View Full Version : Best online ppl ground school UK

8th Jul 2023, 12:18
I’m looking to start my ppl soon and I have been recommended to do the ground school before starting so I’m wondering which one is the best.

10th Jul 2023, 13:02
I’m looking to start my ppl soon and I have been recommended to do the ground school before starting so I’m wondering which one is the best.
I'm just about to start too, i was told to crack on with lessons and do the ground school in parallel/bad weather days.

11th Jul 2023, 07:33
All of our students join AOPA UK (free membership for 2 years), then use their online ground school. Once they've achieved very good results in a number of mock tests they are issued a readiness certificate and they do each exam in our club's PPL Exam Centre with me. 100% pass rate so far but - best of all - they gain the necessary knowledge.

15th Jul 2023, 11:42
I’m a big fan of “Easy PPL Ground School”, which I used in my own time alongside training at my ATO. They did some nice summary decks for each subject back when I used them, and you were able to select packages for the subjects you needed. I know a lot of organisations that offer PPL training are affiliated with them, and their decks are quite reflective of what you will face in the tests.

bugged on the right
30th Jul 2023, 15:30
I don't know if it has changed but the theory exams were time limited. You had to complete your flight test within a certain time or the whole lot would expire. Take care if this is still the case that you complete the theory at the last possible moment to give yourself the most time for flying. A year with constant bad weather can be devastating.

30th Jul 2023, 16:15
@DFW442 and Andy:

Good luck with the PPL course. The book 'Handling Light Aircraft' by Julien Evans - available in Kindle format - might be useful to you.