View Full Version : FAA License on the basis of a foreign license. FAA medical needed?

30th Jul 2023, 15:54
Hi All,

I've searched extensively for this but I'm having trouble getting the right answer.

I have an FAA PPL based on the basis of my foreign license (ICAO country). I've had it for over 14 years and have flown every year consistently since then in the US.

I remember very clearly when I first visited the FSDO to get it, that they told me it would always have to be accompanied by both my license of the foreign country and my medical certificate of the foreign country of which my license is based of.

Since then, I've flown over hundreds of hours in the US, had BFRs (and whatever they were called before), rented from multiple outlets and even got talked to by an ASI a few years ago because I declared an emergency for an oil leak and they've always accepted my medical from the country of which my license is based out of.

Tomorrow, I am meant, or was meant to, fly in another N registered plane to another country and they are simply persistent that I need to have an FAA medical. I've called the FAA hotline, which was of no help and the only thing I can find is (can't post link)

Part 61, Section 61.75

61.75 Private pilot certificate issued on the basis of a foreign pilot license - section b (4) Holds a medical certificate issued under (link to FAA medical) section or a medical license issued by the country that issued the person's foreign pilot license; and

If I am reading it right, it says I can either have an FAA medical or use my foreign based medical certificate with my FAA license.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm absolutely losing it and fighting a government entity is hard. Note - This is for flying an N registered plane in the Carribean. Asking for a permission to land.

30th Jul 2023, 20:00
That section is for the issue of the 61.75 certificate.

61.23 identifies when a medical certificate is required. There doesn’t appear to be an exception here for a 61.75 certificate holder, but see also 61.3 (thanks selfin )

Just because it’s not mentioned in 61.75, doesn’t mean these are the only requirements: eg. a Flight Review is also a requirement.

Good luck

30th Jul 2023, 21:15
Confirm: a non-US country is saying you need a US Medical to fly a US registered aircraft in their airspace with a 61.75 US Licence.

31st Jul 2023, 01:00
14 CFR 61.3(c)(2)(xi) (https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/chapter-I/subchapter-D/part-61/subpart-A/section-61.3#p-61.3(c)(2))