View Full Version : How to safely hire a helicopter...

1st Aug 2023, 03:23
From the latest CASA Australia newsletter...

Get ready to start showing AOC's, Insurance, Pilot license/medical, MR/Tech logs, etc... to your passengers... ;)

Ascend Charlie
1st Aug 2023, 05:11
They need to proof-read their stuff:
• Check whether your pilot whether they have a valid a ‘Class One Medical’ certificate.

And the picture of the B206 is printed backwards.

Some more huggy-fluffy stuff on their site:

​​​​​​​By placing First Nations people at the forefront of its reconciliation work, CASA has the potential to drive considerable reconciliation outcomes across its sphere of influence.

Yeah, but what are CA$A doing to revive General Aviation? Is this really achieving anything, other than Virtue Signalling? Does it increase safety and reduce costs to operators?

John Eacott
1st Aug 2023, 05:46
So CASA have reinvented the Bell 206 with the T/R on the starboard side: brilliant :ugh:


1st Aug 2023, 06:06
"So CASA have reinvented the Bell 206 with the T/R on the starboard side: brilliant https://www.pprune.org/images/smilies2/eusa_wall.gif"

Yep, and have moved the Radio shack at Ayers Rock as well... ;)

Ascend Charlie
1st Aug 2023, 06:40
And the blades go clockwise now too...

Bull at a Gate
1st Aug 2023, 14:30
But the number 5 on the ground is the right way around - if you look at it in a mirror.

1st Aug 2023, 14:58
Fixed the helicopter ..but screwed the Logo
Oh do they include a printable “Junior Aviation Inspector” badge to go with it.
Is it Ok to do this anytime I board an airliner too?


1st Aug 2023, 19:09
Is it Ok to do this anytime I board an airliner too?

Oh yes - each and every pax - it's fun on a QF A380!

2nd Aug 2023, 06:35
but screwed the LogoNo you didn't, CASA don't know whether they are coming or going, the price of fish, or anything else, quite appropriate actually.

2nd Aug 2023, 07:47
The job of a regulator is to regulate the industry so that the general public does not have to

Certify the fire prevention system at the school where I drop the children
Ensure the hygiene of the kichen at the restaurant where I eat
Certify the used cars on the road are technically reviewed

is CASA saying: we are not doing our job, its up to you the public to sort out your own safety.
I have to review my list of 3rd world countries, last time I checked Australia was not in it.