View Full Version : What is your favorite general aviation airport to land in and why?

22nd Jul 2023, 09:01
Your choice can be based on personal experience, nice scenery, best $100 burger, etc.

My personal choice would be Shelter Cove airport (0Q5) in California. Been my dream to go there one day because I’ve heard good things plus the views and scenery are incredible.

23rd Jul 2023, 03:14

Not if you're in a 'Fork-Tailed-Dr-Killer'.........



23rd Jul 2023, 08:25

Not if you're in a 'Fork-Tailed-Dr-Killer'.........


Technically, I guess, they didn't really land at Shelter Cove airport.

23rd Jul 2023, 08:30
Compton Abbas, Dorset, U.K.
Although, to be fair, I haven’t visited since the new owner took over.
Used to be lovely to visit, with friendly restaurant and I’ve heard it’s still worth dropping in.

23rd Jul 2023, 10:53

Not if you're in a 'Fork-Tailed-Dr-Killer'..

Beat me to it - watching that last night!

Best - or perhaps most interesting - of the airfields I've flown into as pax is probably Catalina Island in an Archer. In the UK probably Sandown about thirty five years ago. Sounds like it's even better these days...

Jan Olieslagers
23rd Jul 2023, 18:02
EBKH Keiheuvel. Good club atmosphere, very fine resto. Only need to look out for the gliders.

India Four Two
24th Jul 2023, 02:24
Compton Abbas, Dorset, U.K.

I am tempted to agree with eckhard, but for me, Oshkosh (KOSH) during Airventure wins out.

24th Jul 2023, 06:55
In the UK,

Another vote for Compton Abbas
2nd on the list, Lee-on-the-Solent. A fine example to local councils everywhere (Fareham bought the site and have invested in it - I wish every local authority would do the same, like they do in France).


27th Jul 2023, 11:23
Anywhere with sensible landing fees

Jan Olieslagers
29th Jul 2023, 18:12
Anywhere with sensible landing fees
And what would you call "sensible"? EBKH and EBZH are at 5 euros.

30th Jul 2023, 00:25
I am tempted to agree with eckhard, but for me, Oshkosh (KOSH) during Airventure wins out.
I've done it twice - definitely cool!
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x396/screenshot_20230723_103019_904_1d4899f054790764e421f32337c30 b8537bf84ca_db427c5dc736c868bef2d56567bb99f354c60572.png

Also in the USA - Candlelight Farms (11N) in New Milford, CT and Harris Hill (4NY8) where I used to tow and soar gliders.

Genghis the Engineer
30th Jul 2023, 22:13
By a significant margin, Glenforsa on the Isle of Mull, Scotland.

Reasons? Amazing scenery, good runway, next to a beach, next to a hotel that also serves fantastic food.


https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.squarespace-cdn.com%2Fcontent%2Fv1%2F5ef8c38885e5a74b00bb581c%2F16063187 02941-TV6JGD0RNB9AFTCUCWVB%2Fairfield%2B4.JPG&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8f3e7cd539c373d26a69ab7e75dd6096f8f35ae468aae11c6cc92c6e b3018fb0&ipo=images

pax britanica
2nd Aug 2023, 10:20

It will take a lot to beat you with that pic

Genghis the Engineer
2nd Aug 2023, 14:09
To be honest, I just found that picture online and linked it, but I do have fairly similar ones of my own of the same airfield. I am very much a fan of it.


2nd Aug 2023, 16:42
Jekyll Island on the GA/FL border. Great restaurant just a golf cart ride away.
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1299x1539/janddimages_20032421_3001_20_20reduced_753a0bf615beb21cf0afe ac1e6cdf57f0e2b7fe1.jpg

Local Variation
4th Aug 2023, 21:08
Florida is a dream location for GA flying right across the state. So many airfields and great welcoming people along the way.

A couple of memorable trips to fly-in communities, most notably Spruce Creek and it’s Downwind restaurant (think it’s now closed?).

And another community fly-in trip west coast north of Tampa where just 5 minutes after landing, finding ourselves parked up on some kind hearted fella’s driveway. Invited in to their home, offered homemade chocolate cake and drinking fresh coffee. Quite comical tbh. They do love a British accent.

Nearer to home, another vote for Compton A. But abit too busy when it comes to the cafe, with lots of visitors by road.

Caernarfon worthy of a mention. Huge Sunday roasts.

Waltham remains my favourite to fly into. Could sit there all day watching the world and Heathrow arrivals saunter by.

5th Aug 2023, 18:47
“Waltham remains my favourite to fly into. Could sit there all day watching the world and Heathrow arrivals saunter by.”


I nearly put WW first as well, due to the great food, but CA wins due to its rural location.

sudden twang
6th Aug 2023, 02:10
You used to get priority for food if you flew in to CA