View Full Version : BA Euroflyer NQPP

27th Jul 2023, 06:34
I applied 2 weeks ago to the BA Euroflyer NQPP (Newly Qualified Pilot Pathway).

Has anybody else here applied?

Have you heard anything back?

27th Jul 2023, 14:42
I applied 2 weeks ago to the BA Euroflyer NQPP (Newly Qualified Pilot Pathway).

Has anybody else here applied?

Have you heard anything back?

Applied on the 18th, heard back on the 22nd, completed the recorded interview 3 days ago and now still waiting for an email back.

27th Jul 2023, 18:58
Been invited to do the Capacity test
Does anybody know of a good way/website/programme to prepare for this ?


28th Jul 2023, 10:05
Been invited to do the Capacity test
Does anybody know of a good way/website/programme to prepare for this ?


how long did you wait for a response once uploading the recorded interview?

28th Jul 2023, 19:15
how long did you wait for a response once uploading the recorded interview?
Around 3 - 4 days apologies can see you PMd me but your inbox is full

28th Jul 2023, 19:59
Around 3 - 4 days apologies can see you PMd me but your inbox is full

Currently on the 4th day myself, hopefully hear something after the weekend. Did they give you a date for the capacity test?

29th Jul 2023, 13:23

Has anyone who applied to BA CityFlyer a while back applied to the NQPP for Euroflyer? It says that you can't apply to any BA family until after 6 months since being rejected from CityFlyer. I haven't applied myself, but I wondered if anyone had anyway?

Thanks and good luck to those applying!

17th Aug 2023, 10:42
Similar here. Applied end of July, got requested to do the video interview 10th August, completed the interview on Sunday (13th). Haven't heard back yet.. I'm sure they have plenty to get through!
I also heard that they won't be doing sim check for those who make it through to the end of the process. Can anyone else confirm? Makes a refreshing change!

19th Aug 2023, 23:47
I believe this is true. A recruitment spokesperson said something along the lines of your APS MCC report is used as a replacement for a sim session…

25th Aug 2023, 14:30
Hi frew198, How did you get on? Good news I hope so far!?

I also got an invite to the capacity tests in a couple of weeks. Any useful tips?
A couple of blogs I found said that skytest wasn't particularly representative, so I'm trying "pilotaptitudtest.com" for practice)....

26th Aug 2023, 09:37

How was the pilotaptitudtest.com package?
any other tips for the capacity test?

27th Aug 2023, 21:09
Hi all, I've also got a date for the capacity test and wondered how everyone was preparing? Would be interested to hear feedback if anyone has done it already too.

Personally I've been using skytest but as above I've heard it isn't 100% accurate. It also seems to have a few glitches.

To answer some previous questions I actually had quite a long wait between completing the video interview and getting an invite, around 3 weeks. So if you're still waiting you may still be in the running!

31st Aug 2023, 18:23
Hi everyone! I can see the time from submitting recorded interview to hearing back seems to be varying between applicants.

Has anyone waited longer than 5 weeks? Getting slightly concerned/disheartened as I submitted my recorded interview on 24th July and still haven’t heard back. :cool:

Hopefully hear something soon! Do we know if unsuccessful emails have also been going out?

Thanks :)

9th Sep 2023, 15:38
Hi Guys, Has anyone done their Capacity Tests yet? Any idea on which website or service best replicated the BA Capacity Test ? Also on the Skytest Website, What would the relevant areas be worth practicing as they have a lot of different types of tests on there

10th Sep 2023, 16:13
Any success stories so far, or any set backs?

18th Sep 2023, 08:54
Has anyone else who has been successful at the Capacity Test been called forward for an interview?

I was told that I was successful on the 30th Aug but am still waiting on the next stage.

More time for interview prep, at least!

18th Sep 2023, 18:28
Hello, after a period of waiting I have been invited to the capacity test. does anybody have any idea at all what it involves?

20th Sep 2023, 14:36
Hi All,

Doesn't seem to be much of anyone say they have come out of the end one way or another! Will be good to hear how everyone has been getting on :ok:

Can anybody DM any direct feedback they may have from the group assessment and in person interview?

20th Sep 2023, 19:17
If anyone has any feedback on the group assessment and Interview please DM me :O

26th Sep 2023, 10:52
Hi, does anyone have a time frame on application to first stage. Applied beginning of september and yet to receive an email for capacity or recorded interview questions. Thanks

26th Sep 2023, 11:22
Hi All,

Doesn't seem to be much of anyone say they have come out of the end one way or another! Will be good to hear how everyone has been getting on :ok:

Can anybody DM any direct feedback they may have from the group assessment and in person interview?

Hey, any update on anyone getting back to you? I have the interview/group assessment coming up and can't find any feedback anywhere.

26th Sep 2023, 21:00
Hey, any update on anyone getting back to you? I have the interview/group assessment coming up and can't find any feedback anywhere.

Nope! Seems to be an awful lot of want and take but not give!

27th Sep 2023, 08:58
Nope! Seems to be an awful lot of want and take but not give!

so it seems. I've got it on the 4th Oct and will be happy to share feedback whatever the result. If you have yours soon best of luck friend!

27th Sep 2023, 09:20
so it seems. I've got it on the 4th Oct and will be happy to share feedback whatever the result. If you have yours soon best of luck friend!

I’ve sent you a PM by the way pal

27th Sep 2023, 10:36
I’ve sent you a PM by the way pal

just trying to get my 3 posts, this should be the last one

27th Sep 2023, 12:32
swflyboy Hi, I have a Capacity Test booked for mid-October. Do you have any feedback on what the test entails / preparation you think would be useful please? Feel free to DM me. Thanks in advance.

28th Sep 2023, 07:15
just trying to get my 3 posts, this should be the last one
Trying to send you a PM but your inbox is full

28th Sep 2023, 10:18
just trying to get my 3 posts, this should be the last one

Over your maximum already by the way it seems, need to clear out 😃

28th Sep 2023, 16:24
Hey, seems we are both booked in for the same day, send me a message mate :)

30th Sep 2023, 12:57
Hey, seems we are both booked in for the same day, send me a message mate :)

Hey, I haven’t applied through the NQPP but the ATO route, I’ve got the same date for the interview. I think we’re the first set to be put forward for interviews. I completed my capacity test start of august and have been waiting til now for the interview. I’ll see you then! Best of luck everyone!

1st Oct 2023, 07:00
Hey, I haven’t applied through the NQPP but the ATO route, I’ve got the same date for the interview. I think we’re the first set to be put forward for interviews. I completed my capacity test start of august and have been waiting til now for the interview. I’ll see you then! Best of luck everyone!
Have tried to DM, but they are full.

1st Oct 2023, 11:49
I applied 2 days after the NQPP opened and progressed to the video interview quickly, then waited 3 weeks to be told ‘no thanks’

Not sure where I went wrong - I was confident I hit they key points & competencies, particularly having gone to one of the roadshows (after I did the interview) they explained what they want to see / hear which validated I was on the right lines.

Equally frustrating as I was in a ‘hold pool’ for assessments for BA CityFlyer but was told I had to withdraw for NQPP, which I did. CityFlyer now open again which I can’t apply to until 6 months after my video interview.

at the roadshow they indicated they wanted 18 NQPP/Whitetails in the next year which seemed low.

From what I’m hearing they have massively underestimated the CityFlyer requirements, hence why they are now recruiting again.

1st Oct 2023, 21:59
Have tried to DM, but they are full.

Sorry about that, should be empty now. Cheers!

5th Oct 2023, 11:59
so it seems. I've got it on the 4th Oct and will be happy to share feedback whatever the result. If you have yours soon best of luck friend!

Heya, would you be able to send me the details for the group ex and interview with the questions they asked ? :)

5th Oct 2023, 17:03
so it seems. I've got it on the 4th Oct and will be happy to share feedback whatever the result. If you have yours soon best of luck friend!
Hi, how did you get on? Would you be able to share anything from the day? Thanks!

5th Oct 2023, 17:09
just trying to get my 3 posts, this should be the last one
Hi Timboslice. I'm due for assessment in a couple of weeks too. Any feedback on the interview/group ex would be highly appreciated please. Regardless, I hope yours went well and you get the result.

(Trying to get 3 posts too for PM)

6th Oct 2023, 09:15
Has anyone finished the final stage as of yet? Would be nice to know if people have got there and if they’ve had some good news! :)

6th Oct 2023, 11:42
TimboSlice I've managed to get my 3 posts to PM you but your inbox is full. (probably others like me pestering you for feedback!). Cheers!

8th Oct 2023, 00:40
Hi, does anyone know if joining Euroflyer gets you on the mainline seniority list?

I also see BA Cityflyer open for pilot applications at the minute, do their pilots join the seniority list also?


8th Oct 2023, 08:26
Hi, does anyone know if joining Euroflyer gets you on the mainline seniority list?

I also see BA Cityflyer open for pilot applications at the minute, do their pilots join the seniority list also?


Euroflyer yes, Cityflyer no

18th Oct 2023, 10:13
Capacity test went ok for me. I practiced using skytest (follow PFD TCAS, climb and descent calcs etc..). BA give you the formula to use.
just make the best of trying to fix the fuel and electrical issues when you can.
I prioritised tcas and climb/descent calcs.

Got an invite to the next stage interview.
But that was a month ago. Have been refreshing my profile literally ten times per day but still haven't seen any further dates become available to book.

Has anyone else found it equally tricky to find an interview slot?

19th Oct 2023, 18:16
Hi All,
Does anyone have any feedback from the interview day? Sounds like they've started the first few assessment days now, and hearing afew people have been offered jobs! I've just booked in for my interview in a couple of weeks time, so was just looking for any advice anyone might have.
Good luck to those of you with interviews soon!

21st Oct 2023, 09:44
Anyone swimming in the pool and got a start date yet?

22nd Oct 2023, 05:53
Did you have a good choice of available slots when you selected yours? Would be great to know of any start dates. Good luck all.

22nd Oct 2023, 07:19
Did you have a good choice of available slots when you selected yours? Would be great to know of any start dates. Good luck all.

available slots for what?

23rd Oct 2023, 08:20
so it seems. I've got it on the 4th Oct and will be happy to share feedback whatever the result. If you have yours soon best of luck friend!

hey Timbo, I have my assessment a few days later than you and I would appreciate all the help I can get :)

28th Oct 2023, 12:14
Hi Guys, I also have the final stage interview coming up. Any advice I could possibly get would be really appreciated!

8th Nov 2023, 13:13
Hi All,

I have just been invited to the video interview for the NQPP and wondered if anyone could shed any light as to what questions they got during this stage?

Any help greatly appreciated!

10th Nov 2023, 16:07
Hey all, apologies for the disappearance, been busy training.
Also, my inbox still only allows for 1 single message at any time so I haven't been able to see any dm's.
I was fortunate enough to be selected as a whitetail for BAEF so I'll put some information here for anyone who wants it.

Some questions included:

What does CRM mean to you
how can you as a pilot/FO help BA be commercial?
Tell me how you've had to adapt your communication style?
Tell me about a time you've lead a team
Tell me about a time you've made a mistake and how you've learnt from it.
What do professional standards mean to you
How can you as a pilot contribute to the sustainability goals.

These are some of the noteworthy ones along with all the other typical interview question you expect.
They're interviewing you to see if they can sit in a cockpit with you for 12 hours straight, they know you'll be able to fly an A320, so be as confident as you can be, super enthusiastic about the opportunity to work for BAEF, and most importantly be as relaxed and easy-going as you can.

I hope this helps, and best of luck to you all!!

16th Nov 2023, 20:40
Hey guys,
Has anyone recently completed the NQPP or Whitetail aptitude test and if so any feedback? Ive got sky test.com but was wondering if there's any other ways I should be prepping.
Thanks in advance and good luck to you all!

20th Feb 2024, 11:31
Hi all,

thanks for great feedback so far. Could anyone shed some light on the video assessment for the eurofyler application?


23rd Feb 2024, 10:25
Hi everyone,

For those who were successful at the final assessment - how long were you in the hold pool for? I was successful a couple of weeks back and would like to get a rough idea of whether to expect weeks vs months swimming at the moment!

Thanks, and good luck to those applying!

24th Feb 2024, 12:45
Hi everyone,

For those who were successful at the final assessment - how long were you in the hold pool for? I was successful a couple of weeks back and would like to get a rough idea of whether to expect weeks vs months swimming at the moment!

Thanks, and good luck to those applying!

Sent you a PM.

24th Feb 2024, 20:08
Have been successful at the final stage recently - interested if anyone has any info on this too^^

2nd Mar 2024, 11:51
I applied under the NQPP but have learned it’s recently been rebranded as Speedbird Self-sponsored Pathway.

I passed the capacity test some weeks ago and have been invited for final assessment but still no dates available? Anybody else in the same boat? When I was invited for capacity test I could book on immediately. However, for final assessment I’ve been checking multiple times a day since I learned I passed.

3rd Mar 2024, 09:51
Has anyone passed interview recently and know how long you’ll usually be in the hold pool for until start dates/offer will be given?

4th Mar 2024, 08:07
I applied under the NQPP but have learned it’s recently been rebranded as Speedbird Self-sponsored Pathway.

I passed the capacity test some weeks ago and have been invited for final assessment but still no dates available? Anybody else in the same boat? When I was invited for capacity test I could book on immediately. However, for final assessment I’ve been checking multiple times a day since I learned I passed.

you’ll get an email when a slot is available :)

4th Mar 2024, 14:17
I'm also curious about the above posts.

Anybody in the hold pool had a start date yet?

Any info would be greatly appreciated! :)

6th Mar 2024, 10:49
Long shot but does anyone have any indication on how long the current rebrand of the NQPP will be open for?

9th Mar 2024, 13:39
Has anyone recently done the capacity test and give a breakdown of what it consists of?

13th Mar 2024, 14:48
Hi what software do you use to practice eagle test/ capacity test?

4th Apr 2024, 13:21
I think Skytest is the best one to use. It's a similar software to what BAs capacity test is like

8th Apr 2024, 22:38
Skytest was useful but don’t become overly reliant on it. It’s good for getting an impression of what the test is like. It was worth the £60 odd spent on it just to get a grasp of what the test is about.

10th Apr 2024, 17:05
Yeah it gives an idea of the actual capacity test but there are still differences such as the descent calculations, electric checklist and priming the fuel pumps for a longer time

20th Apr 2024, 09:33
For SkyTest, is it the entire package? Or specific tests worth looking at?

20th Apr 2024, 10:53
For SkyTest, is it the entire package? Or specific tests worth looking at?

You will need to buy the circa. £90 UK pilot aptitude test package. Once in there it’s only one test, found within BA supplements, think it was called flight capacity test.
With that said, I believe a maths test has now also been introduced so will be worth having a look at those elements too.

all the best with it!

20th Apr 2024, 11:04
For SkyTest, is it the entire package? Or specific tests worth looking at?

just the Capacity test module

22nd Apr 2024, 16:29
Has anyone got an idea of rough hold pool times at the moment for non type rated?

23rd Apr 2024, 19:37
Hi guys,
Completed my capacity test and was wondering how long after did people find out if they were successful?

24th Apr 2024, 06:55
Hi guys,
Completed my capacity test and was wondering how long after did people find out if they were successful?

Within few days for me, when was your test?

24th Apr 2024, 07:31
Within few days for me, when was your test?

Only on Monday so hopefully won’t be too long.

24th Apr 2024, 08:15
Hi guys,
Completed my capacity test and was wondering how long after did people find out if they were successful?

They’re usually very quick. So you should know next day

24th Apr 2024, 08:42
They’re usually very quick. So you should know next day

that’s good to know. I did it on Monday so fingers crossed I’ll get something today

27th Apr 2024, 11:53
Hi Folks, any recent feedback from the interview and Group Ex?

14th May 2024, 16:34
How long did people have to wait to find out after the Group Ex/Interview day. Myself and everyone on the day has been waiting a number of days now, just wondering if this is normal.

14th May 2024, 18:51
How long did people have to wait to find out after the Group Ex/Interview day. Myself and everyone on the day has been waiting a number of days now, just wondering if this is normal.

They usually tell you the next day

14th May 2024, 18:52
They usually tell you the next day

Thanks mate, next day was 5 days ago🙄

16th May 2024, 21:51
Just got my offer (pre-ATO self sponsored) after the assessment day that happened a week ago. Strange I get it at 10pm, but happy nonetheless!

17th May 2024, 02:13
Anybody joining mainline on 2nd September? Be good to link up with others joining on that date.

17th May 2024, 06:51
Anybody joining mainline on 2nd September? Be good to link up with others joining on that date.

Congratulation's on the start date. Haven’t got mine yet but out of interest when was your assessment?

17th May 2024, 11:33
I got a conditional offer in early April but still waiting for a base/start date. Anyone else had to wait this long?

17th May 2024, 23:35
I got an offer in early April but I still don’t have a base/start date yet. Anyone else been waiting this long?

18th May 2024, 01:28
From what I understand, people who were successful in April are still waiting calls - that's just from speaking to others on this forum. Those that were successful at assessments in Feb/March have been offered September starts and got calls within a couple of weeks. Assuming April people will be next - fingers crossed you get the news you're after soon!

18th May 2024, 10:09
BA did mention they’re looking at a roughly 6 month lead time for start dates. I was successful at the end of April so am assuming it’ll be October start at least.

29th May 2024, 17:27
any luck with a phone call yet?

Nearly two weeks into the hold pool, hopefully we all hear soon ish!

29th May 2024, 20:30
Nothing for me yet. Been in the pool for nearly 2 months now

30th May 2024, 05:46
Been in the hold pool for approx 2 months. We were told to expect end of year start dates, if not later!

30th May 2024, 06:58
Been in the hold pool for approx 2 months. We were told to expect end of year start dates, if not later!

When did you get put into the hold pool, was it April?

1st Jul 2024, 17:06
Anyone recently heard from the hold pool or had an update?

1st Jul 2024, 17:53
Nothing here. Have you?

1st Jul 2024, 17:57
Sadly still nothing. Been holding since May 16th.

1st Jul 2024, 18:00
My expectation is an early spring start now, judging by how many cadets have finished base training in the last couple of months. An update would be good though!

1st Jul 2024, 18:02
Looks that way.

Will need to ask but my IR is invalid as of January 1st so will need to see if I need to revalidate it… hopefully not

1st Jul 2024, 18:38
I asked at my interview day about my IR and they said as long as you’ve had an IR then that’s okay, it doesn’t need to be valid.

Been in the hold pool now since early April!

1st Jul 2024, 18:56
We asked that at our assessment day - they told us it didn’t need to be in date as it’s renewed as part of the type rating. Otherwise more or less everyone would be in this position!

1st Jul 2024, 19:14
Fantastic! In that case I’m not fussed about waiting🤣

1st Jul 2024, 19:41
Seems there are some delays due to training capacity at the moment. Some cadets are waiting a month or so between TR and base training. Won’t surprise me if we don’t hear anything by the end of the summer.