 2024, 10:33
I might be incorrect, but I believe it's 21days

It is. However, this is not a problem for them because you will be called for simulator refresher

4th Feb 2024, 11:37
that’s remarkable. Staff on pay doing nothing.. that surely keeps MOL up at night.

does base training have to be done by a certain point after the LST? I.e they couldn’t delay BT until they were ready for your LT to avoid having to pay you for a few months to do nada
These guys are on about 16k a year, he has bigger fish to fry. What you may find more interesting though is the direct entry FOs hired over 6 months ago, on full UK FO salary since day 1, and haven't lifted a finger since the end of their type rating 4 months ago (except for the circuit sim every 21 days). All sat at home since then earning £5000 a month just for existing.

There was a notice a few weeks ago about LTCs currently being recruited for all bases. There was a pay increase for contractor line trainers too ... some may decide to finally bite the bullet.

4th Feb 2024, 17:50
It is still the position that RyanAir are stepping up recruitment DEC. Massive push. They aren't interested in FO as they have no training staff available. No upgrades being initiated no matter what their denial position they take. They are failing to attract TRE, TRI and appear to believe that the terms they are proffering aren't the issue. Crazy, but that Michael at times.

I see competition taking a different stance with training and are at least retaining their staff.

5th Feb 2024, 08:31
It is still the position that RyanAir are stepping up recruitment DEC. Massive push. They aren't interested in FO as they have no training staff available. No upgrades being initiated no matter what their denial position they take. They are failing to attract TRE, TRI and appear to believe that the terms they are proffering aren't the issue. Crazy, but that Michael at times.

I see competition taking a different stance with training and are at least retaining their staff.

sounds like problems incoming for summer 2024.

Ryanair is more like a flying school nowadays. Junior FO's pushing line training. And senior FO's leaving because they won't be upgraded due to training shortages. Especially since most of the senior FO's joined when time to command was only 3-4 years. It should still be 3-4 years but DEC jumping right in front of them with no outlook of any improvement.

5th Feb 2024, 08:38
sounds like problems incoming for summer 2024.

Ryanair is more like a flying school nowadays. Junior FO's pushing line training. And senior FO's leaving because they won't be upgraded due to training shortages. Especially since most of the senior FO's joined when time to command was only 3-4 years. It should still be 3-4 years but DEC jumping right in front of them with no outlook of any improvement.

I have no idea what is source but I am working for them and that not true. Upgrade is still provided in 3 to 4 years.
Training Shortage? Nahh. LTC shortage but they have good amount of SFI TRE TEI.

5th Feb 2024, 08:39
It is still the position that RyanAir are stepping up recruitment DEC. Massive push. They aren't interested in FO as they have no training staff available. No upgrades being initiated no matter what their denial position they take. They are failing to attract TRE, TRI and appear to believe that the terms they are proffering aren't the issue. Crazy, but that Michael at times.

I see competition taking a different stance with training and are at least retaining their staff.

In my wing’s ceremony we were 85 peoples which at least 25 TTR FO.

7th Feb 2024, 20:24
Yes of course, I am aware of that. If anyone with a french, Italian or German MAY contract could share the figures :ok:

Im based in the biggest base in Italy. Still waiting for the new pay increase coming in march, but with 70hrs a month you can expect around 5k net, with 90 even 6k. If you get sent out of base, you can expect a bit more than that.

Captain Biggles 101
11th Feb 2024, 05:50
At present winter time. It’s a bit quieter at RYR. Last summer was diabolical at RYR. Earlies we’re starting 5-6am. Landing after 4 sectors at 16.00 was normal. Earlier than that you had an easy day or were hitting 99hrs for 28 days. Once a week landing at 18.00. 12 hrs rest and back in again. 5 days on and pretty much didn’t see the other half apart from dinner together. Lates starting anytime from 12.00 and landing sometime 11-12 hrs later. Twice in a 5 day block I went into discretion, pushing 14hrs.
So yes while RYR you will be sleeping in your own bed days on you might not see the family. Speak with anyone with a family and the conversation usually goes like this. “What day you on? Day 5. Oh so off tomorrow. Yeah sleep first day. 2 days with family. Last day get up early/late to adjust body clock”

This coupled with pay etc is why many are leaving RYR.

Personal opinion on this post taken from another thread, better answered in this thread:

In summer expect frequently commuting in on lates day 1, during early, yes early rush hour for late duty (9-10am report) 4 sector days, repeated delays, frequent disruption and discretion. Those early 'late' duties ensured you still worked all your duties that week as gradually your start times are later avoiding you going out of hours. That kind of roster manipulation doing often 18-20 flights at times over 5 days is like a pressure cooker. 5/4 is most certainly not attractive done like this, it's the biggest con ever. Expect that 5/4 to feel like 6/3 or worse for summer months. Fine in winter but hell on earth at times in summer. You report at the aircraft, so all those security queues and distant car parking and bus journeys are taken away from your minimum rest time.

There are no defined early/late report times so disruption to sleep/rest is common in summer, with unstable roster and working away from base commonplace. Expect in summer to at times work into day 6 (day 1 off) on lates landing 1-3am with delays, arriving home at times after 3-4am, totally destroying day 1 off.

This will be totally unpaid and forced upon you to complete regardless of day off plans. Then plan to be awake just after 3am for day 1 early (repeatedly over 5 or 6 days), then you start to see the reality. The truth is that this 5/4 roster as attractive as it sounds, is actually very fatiguing at times, and this is why crew are leaving in droves. Let's not go there with other issues of management and Covid support enjoyed by crew over the years.

For summer, plan on having little to no life at all apart from commuting and work, then you see the reality of 5/4. Then plan on day 1 off and late on day 4 off being a total wash out, hence 5/4 being in reality more like 6/3 in disguise in summer.

13th Feb 2024, 10:21
Personal opinion on this post taken from another thread, better answered in this thread:

In summer expect frequently commuting in on lates day 1, during early, yes early rush hour for late duty (9-10am report) 4 sector days, repeated delays, frequent disruption and discretion. Those early 'late' duties ensured you still worked all your duties that week as gradually your start times are later avoiding you going out of hours. That kind of roster manipulation doing often 18-20 flights at times over 5 days is like a pressure cooker. 5/4 is most certainly not attractive done like this, it's the biggest con ever. Expect that 5/4 to feel like 6/3 or worse for summer months. Fine in winter but hell on earth at times in summer. You report at the aircraft, so all those security queues and distant car parking and bus journeys are taken away from your minimum rest time.

There are no defined early/late report times so disruption to sleep/rest is common in summer, with unstable roster and working away from base commonplace. Expect in summer to at times work into day 6 (day 1 off) on lates landing 1-3am with delays, arriving home at times after 3-4am, totally destroying day 1 off.

This will be totally unpaid and forced upon you to complete regardless of day off plans. Then plan to be awake just after 3am for day 1 early (repeatedly over 5 or 6 days), then you start to see the reality. The truth is that this 5/4 roster as attractive as it sounds, is actually very fatiguing at times, and this is why crew are leaving in droves. Let's not go there with other issues of management and Covid support enjoyed by crew over the years.

For summer, plan on having little to no life at all apart from commuting and work, then you see the reality of 5/4. Then plan on day 1 off and late on day 4 off being a total wash out, hence 5/4 being in reality more like 6/3 in disguise in summer.

DAMN . If I went and saw my my AME now after reading your post I'd lose my medical and will to live, I've been with Ryanair for over 20+ years and the reason I have stayed is the fact that I do have a life away from work and a very good one too, Home is 30 minutes away and the 5/4 works very well for me, Tired at times YES but never fatigued.( Im guessing you have no idea what so ever what Fatigue is ,Ive had fatigue once after a serious illness and the Ryanair work schedule has never come close to that)

13th Feb 2024, 12:19
Personal opinion on this post taken from another thread, better answered in this thread:

In summer expect frequently commuting in on lates day 1, during early, yes early rush hour for late duty (9-10am report) 4 sector days, repeated delays, frequent disruption and discretion. Those early 'late' duties ensured you still worked all your duties that week as gradually your start times are later avoiding you going out of hours. That kind of roster manipulation doing often 18-20 flights at times over 5 days is like a pressure cooker. 5/4 is most certainly not attractive done like this, it's the biggest con ever. Expect that 5/4 to feel like 6/3 or worse for summer months. Fine in winter but hell on earth at times in summer. You report at the aircraft, so all those security queues and distant car parking and bus journeys are taken away from your minimum rest time.

There are no defined early/late report times so disruption to sleep/rest is common in summer, with unstable roster and working away from base commonplace. Expect in summer to at times work into day 6 (day 1 off) on lates landing 1-3am with delays, arriving home at times after 3-4am, totally destroying day 1 off.

This will be totally unpaid and forced upon you to complete regardless of day off plans. Then plan to be awake just after 3am for day 1 early (repeatedly over 5 or 6 days), then you start to see the reality. The truth is that this 5/4 roster as attractive as it sounds, is actually very fatiguing at times, and this is why crew are leaving in droves. Let's not go there with other issues of management and Covid support enjoyed by crew over the years.

For summer, plan on having little to no life at all apart from commuting and work, then you see the reality of 5/4. Then plan on day 1 off and late on day 4 off being a total wash out, hence 5/4 being in reality more like 6/3 in disguise in summer.

This was a reason why I left. I told them that in my exit call.

5/4 is the biggest con going. Landed many times at between 1-4am in summer on to days off. First off day a write off. First time I called up asking if I get an extra day off or paid? They just laughed.
RYR the ones laughing.
I get around 2 days off less a month now however I feel so much fresher overall.
Of all the captains I flew with at RYR the only ones happy are captains that have only been at RYR and don’t know any different.

Even without overtime as an FO my salary is nearly 40% more than when I was at RYR.
We have an amazing swap system. Needed day off recently which I didnt ask for just tried to bid. I was working. No dramas. On to swaps and managed to get it off. Didn’t even have to ask the company. It’s amazing.
RYR getting a day off when you are on your working block is nigh on impossible.

13th Feb 2024, 16:54
Ive been with Three other company's before Ryanair so your statement is inaccurate. For me I wouldn't go back to the other company's as I know the differences and it isn't always greener..

13th Feb 2024, 19:39
Ive been with Three other company's before Ryanair so your statement is inaccurate. For me I wouldn't go back to the other company's as I know the differences and it isn't always greener..

Well I’m sorry I worked at an airline before RYR. I was treated much much better.

I am not making anything up. I heard stories before and decided for myself it can’t be that bad. It was.

Positives I took away was the training being very very good. Can’t fault it at all.
The rest well erm………….

14th Feb 2024, 08:15
DAMN . If I went and saw my my AME now after reading your post I'd lose my medical and will to live, I've been with Ryanair for over 20+ years and the reason I have stayed is the fact that I do have a life away from work and a very good one too, Home is 30 minutes away and the 5/4 works very well for me, Tired at times YES but never fatigued.( Im guessing you have no idea what so ever what Fatigue is ,Ive had fatigue once after a serious illness and the Ryanair work schedule has never come close to that)

As a person who does that for living in RYR is much less dramatic as he wrote. I completely disagree with what he said.

For me it’s just seems like everyone who complain here ended up in a place they didn’t ask for and now blame everyone else except themselves..when you join any company you need to understand you work for them in order to help them to success and you should do a little more than just your rule to make it work.

I am working for Ryanair I have zero complaints, I read before I knew where I am going to work and I accept that. You don’t like it? Go and leave us alone it’s much safer to fly with someone who enjoy what he/she is doing. Stop complain all the time

14th Feb 2024, 08:24
This was a reason why I left. I told them that in my exit call.

5/4 is the biggest con going. Landed many times at between 1-4am in summer on to days off. First off day a write off. First time I called up asking if I get an extra day off or paid? They just laughed.
RYR the ones laughing.
I get around 2 days off less a month now however I feel so much fresher overall.
Of all the captains I flew with at RYR the only ones happy are captains that have only been at RYR and don’t know any different.

Even without overtime as an FO my salary is nearly 40% more than when I was at RYR.
We have an amazing swap system. Needed day off recently which I didnt ask for just tried to bid. I was working. No dramas. On to swaps and managed to get it off. Didn’t even have to ask the company. It’s amazing.
RYR getting a day off when you are on your working block is nigh on impossible.

Blah blah blah

Chesty Morgan
14th Feb 2024, 12:29
As a person who does that for living in RYR is much less dramatic as he wrote. I completely disagree with what he said.

For me it’s just seems like everyone who complain here ended up in a place they didn’t ask for and now blame everyone else except themselves..when you join any company you need to understand you work for them in order to help them to success and you should do a little more than just your rule to make it work.

I am working for Ryanair I have zero complaints, I read before I knew where I am going to work and I accept that. You don’t like it? Go and leave us alone it’s much safer to fly with someone who enjoy what he/she is doing. Stop complain all the time
So speaketh the person who has flown for nobody else....

14th Feb 2024, 12:32
So speaketh the person who has flown for nobody else....

Yeah right…5k hours, third job, second with airline I have zero complain

A320 Glider
14th Feb 2024, 20:55
PJN says a new pay deal has been agreed between FR and BALPA in UK.

15th Feb 2024, 07:53
Well I’m sorry I worked at an airline before RYR. I was treated much much better.

I am not making anything up. I heard stories before and decided for myself it can’t be that bad. It was.

Positives I took away was the training being very very good. Can’t fault it at all.
The rest well erm………….

RYR is probably delighted that you left

15th Feb 2024, 07:53
Low standards then...

Coming from a Jet2 pilot.

15th Feb 2024, 08:33
Across four airlines, one interesting thing I observed is that there is a lot of denial at the worst ones; with pilots eager to reassure each other that this is actually a great place to work. Copium (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/copium)?

On the flip side, at the better airlines, it's non-stop winging about how terrible everything is and how everyone else has it better; even though, deep down, I suspect everyone knows it's not really true.

Would be interesting to see a psychologist explain this phenomena.

Time Traveller
15th Feb 2024, 10:26
Frankly, I think more can be gleaned from this thread about the kind of people at other airlines where some of these sneering commentators work, than about Ryanair itself!

15th Feb 2024, 12:30
The delay at Boeing is causing RyanAir expansion difficulties. As a result of the slow down in delivery this may be the reason that the official notification that there will be no command upgrades this year. Buzz is 45% overcrewed. Very low hours to go around. The demand for DEC is still high due to retirement and losses to other airlines. The conveyor belt of cadets is still rolling. Training personnel are still scarce with the SFI sector only healthy.

15th Feb 2024, 12:52
I thought that Ryanair were doing roadshows in South America and offering visa sponsorship for U.K. positions, if that’s the case there must be a reason that they can’t attract U.K. licence holders, I don’t see Jet2, DHL U.K. or BA doing Visa sponsorship deals over there.
So surely this visa sponsorship must be suppressing the market somehow in terms of lower salaries, I can’t see this arrangement being allowed in other countries.

15th Feb 2024, 16:28
The delay at Boeing is causing RyanAir expansion difficulties. As a result of the slow down in delivery this may be the reason that the official notification that there will be no command upgrades this year. Buzz is 45% overcrewed. Very low hours to go around. The demand for DEC is still high due to retirement and losses to other airlines. The conveyor belt of cadets is still rolling. Training personnel are still scarce with the SFI sector only healthy.

Nonstop drivel without anything factual.. Haha 45% overcrewed.. Perhaps if you knew anyone in RYR you would know why they offered Seasonal TRI and base SFI Positions.. exactly opposite of what your drivel suggest… Go back to the kindergarden.

15th Feb 2024, 17:53
I thought that Ryanair were doing roadshows in South America and offering visa sponsorship for U.K. positions, if that’s the case there must be a reason that they can’t attract U.K. licence holders, I don’t see Jet2, DHL U.K. or BA doing Visa sponsorship deals over there.
So surely this visa sponsorship must be suppressing the market somehow in terms of lower salaries, I can’t see this arrangement being allowed in other countries.

They are filling their LHS seats as quickly as possible due to their losses and their complete lack of command upgrades which is halted till next year. They are continually filling their FO compliment and then putting them on peanut salary until, they recruit their training staff. TRE and TRI vaccines are at the highest level ever. RyanAir will visa sponsor any likely candidate for their LHS. Not so the RHS.

R T Jones
15th Feb 2024, 18:06
How can they be stopping upgrades but recruiting DEC?

Chesty Morgan
15th Feb 2024, 21:01
Coming from a Jet2 pilot.
Still got a hard on for us I see :rolleyes:

16th Feb 2024, 09:04
Nonstop drivel without anything factual.. Haha 45% overcrewed.. Perhaps if you knew anyone in RYR you would know why they offered Seasonal TRI and base SFI Positions.. exactly opposite of what your drivel suggest… Go back to the kindergarden.
Buzz is heavily overcrewed, it was said by management themselves on fleethub when responding to a buzz pilot complaining about low hours

16th Feb 2024, 09:08
Buzz is heavily overcrewed, it was said by management themselves on fleethub when responding to a buzz pilot complaining about low hours

it is not overcrewed by 45%. That is a nonsense number by someone who was once laid off and now just wants to spour BS nonstop. Buzz has always since the introduction been heavily seasonal like any charter operation. Thats why a lot of the Buzz guys in certain polish bases have been offered to fly RYR DAC over the winter. I have done a lot of the AOC transfers in the sim.

16th Feb 2024, 10:40
... the official notification that there will be no command upgrades this year.

The demand for DEC is still high ...

You are contradicting yourself here. The reason they are slowing down upgrades (not stopping) is not because of Boeing lack of deliveries. It is because of the lack of FOs.

There was a massive exodus in 2022, these FOs would be CU ready now if they stayed. So there is a gap in experience now between the 1500 hour and 2500 hour mark. They started DEFO hiring but this guy's & gals need to do at least one year to be command ready.

So the Boeing delays is actually a blessing in disguise to the sausage factory. And it makes sense why they are so short of trainers.

16th Feb 2024, 10:58
They are filling their LHS seats as quickly as possible due to their losses and their complete lack of command upgrades which is halted till next year. They are continually filling their FO compliment and then putting them on peanut salary until, they recruit their training staff. TRE and TRI vaccines are at the highest level ever. RyanAir will visa sponsor any likely candidate for their LHS. Not so the RHS.

That's bizarre, I know at least 3 people who are starting their command course in April so again, you keep spreading misinformation.

16th Feb 2024, 15:58
I bet you love WOFFing and driving T&Cs into the ground.
I'm assuming you have never given your company an off day in the knowledge that it jolly well serves them right for not recruiting enough pilots

18th Feb 2024, 12:07
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/473x550/img_6452_b0db8d92e815821b9836e79dddd6de06be064dba_dbbf9abcf2 7df266514af38d87e4802ef615dc1c.jpeg

Hi guys, sorry if its in the wrong thread, but anyone have a friend or know of somebody who received a message similar to this, just upset and thinking what are my next steps and is ryan air out the window from future employment...

Michael S
18th Feb 2024, 18:24
Maybe, just thinking, if you'd managed to get the airline's name right you would stand more chance in a recruitment process.

18th Feb 2024, 18:41
Relax, Michael. You’ll age yourself unduly getting agitated by such an error.

Returning to the initial point, is there anything in your profile that might stand out unfavourably? There a many guys with failures but have you had numerous fails etc

18th Feb 2024, 23:36
Thanks for your reply i'm in my late 30's all first time pass in ATPLS/CPL MEP IR, the only thing i could think of is during the recording stage of the assesment i had a family member walking in and which i had to state please leave the room i'm doing an assessment, a little background i'm a UK citizen with an EASA licence only thus sadly limited to airlines thus considering options like smart lynx/eagle jets etc..

Michael S
19th Feb 2024, 10:53
Relax, Michael. You’ll age yourself unduly getting agitated by such an error.

Returning to the initial point, is there anything in your profile that might stand out unfavourably? There a many guys with failures but have you had numerous fails etc

I am relaxed and not agitated at all. It was supposed to be a little witty, humourous remark, but it seems that without smiley it could have been taken wrong. Well, happens.

20th Feb 2024, 05:46
i'm a UK citizen with an EASA licence only thus sadly limited to airlines thus considering options like smart lynx/eagle jets etc..

Why. Just about every airline is recruiting and every airline is desperate. Why feed the bottom dwellers?

20th Feb 2024, 06:01
Why. Just about every airline is recruiting and every airline is desperate. Why feed the bottom dwellers?

I don’t think you realise how few airlines are actively recruiting low hours pilots who can only live in the UK with an EASA FCL. You’re severely limited.

Time Traveller
20th Feb 2024, 08:02
Why. Just about every airline is recruiting and every airline is desperate. Why feed the bottom dwellers? Idiot

Prob30Tempo TSRA
20th Feb 2024, 14:00
Why. Just about every airline is recruiting and every airline is desperate. Why feed the bottom dwellers?
because having spent £100k, to pay for a TR and not get any free coffee is the next price you pay .

And it’s poor , but if you don’t do it , there’s still a queue behind of people that’ll do anything to get their base training photo with 737 on Instagram

And it’s not a modern phenomenon - a mate paid for a 737 TR with BM in 1995 .. no guarantee of a job .. another did likewuse and got sent to the F100… I brought into the pay for tech training and do the tech exam scam .. to put on a CV

20th Feb 2024, 17:26
Why. Just about every airline is recruiting and every airline is desperate. Why feed the bottom dwellers?
No they’re not. The ‘bottom feeders’ exist because there’s a market for them, there’s a reason why, there are so many qualified pilots out there

Prob30Tempo TSRA
20th Feb 2024, 18:07
No they’re not. The ‘bottom feeders’ exist because there’s a market for them, there’s a reason why, there are so many qualified pilots out there

So many licence holders with zero experience . The locos have the pick of the 250 hr new and desperate pilots .

Theres not many highly qualified - hence the quantity of DEC jobs worldwide

22nd Feb 2024, 18:57
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/473x550/img_6452_b0db8d92e815821b9836e79dddd6de06be064dba_dbbf9abcf2 7df266514af38d87e4802ef615dc1c.jpeg

Hi guys, sorry if its in the wrong thread, but anyone have a friend or know of somebody who received a message similar to this, just upset and thinking what are my next steps and is ryan air out the window from future employment...


Don't let this stop you from applying again. Keep at it with the aptitude tests, and get someone to look over your CV and cover letter to make sure they're top notch. There are plenty of people who have applied to Ryanair more than once and have gotten in eventually.

25th Feb 2024, 22:11
Thanks for the reply and the advice, it seems i cant apply again until i have hours-or they reach out to me ( fingers crossed ), I have had a friend look over my CV and cover letter and they said its suitable, I am now considering alternatives like Avion express/ Eagle jet even though alot of users have concerned their frustration- but it seems the market is tough to crack into with experienced and fresh young cadets as well as being in my late 30's time is ticking..

Prob30Tempo TSRA
25th Feb 2024, 22:41
Thanks for the reply and the advice, it seems i cant apply again until i have hours-or they reach out to me ( fingers crossed ), I have had a friend look over my CV and cover letter and they said its suitable, I am now considering alternatives like Avion express/ Eagle jet even though alot of users have concerned their frustration- but it seems the market is tough to crack into with experienced and fresh young cadets as well as being in my late 30's time is ticking..

no need pay to fly with bottom feeders like them … check out all the ATR operators looking for people . Companies are desperate right now so keep your cards tight and maintain your self respect

26th Feb 2024, 12:58
check out all the ATR operators looking for people . Companies are desperate right now so keep your cards tight and maintain your self respect
Could you please elaborate on that? What companies and what conditions do they offer?

Prob30Tempo TSRA
26th Feb 2024, 14:06
Could you please elaborate on that? What companies and what conditions do they offer?

Look at - latestpilotjobs.com , every day .

26th Feb 2024, 14:26
Look at - latestpilotjobs.com , every day .
Not sure. Just 5 job offers, 2 of them for captains/TR and the others are for FO but you require 1000h. I might be searching wrong tho

28th Feb 2024, 19:42
cant see anything for low hour cadets on the website you mentioned

28th Feb 2024, 21:36
cant see anything for low hour cadets on the website you mentioned

Anyway you won’t have time to take day off during the AFA contract so I prefer to have paying leave d
if I am at home and get fully annual leave on the new contract. Stopped look at the negative all the time

28th Feb 2024, 22:19
Right now, RYR is putting cadets who are waiting for their line training, on annual leaves without asking. I feel this is quite unreasonable, people cannot use the days as they want.
I think if you're low hours and have a job, annual leave allocation is the bottom of your list of priorities for quite some time

Chesty Morgan
28th Feb 2024, 22:35
Right now, RYR is putting cadets who are waiting for their line training, on annual leaves without asking. I feel this is quite unreasonable, people cannot use the days as they want.
That's the price you pay.

29th Feb 2024, 06:14
That's the price you pay.

Okay so tell me why I will want to have “annual leave” for a 6 months contract that’s is not even an “annual” while I’m getting pay and stay home waiting for my base? The moment I will start fly that last thing I will want is annual leave + this annual leave give gets extra money for the paycheck. So stay home and gets more money no problem.

I have been looking at your comments around and you always so negative about Ryanair, I suggest you to change your attitude. You don’t like Ryanair? Fine keep your attitude off the forum or go to flight simulator forum or something

Chesty Morgan
29th Feb 2024, 07:04
Okay so tell me why I will want to have “annual leave” for a 6 months contract that’s is not even an “annual” while I’m getting pay and stay home waiting for my base? The moment I will start fly that last thing I will want is annual leave + this annual leave give gets extra money for the paycheck. So stay home and gets more money no problem.

I have been looking at your comments around and you always so negative about Ryanair, I suggest you to change your attitude. You don’t like Ryanair? Fine keep your attitude off the forum or go to flight simulator forum or something
No, I won't change my attitude or opinion about Ryanair just because you don't like hearing it.

The fact is Ryanair are not known for treating their pilots particularly well. That is a well known fact yet you lemmings continue to join in droves for a quick jet job.

Don't like it, don't join and then come here whining about it.

29th Feb 2024, 07:06
No, I won't change my attitude or opinion about Ryanair just because you don't like hearing it.

The fact is Ryanair are not known for treating their pilots particularly well. That is a well known fact yet you lemmings continue to join in droves for a quick jet job.

Don't like it, don't join and then come here whining about it.

You probably one of those who laid hundreds of thousands of dollars on pilot licenses and still jobless because of attitude.

Chesty Morgan
29th Feb 2024, 07:15
If you feel better about your life choices by believing that then crack on mate.

29th Feb 2024, 11:49
You probably one of those who laid hundreds of thousands of dollars on pilot licenses and still jobless because of attitude.

Worse, he’s one of the grossly insecure Jet2 pilots who thinks criticising every other airline will make himself feel better about getting up at 3am for the sixth day in a row to ship more chavs to Benidorm.

Ignore him. Or bait him. He bites, regularly.

29th Feb 2024, 13:35
You probably one of those who laid hundreds of thousands of dollars on pilot licenses and still jobless because of attitude.

No, I won't change my attitude or opinion about Ryanair just because you don't like hearing it.

The fact is Ryanair are not known for treating their pilots particularly well. That is a well known fact yet you lemmings continue to join in droves for a quick jet job.

Don't like it, don't join and then come here whining about it.

Sorry Chesty is only stating facts.

When I was at RYR half my group did base training and got given leave due to insufficient LTC. Is what it is. Welcome to RYR. Sat at home earning a pittance on leave I didn’t want.

Those that only stay at RYR will always praise it. Once you go elsewhere you realise how poorly paid and how poorly treated you were at RYR.

29th Feb 2024, 13:42
It's a starter job isn't it? Anyone can expect to be messed around during line training. It is what it is - industry recognised training and a lot if hours. Great as a career or as a stepping stone. Once you have 2000 hours you can come to the ME and take home £10k a month, or stay in RYR and get a command.

Chesty Morgan
29th Feb 2024, 14:17
Worse, he’s one of the grossly insecure Jet2 pilots who thinks criticising every other airline will make himself feel better about getting up at 3am for the sixth day in a row to ship more chavs to Benidorm.

Ignore him. Or bait him. He bites, regularly.
You fancy me don't you?
Still, you're quite funny. Not really funny, but funny enough for a chuckle.

I could count, for an accurate figure, but having done less than 6 days flying in the last 2 months I dont think I need to. On full salary. I'm not insecure about a thing chap

29th Feb 2024, 21:59
Anyway you won’t have time to take day off during the AFA contract so I prefer to have paying leave d
if I am at home and get fully annual leave on the new contract. Stopped look at the negative all the time
I think he was answering to Prob30Tempo TSRA . He said that a lot of airlines are desperate for low experience ATR pilots and sent a website. I've been looking and I haven't seen those offers as well.

1st Mar 2024, 13:52
I could count, for an accurate figure, but having done less than 6 days flying in the last 2 months I dont think I need to. On full salary. I'm not insecure about a thing chap

The fact that you need to come onto an anonymous internet forum and keep justifying that proves that you are, indeed, highly insecure.

Keep nibbling, “chap”.

Bradley Hardacre
1st Mar 2024, 14:49
getting up at 3am for the sixth day in a row to ship more chavs to Benidorm.

This is where aviation has arrived in 2024, a far cry from the halcyon days (Court Line) of the 60s and 70s

Chesty Morgan
1st Mar 2024, 14:59
The fact that you need to come onto an anonymous internet forum and keep justifying that proves that you are, indeed, highly insecure.

Keep nibbling, “chap”.
Thanks for another chuckle. Your rejection has really hurt you hasn't it?

My statement was purely topical and only serves to highlight how bad Ryanair can be.

dick byrne
3rd Mar 2024, 23:03
Thanks for another chuckle. Your rejection has really hurt you hasn't it?

My statement was purely topical and only serves to highlight how bad Ryanair can be.

We all love Jet2 Chesty. It even says as much in the attached document. It sounds like a lovely company.
If I am not mistaken isn’t the poster that you keep sniping at in the most pathetic way working for a company that is widely accepted to be the number 1 holiday airline to be at?
Come on Chesty, we need another nibble.

For the love of all things good, would the Chief Chanex Jobsworth mind running along please?

Chesty Morgan
4th Mar 2024, 06:45
Here I am thinking that this is a Ryanair thread:rolleyes:

4th Mar 2024, 10:52
The philosophy from Ryanair themselves is that we train in a relaxed, non punitive environment. The vast majority of trainers oblige, there are however definitely a few rogues who seem to have egos to massage rather than teach anything useful. The good thing though is there are feedback forms, which do get read.

midnight cruiser
4th Mar 2024, 12:34
Here I am thinking that this is a Ryanair thread:rolleyes: And as I'd wager you've never worked there, and clearly don't have any insight, I and no doubt several others would respectfully wish that you poke off, and leave it to people who do work there (and have had other employers to compare it by) and actually quite like it.

Chesty Morgan
4th Mar 2024, 14:10
And as I'd wager you've never worked there, and clearly don't have any insight, I and no doubt several others would respectfully wish that you poke off, and leave it to people who do work there (and have had other employers to compare it by) and actually quite like it.
What? So you can have a Ryanair love in?

I'm as entitled to an opinion as you are. Feel free to discuss or refute my opinion about Ryanair as much as you like* for I have no intention of "poking off".

*Thats kinda how these forums work.

4th Mar 2024, 16:16
And as I'd wager you've never worked there, and clearly don't have any insight, I and no doubt several others would respectfully wish that you poke off, and leave it to people who do work there (and have had other employers to compare it by) and actually quite like it.

As before, ignore him. Slating other airlines is what gets him through the day, it says more about him and his insecurities than anything else and he’s embarrassing himself further with every bite.

Once the perpetual unpaid SBYs of Winter turns into the 6/2 pattern of 4am reports for the Lonsdale Express, he will be too busy (and tired) to come up with anything that even he believes is humorous.

midnight cruiser
4th Mar 2024, 16:18
What? So you can have a Ryanair love in?

I'm as entitled to an opinion as you are. Feel free to discuss or refute my opinion about Ryanair as much as you like* for I have no intention of "poking off".. Endless trolling without insight isn't an opinion, it's just rather pathetic.

Chesty Morgan
4th Mar 2024, 16:58
Endless trolling without insight isn't an opinion, it's just rather pathetic.
Who hasn't got insight? I've been involved in aviation since before Ryanair existed. There's a LOT of information about Ryanair freely available to the public and even more so to those in the industry. Just because you don't like what I say doesn't mean I am wrong or making unfounded guesses. Don't like it? Not my problem.

Chesty Morgan
4th Mar 2024, 17:01
As before, ignore him. Slating other airlines is what gets him through the day, it says more about him and his insecurities than anything else and he’s embarrassing himself further with every bite.

Once the perpetual unpaid SBYs of Winter turns into the 6/2 pattern of 4am reports for the Lonsdale Express, he will be too busy (and tired) to come up with anything that even he believes is humorous.
Speaking of trolls...I know you'd love it to be true because it would make your rejection more palatable but I have never flown 6 days in a row, ever.

Sorry old boy, time to change the record, yours is broken.

Your first paragraph is deliciously ironic. Strike up another laugh.

4th Mar 2024, 18:51
Chomp chomp. The gift that keeps on giving.

Chesty Morgan
4th Mar 2024, 18:56
Lo! With predictable tedium yet another non-contributory post devoid of intelligence. Bye bye you sad man.

5th Mar 2024, 06:25
Lo! With predictable tedium yet another non-contributory post devoid of intelligence. Bye bye you sad man.

You sound like an egomaniac. Always need to belittle others and get the last word.

Chesty Morgan
5th Mar 2024, 07:12
No not at all, just those who propagate splenetic, ill informed, bilge that bubbles around them like a burst sewer with their 'here hold my brain while I type' performances.


5th Mar 2024, 13:35

May I politely remind you that these “chavs” you speak about on the “Lonsdale Express” help pay all our wages.

Matters not if you work for Ryanair, TUI, Jet2 or EasyJet.

It would be wise and also morally correct to show some respect to our paying customers.

I find your comments very disrespectful and downright arrogant.

midnight cruiser
5th Mar 2024, 14:06
Well, having sat in the back a few times on both, even Ryanair clientele are a cut above jet 2s, who mostly are very much C,D and E's, often very new to flying, compared to Ryanair to whom it's like a bus to see friends and family. The notable thing to me was that whereas the fabulous Ryanair crew are very thick skinned and adept at defusing conflict, on two occasions the jet2 crew were incredibly and unnecessarily confrontational with clients who displeased them, one poor woman bawled at for having the temerity to dare to move the CCs bag in the locker!

20th Mar 2024, 17:13
Any significant pay rises expected this year in Ryanair DAC (UK) ?

7th May 2024, 15:55
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could supply information for someone starting as a cadet.

I'm particularly interested in a few things:
Timeline between successful interview and type rating, and between type rating and base training.
The sort of base I can expect with Irish passport and Irish license. I guess Dublin is out. Is it most likely to be the UK?
Actual upgrade times at the moment.

8th May 2024, 07:27
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could supply information for someone starting as a cadet.

I'm particularly interested in a few things:
Timeline between successful interview and type rating, and between type rating and base training.
The sort of base I can expect with Irish passport and Irish license. I guess Dublin is out. Is it most likely to be the UK?
Actual upgrade times at the moment.

Current TRs being offered are end of July
Seemingly the BT is still happening a week or so after LST, but the wait between BT and LT remains 4-6 months. As far as a base, whilst a UK base seems logical, I’ve seen all sorts so prepare for anything.
also worth adding a group of TRs recently got delayed 8weeks part way through their course, no pay etc

R T Jones
8th May 2024, 11:16
4 to 6 months from base training to line training?! Is this down to the boeing delays or training capacity?

8th May 2024, 11:24
4 to 6 months from base training to line training?! Is this down to the boeing delays or training capacity?

lack of LTC

8th May 2024, 14:02
4 to 6 months from base training to line training?! Is this down to the boeing delays or training capacity?

A lack of trainers on the line, desperately short, and currently talk of a mass resignation of 50 trainers in Spain as well to compound the problem.

In the 2017 great pilot famine, sorry, rostering crisis, base training was the choke point in the pipeline. They have created a lot of base training capts and now also run the days from more airports, but all it did was push the bottle neck further down stream.

I have seen DE FO, rated on the 737, take 6 months in line training to do 40 sectors...

8th May 2024, 15:13
Thanks Singapore777 for the information. Concerning about the long gap between base and line training. Not just the delay and lack of salary, but also skill degradation. Though I am sure Ryanair is not the only airline facing issues.

midnight cruiser
8th May 2024, 20:05
I think type rated direct entries continue to get salary while they wait. Even so, a small number drift away to other jobs rather than wait.

dick byrne
9th May 2024, 20:47
The 100 or so Non Rated Flybe/Blue Islands P2s that came in over the last year took about 8 months to a year to get rated and checked. They were all on full SFO salary and rating paid for (bonded 12k reducing over three years) from day 1.

Cadets however are a very different story with renumeration until they are line checked. They then enter the CLA like everyone else.