View Full Version : USA FAA. 61.75 proposed change.

11th Aug 2023, 18:52
For those of us who fly on occasional holidays this would make the 61.75 uneconomic.

12th Aug 2023, 08:09
This is about serving enforcement documentation so a little different.
I imagine similar to a Delaware holding company for owning N reg aircraft.

To get a 61.75 license no exam, skills test was needed so it’s only fair.
Either we level up the admin burden or how about removing it altogether…

12th Aug 2023, 14:46
For the hard of clicking...


Genghis the Engineer
12th Aug 2023, 15:22
Deadline for comments yesterday!

I imagine that in free-market USA, if this goes ahead, people will appear very quickly offering this "US agent" service. As I've two FAA licences, I hope so anyhow. I don't see however why this would make holding FAA licences uneconomic - a bit of free market competition hopefully ensures that costs aren't too horrendous. FAA in this announcement are estimating $150-$300pa, and my guess is that reality will often be much cheaper than that: or just use a foreign friend and buy them dinner occasionally!

I note that this appears to apply to all foreign licence holders, not just 61.75 licences.


12th Aug 2023, 18:05
$150 per year is uneconomic for someone who doesn't use it every year. Not a problem for frequent users.

12th Aug 2023, 22:03
There are a number of US based companies that offer agent services at a lower cost. They mainly serve small businesses but dont see why they wouldn't provide individual services. Google should give a basic list and start sending emails. Another point of contact are the trust companies that provide N registered services overseas.

Genghis the Engineer
13th Aug 2023, 15:55
$150 per year is uneconomic for someone who doesn't use it every year. Not a problem for frequent users.
It's only FAA's guess as to what it'll cost, not an authoritative statement.

I suspect that more budget options will appear reasonably quickly. Or many people will simply have friends and family somewhere in the USA they can ask a favour of.