View Full Version : PPL USA hour building

10th Jul 2023, 23:20
Hello all, I’m currently finishing my PPL and have been told about the perks of hour building in the USA.
Was looking for any info, heads up from anyone that did hour building in the States, and what flight schools they recommend.
Note: It’s for an EASA PPL (A)
Thanks in advance.

11th Jul 2023, 05:13
Note: It’s for an EASA PPL (A)Airplanes and logbooks don't care which licence you have. There's a BASA which let's you get an FAA certificate very easily. The perks of the US tend to be better weather enabling you to hour build quicker.

11th Jul 2023, 11:49
Airplanes and logbooks don't care which licence you have. There's a BASA which let's you get an FAA certificate very easily. The perks of the US tend to be better weather enabling you to hour build quicker.

Thanks for the reply, I also understand that It’s quite a lot cheaper I believe than doing it in Europe or UK.
Do you have any schools that you can recommend?

11th Jul 2023, 21:01
Never been an hour builder, but have rented in the US. Consider living cost as well as rental. Most of my cheapest has been Grand Junction, Colorado and Rapid City South Dakota. Consider other states in that area. Montana, Utah, Idaho etc. Hire car, Motel6 B&(no B - just coffee). Almost new C172 etc much cheaper than UK.

11th Jul 2023, 23:15
Do you have any schools that you can recommend?

Since you will not be training for a certificate or license there is no restriction to where you can go. There are literally 1000’s of options.
I think you’re asking the wrong question.
Decide what you want to do first then start looking which state to go to then start contacting schools/rentals.
Do you want to tuttle around locally twice a day or do you want to fly cross country and only cross country? Will you be alone or with a flying buddy?
South Florida to California and back is 50 hrs.
Which means from anywhere central USA to Florida and back is around 25 and so will be to Cali and back.
Also these 50-100 hrs don’t need to be at the same school. Do 25-30 hrs then move two states and do another 25-30 hrs then move again.
This will be the only time ( the ONLY!!) that you and only you will decide on how much fun you will have.
Everything else you do will just be about training and meeting requirements.
Its summer time in Alaska by the way.
You can look up airports here:


12th Jul 2023, 12:04
[h]our building in the USA. ...

To what end do you want to hour build? Most (95%)the "hour builders" I've come across are CFI's building hours to be an Airline Pilot (ATP).
Never the less, the cheapest way (other than being a CFI) here (and other places) is to just buy a Cessna 150/152 (or equiv. - . Light Sport) and fly it every day.

12th Jul 2023, 12:31
If you're going to the US it's advisable to get an FAA IR. You have to do those 40 hours anyway, so you're really just paying for the instructor. Why? You can convert it to a CAA/EASA IR in 10 hours, then simply do an MEIR add on (5 hours). You'll save £10k easily.

12th Jul 2023, 13:22
If you're going to the US it's advisable to get an FAA IR. You have to do those 40 hours anyway, so you're really just paying for the instructor. Why? You can convert it to a CAA/EASA IR in 10 hours, then simply do an MEIR add on (5 hours). You'll save £10k easily.

Good recommendation.
Frankly doing all of your training in the US or Canada then doing a conversion in Europe is cheaper.
Whole different kettle of fish then time building.

15th Jul 2023, 11:38
I did my time building in Florida, and know a few others who did the same. If you’re looking to meet the hour requirement to move on in training quickly, then the US can be great. Just remember to consider weather during the time you choose to go out, as it took me about 4 months with some interruptions, but someone else I know about 3 weeks.

There are schools out there that include a short ground course, check flight and accommodation as part of the course cost, as well as assist with the paperwork required for you to fly out there on your foreign license (includes some confirmation between the FAA and your authority).