View Full Version : AMARC Harrier Clearout

18th Aug 2023, 10:11
Looks like all the ex-UK GR7/GR9 at AMARC are off to the scrappy.....

The AMARC Experience - The AMARC Experience (http://www.amarcexperience.com/ui/index.php)

18th Aug 2023, 13:58
How sad; bloody shame.:{
Couldn't MOD find a role for them somewhere, after all things have changed since they were retired before their time? Perhaps the Scottish Air Force ;) would like them or maybe the Poles or the Baltic states could use them as they're so close to Belarus.

Easy Street
18th Aug 2023, 14:58
MOD doesn't have enough people to operate and maintain all the kit it already has, which at least saves us having to argue about whether a 3rd/4th gen manned combat aircraft is credible, useful or good value as an air support platform on the modern battlefield. If you need air superiority to operate, you don't need a combat aircraft: you can make do with a long endurance bomb truck or drones.

18th Aug 2023, 15:25
Plus they are no doubt fuselages with serial numbers slapped on the side. the internals and engines that are compatable will have long gone as no doubt the wings to replace those USMC aircraft possibly with high fatigues on them.

When you look at these, the wings are in trestles.


these in 2020 may be the replaced wings

18th Aug 2023, 19:48
They look like RAF wings with the extra pylon

21st Aug 2023, 10:30
Does carbon fibre/Composite fatigue? Serious question.

The USMC bought the Harriers for the parts, but there were a lot of parts different on the GR9 compared to the AV-8B - even the windscreen was different. Wings and fuselage were probably the least useful

21st Aug 2023, 11:01
Does carbon fibre/Composite fatigue? Serious question.

Yes but it has a very high fatigue point compared to other materials. I know people who build boats and they say that point at which you start to fatigue carbon fibre is relatively close to the failure point. Its biggest weakness is that is relatively susceptable to UV damage which is why if its going into direct sun and structural it will be painted