View Full Version : FAA IPC In Canada

1st Aug 2023, 16:55
I'm an FAA ATP with FAA CFI and Instrument Instructor.
I'm based in CYAV where I do some free lance instructing.
I'm looking for anyone in Canada who also has that double eye, the Instrument Instructor
added to their FAA CFI.
Under the agreement between the US and Canada , holders of both Canadian and FAA Instrument ratings
can do their Instrument Proficiency Check with an FAA Instrument Instructor or a TC delegated examiner.
but the proviso is that the person receiving the IPC must have instrument ratings in both countries.

If you hold both, and would like to collaborate please drop me a PM.

8th Aug 2023, 22:15
Are you sure the US accepts a Canadian IPC in lieu of an FAA one? Transport accepts an FAA IPC as set out in para 5.1(11) in AC 401-005 (https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation/reference-centre/advisory-circulars/advisory-circular-ac-no-401-005).

16th Aug 2023, 20:20
I'm an FAA ATP with FAA CFI and Instrument Instructor.
I'm based in CYAV where I do some free lance instructing.
I'm looking for anyone in Canada who also has that double eye, the Instrument Instructor
added to their FAA CFI.
Under the agreement between the US and Canada , holders of both Canadian and FAA Instrument ratings
can do their Instrument Proficiency Check with an FAA Instrument Instructor or a TC delegated examiner.
but the proviso is that the person receiving the IPC must have instrument ratings in both countries.

If you hold both, and would like to collaborate please drop me a PM.
Hi. I need to recurrent my faa ifr on multi and then convert it to tcca one. Please let me know if it can be done here in Canada. Thanks.

25th Aug 2023, 15:21
Ramjet555: Can you conduct an FAA IPC? I havent flow in a wild. Am not sure, but i think i need an CFII! Thank you

25th Nov 2023, 21:32
RAMJET55 please share your email address so i can contact you regarding the same.

please its urgent or you can call me on 416-554-6747

26th Nov 2023, 23:57
Thanks Selfin,
Para 5.1(11) says;

Transport Canada currently has a licensing agreement with the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). Pilots who hold both a FAA and a Canadian licence endorsed with an Instrument Rating and complete an FAA IPC under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 61.57(d) will meet the Canadian instrument recency requirements.

As an FAA CFI-ii aka instrument instructor, I can do IPC's for holders of FAA Instrument ratings. All the inquiries I receive are from
those in Canada who hold or have held an FAA Instrument rating and who need a recent IPC and the written FAA to TC Instrrument rating conversion exam which is less intimidating and less study than the INRAT exam. Most for one reason or another obtained an FAA Instrument rating but cannot re-enter the USA for one reason or another and thats another story.

Most of those who hold Canadian and US instrument ratings do their renewals as IFR PPC's and don't need to to IPC's.

I believe I've spoken with most of the posters on this thread.
If I have not replied or returned you call send me an email.

[email protected]

10th May 2024, 14:48
Hi. I need to recurrent my faa ifr on multi and then convert it to tcca one. Please let me know if it can be done here in Canada. Thanks.
Hi Sab, just curious if you managed to convert your license! I'm also in the process and I'm not 100% sure if I need the IPC in multi as well